Personal sharing with my CP Family

This is hard to admit...I lost my way over last weekend and drank heavily. F**k! 9 months today. I can't do this again and am not strong enough to live in a house with a spouse who refuses to stop drinking and tells me all the things I used to say. Complete denial of the problem. I'm putting myself back into rehab on Monday or Tuesday for a 28 day stint. I need to get away and think straight and not be around alcohol. I'm not strong enough and not there yet. I thought I was, and tested the boundaries with a glass of wine, which turned into three which turned into 2 1/2 BIG bottle in the span of 30 hours. Dammit. I restarted my AA clock at 24 hours yesterday, took my 18 yr old to the meeting to meet my AA family, and will do this again. I can't be that person ever again. I was so sick and poisoned 9 months ago, I can't even believe I'm alive. 
Long story short, thanks for the good words in the past and I'll be away for a while. I will miss this family and the camaraderie we share. But, I need to do this. I owe a couple packages that I'll try to get in the mail before the weekend, but I also have 300 things to do with work, bills, cars, family, parents, son, etc. If I don't get them out before I go, please forgive me and know that in September, when I come home, I'll more than make up for my tardiness.
Thanks all. Sorry for letting you down.
Best of luck Trey. Will be thinking of you in your recovery.
Quiting  takes practice. Don't beat yourself up too bad; just get back on the wagon. I don't know anyone who did it the first time and it stuck.
Devil Doc said:
Quiting  takes practice. Don't beat yourself up too bad; just get back on the wagon. I don't know anyone who did it the first time and it stuck.
Thanks, Doc.
You've shown you have the will and the desire to make yourself healthier.  You can do it.
We're here for you Trey. :(  Please take care of your self and everything else will fall into place.
Trey, don't worry about the Pass it Forward, I can take that over for you.  Take care and hope to hear from you again soon.

You'll get there, one step and one day at a time. There is no fault in admitting you are weak and need help. Weakness is often associated with in masculinity. I believe quite the opposite, it takes a real man to admit he is vulnerable/weak.

Wishing you a safe and prosperous journey.

Be well,

Setharsis said:
Trey, don't worry about the Pass it Forward, I can take that over for you.  Take care and hope to hear from you again soon.
I got it covered already.
Take care, you will beat it if you want to and I think you do.  My son has been in AA for 3 months and so far so good.  Only you can beat it.
Hey Brother- got my 6 year coin on July 12th, after about 15 years of collecting 24 hour coins.  It's rare to get it the firs time. My bottom was lower than many, not as low as others, but I can tell you that having the state of mind to rein it in and do the right thing by getting help is nothing to be ashamed of.  With some time and help, you'll figure out all of the peripheral stuff when it comes to daily living, personal relationships and everything that makes that first drink make so much sense at the time.  One day at a time is a well-worn cliche for a's a solid foundation.  I'm not an AA evangelist, it isn't a cure-all for every person, but it has been the one thing that kept me from dying from alcohol after trying every possible thing I could think of.  Get all you can from your 28 day program, get a sponsor, go to meetings, and don't drink in between.  That sounds flippant, but after 6 years of sobriety it remains the best plan I know of. Don't be ashamed, don't beat yourself up, and trust me....if you've still got the motor skills and cognitive awareness to type words onto a cigar board, you are very, very, very far from hopeless.
Happy to talk to you anytime, I do my best to walk the walk when it comes to the program.  That's what it's all about.
zeemanb said:
Hey Brother- got my 6 year coin on July 12th, after about 15 years of collecting 24 hour coins.  It's rare to get it the firs time. My bottom was lower than many, not as low as others, but I can tell you that having the state of mind to rein it in and do the right thing by getting help is nothing to be ashamed of.  With some time and help, you'll figure out all of the peripheral stuff when it comes to daily living, personal relationships and everything that makes that first drink make so much sense at the time.  One day at a time is a well-worn cliche for a's a solid foundation.  I'm not an AA evangelist, it isn't a cure-all for every person, but it has been the one thing that kept me from dying from alcohol after trying every possible thing I could think of.  Get all you can from your 28 day program, get a sponsor, go to meetings, and don't drink in between.  That sounds flippant, but after 6 years of sobriety it remains the best plan I know of. Don't be ashamed, don't beat yourself up, and trust me....if you've still got the motor skills and cognitive awareness to type words onto a cigar board, you are very, very, very far from hopeless.
Happy to talk to you anytime, I do my best to walk the walk when it comes to the program.  That's what it's all about.
Thanks, Z. I'm trying to not be too hard on me, but, damn....I hate this disease. I WILL beat it. I hate that I just let all of my Brothers here down and didn't live up to my own expectations. Good words from you, and they help. I'll be at Vermillion in Lafayette, LA in the FLAGS program. I start Wednesday morning. I'll talk to you when I get back. Thanks again for the good words.
I guess I'm coming to grips with being a functioning beer lover.
Quiting is tough.

Stay strong brother pm incoming.
Good luck and remember that it is about the journey. You seem to be at peace with your addiction and you Jane some soul searching to do as far as the people you allow in your life. Good luck and male this month good.
Just seeing this now, Trey.  You are already off the grid for a little while, but if you see this when you return, know that I'm keeping you in my thoughts the whole time.  Whenever you get back, I'm just an e-mail away.  Keep your head up.  You don't fail until you give up trying.
I admire the courage it takes to not only talk about this, but to do something about it.
Find you way back onto the path and start moving forward again.

"Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water."

Looking forward to seeing your posts again soon Trey.
One day at a time, you did it for nine months you can do it for a lifetime. Smart move taking your son to the AA meeting.
Evening all! I'm done with my 28 day rehab. Feeling confident, proud to be here and will be home in a couple hours. Thanks to all you, my family, for the words of encouragement and faith. 1 month plus three days is the count. Here's to many, many more anniversaries around here and I'll be getting some much-delayed smokes out over the weekend! Y'all have a fantastic SOBER day! Woo Hoo! [emoji1][emoji1][emoji443]