I'm A Parent Contest

Congrats guys and thanks for putting this on Brian. I've enjoyed reading these stories.
Bout time I finish this up. ;)

Thank you all for sharing your stories. I truly enjoyed each and every one! Let me tell you, there's a lot of great memories in here that give me a lot of hope as I continue on this parenting journey! :)

But two stories made me physically laugh out loud. Congrats to @Tall Paul and @Napa_Smokes for the hilarious parenting hijinks. I'm sure I have both of your addresses but PM me them anyways just so I don't pull the wrong old addy.
Thank you very much!
Finally all this poop paid off... Lol
Wanted to provide a quick update! These shipped on Saturday. Should arrive Tuesday! Thanks again to everyone for playing and sorry for the delay! The little guy has kept me busier than I had imagined!
Wanted to provide a quick update! These shipped on Saturday. Should arrive Tuesday! Thanks again to everyone for playing and sorry for the delay! The little guy has kept me busier than I had imagined!
Cigars arrived today safe and sound!

Thank you again brother
Wanted to provide a quick update! These shipped on Saturday. Should arrive Tuesday! Thanks again to everyone for playing and sorry for the delay! The little guy has kept me busier than I had imagined!

Cigars arrived safe and sound on Monday. Sorry for the delayed response been a rough week.

Thanks again for the contest and enjoy the little one and all the craziness that comes with it. You’ll find yourself missing that craziness in no time.
3E84E5BD-C0BE-4FD1-8887-AEB62D1B63AB.jpeg Our gang, left to right, myself, Carol ( 72 ), Jim ( 69 ), Elaine ( 64 ), Jeff ( 60 ). Our first time together since our mother passed away ten years ago. It’s been a great gathering with lots of fun and laughs.
Just got a call from my wife. She was picking my son up from camp and is now headed to urgent care so he can get a new cast because his got soaked.

Wakeboarding ...