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Ok, here is my take on the issue.

Questions were asked to Roger (dkplrp). Which in themselves do not create a problem, it was the way he decided to answer them which pissed me off. I respect this board and the members here more than Roger.
I do think Roger is playing with you all. To me he is avoiding the questions, clouding the issue, and worse lying to the community.

It was the last part that made me think....no more. Lets take a closer look at his answers.

I don't care much for sharks who prey on little fish then try to sell their winnings back to the poor chumps who lost them. Is this the case? Cause if it is...


As far as selling my winnings... NO but that dosent mean that if I won a Padron 6000 that I will never sell another Padron 6000 because I have... thats because I have 2 boxes of them along with about 800 other various cigars.

To sum it up

I just love cigars & POKER

Ok, Roger said he does not, that does not mean he has not tried. I will get back to this.

Lets look at another question.

Why are sale threads being deleted?

Well Rod as far as my deleted thread..There was a lack of interest for the cigars I was offering.
I never read anywhere that it not allowed or even frowned upon. I don't have the pic or even really recall what they were other then the one that was specifically referenced it the post. It wont happen again by me

The underline is where I believe Roger is lying.

For now lets agree what Roger has said "Lack of interest" so he removed them. Okay fine, even we know this isn't true.

I did delete the cigars for sale post... it's gone, just a bunch of overpriced cigars for sale. If i've done anything wrong .... well what ever. Other then that we ALL contribute in our OWN way

Now Roger said it was a bunch of overpriced cigars. Did you catch that?
He admitted to trying to make a profit. Was it overpriced or lack of interest?
The real reason for the removal was because other members on the board were watching out of others here and calling a profiteer a profiteer.
Lack of interest because too many people posted what a rip off they were.

So then, why was Roger selling cigars overpriced?
Was it because he was looking for a profit?
Or was it from his winnings and incorrectly priced the cigars?

Back in late July or early August I had this conversation with Roger.

dkprlp said:
Nimrod said:
Hey Roger.

Do you like Illusions?

hell ya

Back in late July or early August, I shipped him a ~4/2~ Illusione as part of his winnings.
Right after this, guess which cigar showed up in a pic up for sale in his BST thread?
I know Roger did not have a box of these, in fact he told me in the CP poker room he had a few ~888~ and ~88~ or ~f9~.
I forgot exactly what, but the point is, he did not have this vitola in his collection.

So the answer is YES, he did try to sell his poker winnings. And he knows this.
He also knows where the pic is.
Please do not give me this, 'oh I lost the pic', or 'I have no idea where it is now'.
To post pics on any board they must be located on another server somewhere, I will not go about this in detail, but
the point is, he does know where they are and he knows what were the contents.

So why is he lying about not knowing the exactly contents? I have no idea.
Roger could have been straight up with you all and told you what he did. There is no rule against what he did.
It just pisses me off that he is lying to the community, and just the way he is handling this situation is uncalled for. Devil Doc said it correctly when he said "he seems to be enjoying the drama and attention."

I will not be playing with dkplrp anymore. If he is dishonest with the community here, he will be dishonest in other places as well.
I have also played poker with Roger many times and although we are even i will no longer be player him anymore. Im a newbie here and would never try to sell something i had won. I find it enjoyable to recieve smokes that i have not tried. Im not in it to make money. I myself am looking to become creditable here at CP. How will anyone trust and respect a new guy at CP if someone thats been around for a while is doing fishy things.
Now Roger said it was a bunch of overpriced cigars. Did you catch that?
He admitted to trying to make a profit.

Uh, no, he said they were overpriced. If I paid $35 for Opus and tried to sell them for $25 each back, I'd be laughed at because they are overpriced. The thread even said that one of the cigars was selling for a very good price.

If your other accusations are true, though, that's not good. I personally don't care if the guy is banned, the poker room is closed, whatever. This thread is full of nothing but assumptions and sly accusations in the form of questions, though. That's what bothers me. If you think he's a liar, either show hard proof or move on and don't deal with him, imo.

Wait for the next fuckup and light the fire, I say. The searchlights and hounddogs are already out.
Cheating is unacceptable to me. If I suspected someone of cheating I would refuse to play with that person. There have been circumstances where I have been cheated out of my winnings by players loosing and not paying at all. Just disappearing and never showing there face here again. Others that have won from me which were paid in a timely manner but when they loose they disappear not to return.
....like who? Got some names of folks that have "disappeared".....??

Yes I have there user names... Do you think you can help me recope my losses?

If you feel you don't need to let others know of this issue, maybe it's time for you to move along to another playground.
I hope someone addresses my issue with the chat badmouthing before this thread locks down....
Phil, I wasn't badmouthing chat. Chat and poker are two extensions of CP and the point I was trying to make was that I don't feel people should join CP just for the sole purpose of using one or the other. I never said anything about chat in a negative light.
Brian, my post was honestly directed outward to the general public, not anyone specifically, as I have heard/seen several disparaging remarks about chat posted recently. Thank you for throwing in your take, I agree that ideally if people are going to participate in one of the legs of CP they should at least be following the board.
To go back to the question comparing chat and poker...

100,000 chat snippets, and only 100 posts - is he a contributing member

Take away the person in questions posts regarding chat and selling cigars, and what do you have left? There's your answer. Take away Roger's posts regarding poker and selling cigars, and what do you have left?

And Phil - I'm hoping the bad mouthing of the chat room, particularly in the poker-related threads, is answered before the thread is locked down.
Oh, this ones gonna hurt!

How'd the cash poker games turn out for ya?

"I played a lot $$ till they put the KIBOCH on the online gambling thing. Playin for fun is just NOT the same got to find a regular cash game..."

Now, if anyone still thinks you're here to have fun and enjoy cigars...I hope they enjoy playing poker with you!
Lol, whats really funny is I thought you all were just quipping about the chat room. I think I had been to it maybe twice, and didn't try to click the link recently, until now.
Wow, he played for cash in 2007. Jesus... all the accusations must be true now.
And we'll never know if they are all true, the sale post still hasn't been addressed.

Yeah, I know. Did you hear that his first post here was a buy, too?!?


Just PM Rod and get the fker banned already. Your agenda is embarrassing.
Cheating is unacceptable to me. If I suspected someone of cheating I would refuse to play with that person. There have been circumstances where I have been cheated out of my winnings by players loosing and not paying at all. Just disappearing and never showing there face here again. Others that have won from me which were paid in a timely manner but when they loose they disappear not to return.
....like who? Got some names of folks that have "disappeared".....??

Yes I have there user names... Do you think you can help me recope my losses?
Actually, yes. That's what a community does.

If there are members that owe sticks that haven't paid up after being contacted privately and given every possible opportunity to pay up, the community should know.

If there are folks that register only to play poker, lose, and then disappear, that would be good to know as well. Points to a larger issue.

Just PM Rod and get the fker banned already. Your agenda is embarrassing.
...one could wonder the same about you. What's your agenda, John...??

Do you know something we don't? Do you know for sure he's completely on the up and up? A buddy of yours?

Ok, here is my take on the issue.

Questions were asked to Roger (dkplrp). Which in themselves do not create a problem, it was the way he decided to answer them which pissed me off. I respect this board and the members here more than Roger.
I do think Roger is playing with you all. To me he is avoiding the questions, clouding the issue, and worse lying to the community.

It was the last part that made me think....no more. Lets take a closer look at his answers.

I don't care much for sharks who prey on little fish then try to sell their winnings back to the poor chumps who lost them. Is this the case? Cause if it is...


As far as selling my winnings... NO but that dosent mean that if I won a Padron 6000 that I will never sell another Padron 6000 because I have... thats because I have 2 boxes of them along with about 800 other various cigars.

To sum it up

I just love cigars & POKER

Ok, Roger said he does not, that does not mean he has not tried. I will get back to this.

Lets look at another question.

Why are sale threads being deleted?

Well Rod as far as my deleted thread..There was a lack of interest for the cigars I was offering.
I never read anywhere that it not allowed or even frowned upon. I don't have the pic or even really recall what they were other then the one that was specifically referenced it the post. It wont happen again by me

The underline is where I believe Roger is lying.

For now lets agree what Roger has said "Lack of interest" so he removed them. Okay fine, even we know this isn't true.

I did delete the cigars for sale post... it's gone, just a bunch of overpriced cigars for sale. If i've done anything wrong .... well what ever. Other then that we ALL contribute in our OWN way

Now Roger said it was a bunch of overpriced cigars. Did you catch that?
He admitted to trying to make a profit. Was it overpriced or lack of interest?
The real reason for the removal was because other members on the board were watching out of others here and calling a profiteer a profiteer.
Lack of interest because too many people posted what a rip off they were.

So then, why was Roger selling cigars overpriced?
Was it because he was looking for a profit?
Or was it from his winnings and incorrectly priced the cigars?

Back in late July or early August I had this conversation with Roger.

dkprlp said:
Nimrod said:
Hey Roger.

Do you like Illusions?

hell ya

Back in late July or early August, I shipped him a ~4/2~ Illusione as part of his winnings.
Right after this, guess which cigar showed up in a pic up for sale in his BST thread?
I know Roger did not have a box of these, in fact he told me in the CP poker room he had a few ~888~ and ~88~ or ~f9~.
I forgot exactly what, but the point is, he did not have this vitola in his collection.

So the answer is YES, he did try to sell his poker winnings. And he knows this.
He also knows where the pic is.
Please do not give me this, 'oh I lost the pic', or 'I have no idea where it is now'.
To post pics on any board they must be located on another server somewhere, I will not go about this in detail, but
the point is, he does know where they are and he knows what were the contents.

So why is he lying about not knowing the exactly contents? I have no idea.
Roger could have been straight up with you all and told you what he did. There is no rule against what he did.
It just pisses me off that he is lying to the community, and just the way he is handling this situation is uncalled for. Devil Doc said it correctly when he said "he seems to be enjoying the drama and attention."

I will not be playing with dkplrp anymore. If he is dishonest with the community here, he will be dishonest in other places as well.

Peter thats tooo many ?? in one post to try to answer, but I will answer one of them for you.

The cigar in ? is the 4/2 you sent me.
I smoked it. and enjoyed it I did and I do still have more. If I provide pic of them promise to retract your accusation
If a hummingbird were a human being how many calories would it need to consume on a daily basis to survive?

If a hummingbird were a human being, it wouldn't be a hummingbird any more. :D :sign:

Now, if a humminbird were the size of a human being, it would cost like hell to fill the hummingbird feeders.

Ever spike a hummingbird feeder with Cocaine just for kicks?
If a hummingbird were a human being how many calories would it need to consume on a daily basis to survive?

If a hummingbird were a human being, it wouldn't be a hummingbird any more. :D :sign:

Now, if a humminbird were the size of a human being, it would cost like hell to fill the hummingbird feeders.

Ever spike a hummingbird feeder with Cocaine just for kicks?

Yep, sure did, and the bird stoled the damn feeder!! :laugh:

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