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I have returned.....

I'm the one that is running the Grim Reapers Pass on Cigarsmokers. Here is the deal. Drew was supposed to send smokes to the next one on my list after he recieved them from Prophetic_Joe.

If I remember correct it wasn't CC that you supposed to send to originally. It was JJwestbrook, which you said you got the package back from in the mail.

You asked if you could send them to someone else and I said that was no problem and gave you someone else. If that was CC, I can't remember. Most of my information from that pass has been updated and I moved you down to the bottom of my list with someone else counting this as a lost and we where never going to see you on CSmokers again. So, we are going off old information.

Now, what did happen was I sent several PM's asking if you sent anything for the PIF. Which I didn't get any response from even though you log on the boards during this time. I sent smokes to continue the pass because you never responded to my PM's on CSmokers and CPass and because of what happened on this board with the I'm a whore post and Birthday Post.

If CC will say that he got the PIF in August, that will be fine with me. It's just you never updated anything with me saying that you made good on your end of CSmokers GRP PIF. So, right now, I don't know what happened. We'll wait and see what CC says.

CC did get smokes from Godfather in July for the GRP. So if he received any smokes from you in Aug, he may not have relise they where to complete your end of the GRP.
BTW, I noticed that the list was last update by me 22 Dec to reflect the last person to get the PIF. Tommy received his PIF yesterday, but I will not update the list to reflect that until this is done so people don't think I'm changing it to get Drew in more trouble.

I want to resolve this as much as Drew does.

I sent a e-mail to Bill and he said that he remembers getting smokes from you. That is good enough for me. As far as I'm concerned with the GRP, you have done what you needed to do. You're completed with the GRP. Thanks.

OK, that should satisfy everyone. Now go smoke a cigar and let this one end.
As for what you owe..... this matter is closed.

This all could have been avoided if you would have followed thru with your responsibilities from the beginning. You should have given Lopaka the courtesy of a PM letting him know that the smokes were sent. All this time it was thought that you stiffed someone and didn't make good.

This should be a lesson to alot of the new guys...... Communication is key
Guys I'm glad this is done but I said in the beginning that I just got apathetic. Sorry to all and I'm def sorry this got drudged up again b/c I was finally getting over it. I hope this clears all up to everyone and if you still have a problem with me please send me a PM and I will gladly respond to you explaining it all. More importantly I am sorry that communication was lacking to make this all become a problem. Once again Tommy I would like to thank you and all the other BOTL's for doing what is best for this site and watching out for potential asshats and problematic people.

GONZ I am sorry for my attack on you and realize you were acting in the best sense of the board. I just hope that this now closes this problem and I can move on from all of this. I would like to once again begin trading and joining passes on CP and regain some stature I once had. As George says, less talking more reading.
