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I have returned.....


I'm not going to flame you. I'm just going to say this:

Your reputation is EVERYTHING. Not just here, but in life. If a man cannot be taken at his word, he is worthless. Part of being an honorable person is fulfilling the responsibilities you have accepted. It is simply the mark of immaturity and disrespect for your fellow man to let your obligations fall to the side.

All it would have taken to avoid the biggest part of this would have been some communication. This apology is a good step, but it's about a month too late.

We all make mistakes, but it is what we learn form those mistakes that makes us better men. I hope you've learned a lesson in this situation and I hope you can truly see the error of your ways. It's not about cigars, Drew. It's about honor, respect, and decency. It's about the way you live your life.

I'll accept your apology and I hope the rest of the board does as well. However, you have a lot of ground to cover before you can even start to regain the trust you once earned. I wish you the best on that journey.

Damned good verbiage! Can I use this with my #4 son?
I just read the other thread and it's complete bullshit. Sounds like someone got in over their head and thought by ignoring it, it would go away.
Guys will you do me a favor by PMing me when you get your packages so I know they arrived.

PM sent. Package arrived this morning in fine shape.

Take care of yourself.
Hey Drew........

You ever take care of what you owe over at CigarSmokers, or are you just hoping that one will go away !!!!
Hey Drew........

You ever take care of what you owe over at CigarSmokers, or are you just hoping that one will go away !!!!

Not that I should but my nose to somewhere it doesn't belong (and, yes, I know I'm doing just that), but, Drew, I don't know if joining a pass would be the best thing for you to do right now if your CigarSmokers thing is still in the wind.
I have no idea what happened, however at least that apology was not laced with excuses and hidden retractions, such as, "I'm sorry, but..."
I have no idea what happened, however at least that apology was not laced with excuses and hidden retractions, such as, "I'm sorry, but..."

I missed it too... what's the dirt?

I think this started it... If I'm wrong... sorry!


I have to figure out how you do that link-to-another-site thing. ???
I have no idea what happened, however at least that apology was not laced with excuses and hidden retractions, such as, "I'm sorry, but..."
I have no idea what happened, however at least that apology was not laced with excuses and hidden retractions, such as, "I'm sorry, but..."

I missed it too... what's the dirt?

I think this started it... If I'm wrong... sorry!


I have to figure out how you do that link-to-another-site thing. ???

pm sent
Yup..... he received cigars in a "pass" over at CigarSmokers and never followed thru with his obligation to send cigars to the next person.....
Drew, I saw you reading, it might be best for you to respond here on the forum to clear this up.

Is David aware of this? Norcal are you seeing this?
I took care of this 5 months ago, so I don't know why it is being brought up again.
I took care of this 5 months ago, so I don't know why it is being brought up again.

I think that's fiction. Drew, it's up to you, due to your past behavior, to provide proof to us that you have taken care of ALL packages and cigars owed. All I see on here is a very poor pattern of childish behavior and bad passmanship. "Innocent until proven guilty" does not exist here. You'd better start answering questions real quick.
I answered all you questions five months ago. This is ridiculous that it is being brought up again. I took care of my problems, corrected them and I don't understand why this is being brought up again. I took care of all of my "cigars and packages" that were owed. So I don't really see the point of this.
I answered all you questions five months ago. This is ridiculous that it is being brought up again. I took care of my problems, corrected them and I don't understand why this is being brought up again. I took care of all of my "cigars and packages" that were owed. So I don't really see the point of this.

This is being brought up again because you have a poor history with passes and obligations, however you are signed up for the Ipass which is about to start. I'm in that pass as well, and am not very comfortable with it now that I see your name there.
Fine I will drop out of the pass to make you at ease. My only question is how am i supposed to yet again prove myself if I can't do passes or anything of that nature?

I will step out of this pass so that you feel better Gonz.