This all you girls have to offer? I've passed larger missiles! Beware newbies, I will end your proud chest beating! I will devastate your very being! It's coming...but to who first?!?
LOL....We have a "SMOKE" blower!
We are used to all this banter Smoky!
Welcome to the party though!!!!!
I got something laying around perfect for a KC man!
Be REEEEEEAL careful waging war on Smokyballs! He does NOT play fair.
Well I would tell you but I promised your mom I wouldn't tell :sign:...what you ate for dinner last night!![]()
LOL....We have a "SMOKE" blower!
We are used to all this banter Smoky!
Welcome to the party though!!!!!
I got something laying around perfect for a KC man!
You guys are doing a good job at trying to keep me out of this war with the wounds I have been receiving from this attack......but to no avail!!!! You have left me no choice so I have have reloaded for another attack on Monday. Thanks go out for yesterday's hits to
" New B Schooler"
2 know though!
and last but not least Thank you Insight for my very first White Owl!!!!!!
You guys are doing a good job at trying to keep me out of this war with the wounds I have been receiving from this attack......but to no avail!!!! You have left me no choice so I have have reloaded for another attack on Monday. Thanks go out for yesterday's hits to
" New B Schooler"
2 know though!
and last but not least Thank you Insight for my very first White Owl!!!!!!
Oh no Phil not the dreaded aged White Owl!!!??? I'm jealous Brian. :laugh: Right with you bro..........Got my targets picked out as well.
03060320000353798557 :whistling: On a side note, the PO made me add my return address thanks to those 9/11 f%ckers. I used a Nom de plume but I still fear my package may not be as anonymous as I would have liked.
PS: apparently they don't like it when you refer to your package as a bomb :sign:
*#edut fir spelluning#*
Believe me guys, Jay has the ammunition to do this with. As far as posting bogus dc#'s, I admitted to that in a post so let me explain myself. I took my dc# stickers to work with me so I could post them for send out the next day. I realized that people would try to track them, so I threw them away and came home and printed off click-n-ship labels from my home computer. I apologize if I have gone against protocol with this, but I do actually have 12 in the air right now......half should hit today.
Revolutionary Investigative Service has just completed its investigation into the audacious attack on the First Family of the Revolution and has concluded that Sincerest Thanks are owed to
and Rambo himself, BobbyRitz.
Gentlemen, thank you. Now prepare to have your a$$es handed to you.
Had to add the pic, Just more PORN from Me :whistling: