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In case you missed it.

1.0305 2200 0001 6197 9386
2.0305 2200 0001 6197 9393
3.0305 2200 0001 6197 9409
4.0305 2200 0001 6197 9362
8.0306 3030 0001 9988 0837
9.0306 3030 0001 9988 0851
10.420 80015 9101 0385 5574 9016 0028 59
11.420 76180 9101 0385 5574 9110 4155 79
12.0306 **** 0003 4949 4104
13.0306 0320 0003 **** 4098
14.DC 0404 2755 6860 1504 2078
15.DC 0404 2755 6860 1504 2054
16.DC 0404 2755 6860 1504 2061
20.0307 0020 0003 1629 ****
21.0306 1070 0004 6592 5**8
22.0306 1070 0004 6592 5**0
23.0306 1070 0004 6592 5**6
24.0306 0320 0003 4950 97**
25.0306 0320 0003 4950 96**
26.0306 0320 0003 4950 96**
27.0307 0020 0004 2250 ****
28.0307 0020 0004 2250 ****
29.0103 8555 7590 0759 5780
30.0103 8555 7490 6002 4586
31.0103 8555 7490 8099 6108
32.0103 8555 7490 9148 1860
33.0103 8555 7491 1245 3388

38.0103 7491 0136 8617
39.0103 8555 7491 4377
40.0305 1720 0001 3595 3444
41.0305 1720 0001 3595 3437
42.0103 8555 7490 3951 6470
43.0103 8555 7490 6048 7992
44.0103 8555 7490 7097 3751
45.0103 8555 7490 8145 9510
46.0103 8555 7490 9194 5270
47.0103 8555 7491 0243 1037
48.0103 8555 7491 1291 6791
50.0103 8555 7491 3388 8312
51.01 85 74 18 21
52.0306 1070 0005 **** 8984
53.0306 1070 0005 **** 9011
54.0306 1070 0005 3774 ****
55.0103 8555 7491 3380 8877
56.0306 0320 0003 4950 **51
57.0306 0320 0003 4950 **68
58.0306 0320 0003 4950 **75
59.0103 8555 7491 6591 1309
60.0306 0320 0003 5379 8557
63.0703 8555 7490 9944 8708
64.0701 8555 7490 8896 2949
65.0703 8555 7490 7847 7187
66.0703 8555 7490 5750 5665
67.0703 8555 7490 6799 1427
74.0305 1720 0000 5973 87XX
75.0305 1720 0000 5967 00XX
76.DC #03060320000353044760
77.D/C 0103 8555 7490 6197 5313
For all you fellow newbies out there, I sacrificed myself and engaged the enemy mano y mano. I followed up an aerial attack with some good old fashioned hand to hand combat. I tried to glean some intel re: strategic planning going on in the their camp, but to no avail, I was brushed aside with little or no thought, sort of like yesterday's trash. Oh those FOG's are a pompous lot for sure.

But rest assured, when the old man turned the tables on me with threats of torture and doom, I was rock steady. I didn't spill a word.... well..... except for maybe a little disinformation here and there, but hey, all is fair in love and war. Reflecting on it, I do believe I may have planted a little seed of doubt.

I'll bet he is re-thinking his strategy now even as we speak. Who knows, only time will tell.


Run? Oh contraire!!! I'm merely heading down to a secret location that has the most awesome set of tools! The new improved Foam Bomb© requires more tools that I have in my possession (so far), and my brother-in-law has those tools. Plus it'll take me 2-3 days to complete, so I need a place where the wifely unit© cannot bother me with trivial stuff- like laundry, painting and so on

Jim, can I come with?
ahhh... just to give you poor nooblets something to ponder over...


I'm leaving town to go to my clandestine lab and finish my newly improved Foam Bomb© - and a little fishing R&R. This is my 'throw away' sticks that are traveling with me :cool:
(yes, the ERDM has a wrapper malfunction - that's why it's being sacrificed)

Don't be surprised if someone gets a box with a return addy from Homer Alaska!!
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
The fact that those chocolate blunts are not in the "throw away pile" any longer should strike fear into the heart of noobville.
Run? Oh contraire!!! I'm merely heading down to a secret location that has the most awesome set of tools! The new improved Foam Bomb© requires more tools that I have in my possession (so far), and my brother-in-law has those tools. Plus it'll take me 2-3 days to complete, so I need a place where the wifely unit© cannot bother me with trivial stuff- like laundry, painting and so on

Jim, can I come with?

Oh a contest!

I guess

The neighbor's bicycle pump

nuttin but :love: for ya brandon.
Run? Oh contraire!!! I'm merely heading down to a secret location that has the most awesome set of tools! The new improved Foam Bomb© requires more tools that I have in my possession (so far), and my brother-in-law has those tools. Plus it'll take me 2-3 days to complete, so I need a place where the wifely unit© cannot bother me with trivial stuff- like laundry, painting and so on

Jim, can I come with?

Oh a contest!

I guess

The neighbor's bicycle pump

nuttin but :love: for ya brandon.

Answer: props used on Mikes last movie :sign:
Blood has been drawn! Seth and Gator, you two noobs should have known better... You were warned just like everyone else but you refused to listen and it might be the last mistake you ever make..

Seriously guys, thanks for the fantastic bombs!

Well, just got a garbled up phone call from my helpless/pregnant/bed ridden wife stating that I have 7 boxes at home. She could barely talk as the paramedics were wheeling her away.

I'm going home to assess the damage, it's not looking good ???
Run? Oh contraire!!! I'm merely heading down to a secret location that has the most awesome set of tools! The new improved Foam Bomb© requires more tools that I have in my possession (so far), and my brother-in-law has those tools. Plus it'll take me 2-3 days to complete, so I need a place where the wifely unit© cannot bother me with trivial stuff- like laundry, painting and so on

Jim, can I come with?

Oh a contest!

I guess

The neighbor's bicycle pump
Mike - STOP, You've now forced me to LOL @ WORK. All the suits are looking my way.... thanks.
I'm back.......................I actually had to do some work today to keep up appearences. :laugh: :laugh:

??? ??? ??? Did I miss anything good ??? ??? ???
Well, just got a garbled up phone call from my helpless/pregnant/bed ridden wife stating that I have 7 boxes at home. She could barely talk as the paramedics were wheeling her away.

I'm going home to assess the damage, it's not looking good ???

Muhahahahahahahahahha! :laugh:
Well, just got a garbled up phone call from my helpless/pregnant/bed ridden wife stating that I have 7 boxes at home. She could barely talk as the paramedics were wheeling her away.

I'm going home to assess the damage, it's not looking good ???

Good luck brother! :sign:
ahhh... just to give you poor nooblets something to ponder over...


I'm leaving town to go to my clandestine lab and finish my newly improved Foam Bomb© - and a little fishing R&R. This is my 'throw away' sticks that are traveling with me :cool:
(yes, the ERDM has a wrapper malfunction - that's why it's being sacrificed)

Don't be surprised if someone gets a box with a return addy from Homer Alaska!!
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Alaska is on my TO DO lsit of places to visit. Have a great time.

Oh! I'll take the one to the right of the one with the wrapper malfunction.......................................Gooood! :p
yeah yeah... too late to suck up now noobler!! (there's an occasional seat open on my boat...)

Poor FOGS,

It has only just begun!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool: :cool:
Don't worry guys, we will do CP proud while you are all digging out of the rubble!
Swissy's talking smack from the couch, cuz that dude can't even walk yet.

All this talk about noobs going down, all I know of is Jonesy and all I see are some bombs asail from FOG leader and then....nothing. It's completely quiet. Aside from all this digital meaningless jabber.

We'll start counting bodies on Monday. I predict when the sun rises on that day; yes, as early as Monday, the NEWBS will declare victory and the FOGS will be left speechless. They'll turn to their great defender, the almighty SamClemmons, and the giant mutters,

"You NEWBS are dumb."

And it will be done.

Oh, the drama is killin' me. :thumbs:


PS I really hate those smiley things. Can someone, anyone, think of something as effective and less annoying?

OMG... the newbieness shines thru bright! Yeah... can't walk, hmmm? Walked 3 miles to the post office to delievery the next whoop ass box. Ask Jonesy about the last one I sent!! LMFAO!!! the reason he's quiet is that he's still stunned and walking aimlessly in a daze.

And next... someone will be the recipient of the new and improved patented 'Foam Bomb'© - you'll hear the bitching once it lands from wherever you are :laugh:
Patented foam bomb my ass! I'd just smoke the whole box and all........................Gotta die one way or another. Might as well do it with a smile on my face. :sign:
This all you girls have to offer? I've passed larger missiles! Beware newbies, I will end your proud chest beating! I will devastate your very being! It's coming...but to who first?!?