Well I came home from a long day of writing tickets (ask BTB about THAT one!!
) to open up my mailbox. As I approached, my keen investigator eyes observed the signs of a struggle. I found bits of dark blue cloth, some light blue pinstriped material, a pair of brown shoes, and a scorched blue hat with some emblem of an eagle or something...
I wasn't sure what to expect, so I called out the Detectives. As we began our investigation, Cpl. Dickson stated he heard something ticking. Everyone froze in time, and all of us strained to train our ears to figure out the direction of the sound. It took us less than 2 seconds for the realization to set in that we were standing next to a ticking mailbox. Many of us thought about our loved ones, the activities we never got to do, and the fact that we were all about to meet our Maker.
*BOOM!!!!* went the mailbox, sheets of shrapnel rocketed through the air, awakening the small neighborhood complex of Murrieta. As I write this with one arm, I am glad to say:
The newb war still wages on... We have all been wounded,
but have tasted blood, and we are MOTIVATED BY IT. We are death, we are darkness in the night, and we strike without warning or apprehension! You have caged the dogs, and now you will see the wolves!!!
Gonz, can't thank you enough! Very very impressed and humbled...but still standing back up to fight it to the death.