.48 Years 5.80 Months 176 Days 4,217 hours.
Life is good, feels good to be "me" again after so long in the dark.
And if you'll indulge me, a pic of my daughter I never knew, finally met and we'd been looking for each other. Very long story...short version: I was very in love with her mom from childhood, we were too young, she conceived, wanted to marry and have a girl together, her parents forbade on religious grounds, she vanished, I spent 20 years thinking it was me that somehow screwed up...found out different. Married and started career in Air Force, had a son. E and I finally found each other and she and her mom and I are all close now.
E is my love and so perfectly completes my family. Bonus, she and my son are close now and I'm surprising him with flying her in on his 18th birthday in two weeks!

SSSHHH! Secret-squirrel!
Y'all have a wonderful Saturday!
Edit to remove name and photo...second thoughts about internet/public, etc. Suffice to say she's a gorgeous 22.