Negotiations with Vandalet Industries have concluded that this latest round, and destined to be the finalizing volley, will require more protection than they are capable of. With the protection of the uniformed delivery system engineers in mind, they have partnered with Compu-global Hyper-mega-net to co-produce the Newbie Seal V2. This is the only seal strong enough to contain the evilness that these new mega-plexi-evil-bombs contain.
Those who are unfortunate enough to be targeted will fully understand why the word 'evil' is being used in these bombs. Pray that they are contained within the designated coordinates, lest everyone nearby be turned in mer-men!
Firing off the newest and most evil round of munitions ever unleashed against mere mortals:
The mega-plexi-evil-bomb V 1.0, Code Named: Blue Steel, is currently en route to:
0305 0830 0002 7352 0385
The mega-plexi-evil-bomb V 2.0, Code Named: The Dandelion Patch Destroyer, is currently en route to:
0305 0830 0002 7352 0378
And possibly the cruelest ordinance ever assembled by man, with a mind truly it's own, The mega-evil-newbie-decoy-bomb, Code Named: The Transmografier Bomb, is currently en route to:
0305 0830 0002 7352 0361
Not even the intrepid Spaceman Spiff, with the backing of the crew of the good ship Enterpoop, can contain this evil. The lines have been re-drawn, and the true King of all that is Newbie has been declared!
Newbies - Prepare your eugoogolies and get ready to eat dandelions!
I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more Cow Bell!