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tone-ny has decided to enter the field of battle?

Well, even the best make bad decisions...

Who said he was ever out!

That's why you Newbs will be defeated....you never know which Fog's are in the foray!
While you are busy with your little foray, we'll be over here in the fray.
We're here for the long haul, not the quick battle.

1. a quick raid, usually for the purpose of taking plunder: Vikings made a foray on the port.
2. a quick, sudden attack: The defenders made a foray outside the walls.
3. an initial venture: a successful foray into politics.

1. a fight, battle, or skirmish.
2. a competition or contest
Also, it's obvious the FOG's post during the day while trolling for fat chicks at the library. I thought old decrepit losers (see FOGs) that diddled their 2 inches of baby dick while at a public library would have been arrested by now. Guess they are truly stealthy?

Hey! Fat chicks need lovin' too.
Alright, seeing I can't seem to start rebuilding my house anytime soon, and my mailman's getting pissed from having to get out of his Jeep with one of those big 'ole P.O. boxes filled with bombs....

I don't think he'll be too happy today either.
tone-ny has decided to enter the field of battle?

Well, even the best make bad decisions...

Who said he was ever out!

That's why you Newbs will be defeated....you never know which Fog's are in the foray!
While you are busy with your little foray, we'll be over here in the fray.
We're here for the long haul, not the quick battle.

1. a quick raid, usually for the purpose of taking plunder: Vikings made a foray on the port.
2. a quick, sudden attack: The defenders made a foray outside the walls.
3. an initial venture: a successful foray into politics.

1. a fight, battle, or skirmish.
2. a competition or contest

LMAO - you edited number 3 because youknew what I was going to say....


fray n : a noisy fight [syn: affray, disturbance, ruffle] v 1: wear away by rubbing; "The friction frayed the sleeve" [syn: frazzle] 2: cause friction; "my sweater scratches" [syn: rub, fret, chafe, scratch]

\Fray\, v. i. 1. To rub. We can show the marks he made When 'gainst the oak his antlers frayed. --Sir W. Scott. 2. To wear out or into shreads, or to suffer injury by rubbing, as when the threads of the warp or of the woof wear off so that the cross threads are loose; to ravel; as, the cloth frays badly. A suit of frayed magnificience. --tennyson.

\Fray\, n. A fret or chafe, as in cloth; a place injured by rubbing.

\Fray\, v. t. [OF. freier, fraier, froier, to rub. L. fricare; cf. friare to crumble, E. friable; perh. akin to Gr. chri`ein to anoint, chri^sma an anointing, Skr. gh[.r]sh to rub, scratch. Cf. <A href="http://dict.die.net/friction/">Friction.] To rub; to wear off, or wear into shreds, by rubbing; to fret, as cloth; as, a deer is said to fray her head.

There's a lot of RUBBIN' going on in your camp, Jonsey.
tone-ny has decided to enter the field of battle?

Well, even the best make bad decisions...

Who said he was ever out!

That's why you Newbs will be defeated....you never know which Fog's are in the foray!

Newbies take heart!

This clearly demonstrates that the FOG's are in a fog! They pick up troops willy nilly, they don't know and don't care who is fighting on their side. They may as well be playing shuffle board.............they probably are!
Newbies take heart!

This clearly demonstrates that the FOG's are in a fog! They pick up troops willy nilly, they don't know and don't care who is fighting on their side. They may as well be playing shuffle board.............they probably are!

LMAO...you little fuggers just don't know when to give up. One thing about us FOGs, our strategic planning is far superior than yours. You may THINK you know what you're doing, but trust me, you little needledicks don't know shit! :sign:
Newbies take heart!

This clearly demonstrates that the FOG's are in a fog! They pick up troops willy nilly, they don't know and don't care who is fighting on their side. They may as well be playing shuffle board.............they probably are!

LMAO...you little fuggers just don't know when to give up. One thing about us FOGs, our strategic planning is far superior than yours. You may THINK you know what you're doing, but trust me, you little needledicks don't know shit! :sign:
blah, blah, blah, fuggers,blah, blah, blah, Fog's, blah, blah, blah, needledicks....... :laugh:
more taping; less typing :laugh:
the noobs don't know what they got themselves into when Bargogirl starts posting

Look at the last CPwar to know that. Must not have done your research very well!!!

Bombs away!!!

We're in for a wild ride

Thanks for the compliment! :blush: You know, I really tried to stay in my place last war NOT!(Mike use to say that was to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen - lucky for him I only divorced him once :laugh: :laugh:) I like to play too much to stay in the "girlie" place (besides, acids and swisher sweets are for potty-training nooblers :0 :p :sign: )We ladies need to stick together and kick some nooblette butt! Sharp tongues, quick wit and a taste for ISOMs! :cool: It's the only way to go! ;)
I'm glad to see you've joined the fight!! It is gonna be a great ride!

the noobs don't know what they got themselves into when Bargogirl starts posting

Look at the last CPwar to know that. Must not have done your research very well!!!

Bombs away!!!

We're in for a wild ride

Thanks for the compliment! :blush: You know, I really tried to stay in my place last war NOT!(Mike use to say that was to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen - lucky for him I only divorced him once :laugh: :laugh:) I like to play too much to stay in the "girlie" place (besides, acids and swisher sweets are for potty-training nooblers :0 :p :sign: )We ladies need to stick together and kick some nooblette butt! Sharp tongues, quick wit and a taste for ISOMs! :cool: It's the only way to go! ;)
I'm glad to see you've joined the fight!! It is gonna be a great ride!

You may want to be careful of the ole mailbox today Bargogirl :whistling:
the noobs don't know what they got themselves into when Bargogirl starts posting

Look at the last CPwar to know that. Must not have done your research very well!!!

Bombs away!!!

We're in for a wild ride

Thanks for the compliment! :blush: You know, I really tried to stay in my place last war NOT!(Mike use to say that was to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen - lucky for him I only divorced him once :laugh: :laugh:) I like to play too much to stay in the "girlie" place (besides, acids and swisher sweets are for potty-training nooblers :0 :p :sign: )We ladies need to stick together and kick some nooblette butt! Sharp tongues, quick wit and a taste for ISOMs! :cool: It's the only way to go! ;)
I'm glad to see you've joined the fight!! It is gonna be a great ride!

You may want to be careful of the ole mailbox today Bargogirl :whistling:

Ditto Newblette
tone-ny has decided to enter the field of battle?

Well, even the best make bad decisions...

Who said he was ever out!

That's why you Newbs will be defeated....you never know which Fog's are in the foray!
While you are busy with your little foray, we'll be over here in the fray.
We're here for the long haul, not the quick battle.

1. a quick raid, usually for the purpose of taking plunder: Vikings made a foray on the port.
2. a quick, sudden attack: The defenders made a foray outside the walls.
3. an initial venture: a successful foray into politics.

1. a fight, battle, or skirmish.
2. a competition or contest

LMAO - you edited number 3 because youknew what I was going to say....


fray n : a noisy fight [syn: affray, disturbance, ruffle] v 1: wear away by rubbing; "The friction frayed the sleeve" [syn: frazzle] 2: cause friction; "my sweater scratches" [syn: rub, fret, chafe, scratch]

\Fray\, v. i. 1. To rub. We can show the marks he made When 'gainst the oak his antlers frayed. --Sir W. Scott. 2. To wear out or into shreads, or to suffer injury by rubbing, as when the threads of the warp or of the woof wear off so that the cross threads are loose; to ravel; as, the cloth frays badly. A suit of frayed magnificience. --tennyson.

\Fray\, n. A fret or chafe, as in cloth; a place injured by rubbing.

\Fray\, v. t. [OF. freier, fraier, froier, to rub. L. fricare; cf. friare to crumble, E. friable; perh. akin to Gr. chri`ein to anoint, chri^sma an anointing, Skr. gh[.r]sh to rub, scratch. Cf. <A href="http://dict.die.net/friction/">Friction.] To rub; to wear off, or wear into shreds, by rubbing; to fret, as cloth; as, a deer is said to fray her head.

There's a lot of RUBBIN' going on in your camp, Jonsey.

Come on guys! All this talk of rubbin' is getting me all excited! :love: Too bad they would rather rub each other than women :sign: :sign: Good thing I'm on the side of the experienced (with women, that is) gentlemen! Oh and of course, the porn star :laugh: :whistling: :laugh: !! BTW...Any noob who makes another stab at my supreme commander's talent(s) shall be kidnapped and forced at gun point to view a video of his massive talent! :sign: :0 :love:

Take that you fuggin' noobs!
tone-ny has decided to enter the field of battle?

Well, even the best make bad decisions...

Who said he was ever out!

That's why you Newbs will be defeated....you never know which Fog's are in the foray!
While you are busy with your little foray, we'll be over here in the fray.
We're here for the long haul, not the quick battle.

1. a quick raid, usually for the purpose of taking plunder: Vikings made a foray on the port.
2. a quick, sudden attack: The defenders made a foray outside the walls.
3. an initial venture: a successful foray into politics.

1. a fight, battle, or skirmish.
2. a competition or contest

LMAO - you edited number 3 because youknew what I was going to say....


fray n : a noisy fight [syn: affray, disturbance, ruffle] v 1: wear away by rubbing; "The friction frayed the sleeve" [syn: frazzle] 2: cause friction; "my sweater scratches" [syn: rub, fret, chafe, scratch]

\Fray\, v. i. 1. To rub. We can show the marks he made When 'gainst the oak his antlers frayed. --Sir W. Scott. 2. To wear out or into shreads, or to suffer injury by rubbing, as when the threads of the warp or of the woof wear off so that the cross threads are loose; to ravel; as, the cloth frays badly. A suit of frayed magnificience. --tennyson.

\Fray\, n. A fret or chafe, as in cloth; a place injured by rubbing.

\Fray\, v. t. [OF. freier, fraier, froier, to rub. L. fricare; cf. friare to crumble, E. friable; perh. akin to Gr. chri`ein to anoint, chri^sma an anointing, Skr. gh[.r]sh to rub, scratch. Cf. <A href="http://dict.die.net/friction/">Friction.] To rub; to wear off, or wear into shreds, by rubbing; to fret, as cloth; as, a deer is said to fray her head.

There's a lot of RUBBIN' going on in your camp, Jonsey.

Come on guys! All this talk of rubbin' is getting me all excited! :love: Too bad they would rather rub each other than women :sign: :sign: Good thing I'm on the side of the experienced (with women, that is) gentlemen! Oh and of course, the porn star :laugh: :whistling: :laugh: !! BTW...Any noob who makes another stab at my supreme commander's talent(s) shall be kidnapped and forced at gun point to view a video of his massive talent! :sign: :0 :love:

Take that you fuggin' noobs!

Any noob who makes another stab at my supreme commander's talent(s) shall be kidnapped and forced at gun point to view a video of his massive talent! :sign: :0 :love:

Now that just aint right, no one wants to see that
Swissy's talking smack from the couch, cuz that dude can't even walk yet.

All this talk about noobs going down, all I know of is Jonesy and all I see are some bombs asail from FOG leader and then....nothing. It's completely quiet. Aside from all this digital meaningless jabber.

We'll start counting bodies on Monday. I predict when the sun rises on that day; yes, as early as Monday, the NEWBS will declare victory and the FOGS will be left speechless. They'll turn to their great defender, the almighty SamClemmons, and the giant mutters,

"You NEWBS are dumb."

And it will be done.

Oh, the drama is killin' me. :thumbs:


PS I really hate those smiley things. Can someone, anyone, think of something as effective and less annoying?

OMG... the newbieness shines thru bright! Yeah... can't walk, hmmm? Walked 3 miles to the post office to delievery the next whoop ass box. Ask Jonesy about the last one I sent!! LMFAO!!! the reason he's quiet is that he's still stunned and walking aimlessly in a daze.

And next... someone will be the recipient of the new and improved patented 'Foam Bomb'© - you'll hear the bitching once it lands from wherever you are :laugh:
all I hear is blah blah blah

One by one... newbies are falling and gonna keep doing so.


Sit down and wait for the fireworks.

0703 8555 7490 9944 8708
0701 8555 7490 8896 2949
0703 8555 7490 7847 7187
0703 8555 7490 5750 5665
0703 8555 7490 6799 1427

Fresh off the printer..

The above bombs along with the payload are holding an unstable biological agent. Pleaes have the haz-mat remove it to not degrade the valueable payload :p
And next... someone will be the recipient of the new and improved patented 'Foam Bomb'© - you'll hear the bitching once it lands from wherever you are :laugh:
I give all the credit to you on originality for that one my man! But I want to see pictures of the new and improved 'Foam Bomb'. :cool: (you know, I thought a can of foam would go a lot farther than it did)