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Maybe I'm speaking out of line but I'm a real newbie and reading this tread it looks elitist to me. The old "we are better then you so stay in your place" kind of thing.
dav1041 said:What's the difference if they sell all their cigars to 500 people or 1000. Seems to me they reduced the limit to get more customers. Everyone that takes advantage of the deal also has to purchase from their regular line, so they get their house cigars out and get hundreds of new customers, which all could return.
I think it was just good marketing!![]()
Thanks BkCloud114 for the information, that's what this site is all about, helping a brother out!
pittesq said:I completely agree with dav1041. It's simply a good business move. They know one customer will tell another and so on. They get word of mouth advertising for thir product and reward purchases with coveted sticks. The 2 stick limit is even better for thier business since thier customer base grows. Especially since the $25 you have to spend on thir stuff is small considering the MSRP on the smokes. For example, how many of you out there have already thought about when you're next $25 purchase will be? And on top of that, how many of you wouldn't jump at the same deal if they were only offering 1 of each of the sticks?
Besides it's the holidays and the Season of giving blah blah blah
etenpenny said:You know guys, this board is all about helping people and enjoying smoking. Even though Ive already bought some from this site, there is absoutly nothing wrong with letting people know about a good deal. It seems like some of the people on the board that are "in the know" about sources and such are less into helping other members and more into hording them for themselves. Thats just my observation,
P.S. tampa sweethearts is owned by a member of the fuente family so if anyone is going to get rare cigars in it will be them (or casa fuente of course) so dont worry about their stock
BkCloud114 said:OK, well I have discussed this with another BOTL and we both agree.... Don't we all want to look out for each other. I understand not discussing ISOM "sources", but now we can't even discuss where to get good domestics.
This is not some retail B&M who just received a 100 box shipment and is now looking to sell at MSRP..... the are the Owners & manufacturer of these cigars.
Tampasweethearts is not some private little club that only serve to a select few. They are a public retail store. By you guys saying that what I did was wrong is just being greedy......
ironmike5 said:I'm also in total agreement
pittesq said:This is all kinda funny to me. Tampasweetehearts isn't as big a secret as some folks think. If you do a search on the various boards, hits come up. For example, as a newbie jumping jor joy at those prices, I knew of them, and that you could get anejo's if you purchased their stuff, I just didn't know this time around that a lot of the other seasonal things were on the list. In either case, the greed of some folks completely cracks me up. The fact that people were actually pissed off by the post is funny to me. Alot of you that ere pissed off are probably sitting on mounds of anejo's and other sought after sticks, and at this point, are just stockpiling sticks in case of famine. I mean have you read some of the posts on this and other boards from members who got shut out this season? Not shut out from their favorite B&M, but shut out comepltely. Why would fellow BOTLs prefer for them to be shut out than share some info with them? And if the problem you guys have is that it was put in a public post, how many of you actually PMd the guys (strangers) who posted messages that they didn't get any, or would like to try one for the first time and not pay 30 bucks for a stick? If you didn't do it under those circumstances it's not the pulblic post your mad about. It's just about greed.
Relax guys. It's Christmas. You've got the whole year to find other ways to keep your brothers in the dark.
Happy Festivus!
etenpenny said:pittesq said:This is all kinda funny to me. Tampasweetehearts isn't as big a secret as some folks think. If you do a search on the various boards, hits come up. For example, as a newbie jumping jor joy at those prices, I knew of them, and that you could get anejo's if you purchased their stuff, I just didn't know this time around that a lot of the other seasonal things were on the list. In either case, the greed of some folks completely cracks me up. The fact that people were actually pissed off by the post is funny to me. Alot of you that ere pissed off are probably sitting on mounds of anejo's and other sought after sticks, and at this point, are just stockpiling sticks in case of famine. I mean have you read some of the posts on this and other boards from members who got shut out this season? Not shut out from their favorite B&M, but shut out comepltely. Why would fellow BOTLs prefer for them to be shut out than share some info with them? And if the problem you guys have is that it was put in a public post, how many of you actually PMd the guys (strangers) who posted messages that they didn't get any, or would like to try one for the first time and not pay 30 bucks for a stick? If you didn't do it under those circumstances it's not the pulblic post your mad about. It's just about greed.
Relax guys. It's Christmas. You've got the whole year to find other ways to keep your brothers in the dark.
Happy Festivus!
I agree totally, thanks for helping out the regular cigar smoker on this forum by not just hording this information to yourself and a few others of the elite around here. That is what makes this place nice and different then other boards, a true spirit of helping and giving. Thank god this place has not turned into a board where certain people horde all the rare cigars that they can to only take pictures of them and show them off to all the rest of us, well at least not yet.
pittesq said:CiagrDawg,I think you misunderstood my post. I have no problem with people having thier favorite fishing holes. A lot of times they are favorites, becuae a lot of people don't fish thier. Makes sense. My issue is with those who get mad at someone for sharing that fishing hole (which in this case is one hell of a large sized hole given the business that TS is), as if there isn't going to be a enough fish. Enough fish anolgies already!![]()
I guess my experiences have just been different is all. I come to this board and others for guidance and to took with folks with similar interests. I understand and respect your point about paying dues to get info. But having said that I've had several instances when a complete stranger on a board has seen my response post about not finding a stick and has PM'd or SS'd me saying give this place a call they do mail order and can help you out. Never knew that person, never did a trade, nothing. They just helped me out. I understand your what you and others have said, but given the generoisty that I've been shown by perfect strangers on these boards I'm just not in a position to not be on the side of helping out other BOTLs in need. So I have no problem with the post even though I understand that others feel dofferently. Anyway, I'm happy. It's that Festivus time of year! :laugh:
Hmmmm. Soooooo all you self entitled newblers, this is the perfect way to find yourselves on the outside looking in. Thank God nobody told Tommy about the really good ones.Sunward said:I can't believe that people are annoyed with Tommy posting his source here. Isn't this the purpose of the community, to find deals and share with others? Tommy you rock!
To those that found what there looking for , Merry Christmas.
To those that are annoyed, PM me your addy, and may send you some cheese for that whine.
Yeah you'd think that until you catch the scumbag who gets in on something like this and deals them off on yahoo. You're damn skippy this is elitest. When a guy puts in the time and is found trustworthy nobody has a problem dealing them in. The fuggin' newbs who come in here trying to change the way things are done GET NADDA. This is NOT an arbitrary reward system. Keep spoutin' off and you'll see how specific it is.Gary-smoke said:Maybe I'm speaking out of line but I'm a real newbie and reading this tread it looks elitist to me. The old "we are better then you so stay in your place" kind of thing.
SamClemmons said:Yeah you'd think that until you catch the scumbag who gets in on something like this and deals them off on yahoo. You're damn skippy this is elitest. When a guy puts in the time and is found trustworthy nobody has a problem dealing them in. The fuggin' newbs who come in here trying to change the way things are done GET NADDA. This is NOT an arbitrary reward system. Keep spoutin' off and you'll see how specific it is.Gary-smoke said:Maybe I'm speaking out of line but I'm a real newbie and reading this tread it looks elitist to me. The old "we are better then you so stay in your place" kind of thing.
Cute. I get it. You don't want to wait. You want to be entitled without making any effort. Look genius "luck" is indicative of an arbitrary judgement not a decision based on performance. You can wait in the corner if you like but you won't be getting any bones. You don't get it.Gary-smoke said:SamClemmons said:Yeah you'd think that until you catch the scumbag who gets in on something like this and deals them off on yahoo. You're damn skippy this is elitest. When a guy puts in the time and is found trustworthy nobody has a problem dealing them in. The fuggin' newbs who come in here trying to change the way things are done GET NADDA. This is NOT an arbitrary reward system. Keep spoutin' off and you'll see how specific it is.Gary-smoke said:Maybe I'm speaking out of line but I'm a real newbie and reading this tread it looks elitist to me. The old "we are better then you so stay in your place" kind of thing.
So what you are saying is keep my mouth shut stand in the corner and if I'm very lucky you will kick me a bone?
mrjinglesusa said:coventrycat86 said:mrjinglesusa said:Ironworker said:This was defentley not a source to spill out for everyone to see!!!!.
Agreed. I already sent a PM explaining why.In my opinion, if they wanted everyone to know about these they would have put them on their website for all to see. They already had to lower the limit from 4/stick to 2/stick because of the last time their phone # was openly broadcast on a cigar BB.
And where are you getting THAT from? Did they post that somewhere, tell you that on the phone or are you just speculating?
Tommy didn't do anything wrong here and I've met very few people on cigar boards who've never heard of TampaSweetheats
Being concerned that TampaSweethearts will run out of cigars is like thinking Exxon/Mobil will run out of oil........
OK. Since you decided to add your commentary to my post, here's my response:
Back in May or June, someone posted Tampa's phone number of CF and said thay had all sizes Anejo and Hemi Maduro at a limit of 4/stick. They (Tampa) got inundated with phone calls from CF members. By the time I called, they had lowered the limit to 2/stick (and yes, she told me this and also told me WHY they lowered the limit). That, is where I got THAT from - personal experience. So no, I am not speculating - I know the reason.
I never said Tommy did "anything wrong." Myself and many others have known about Tampa and their supply of hard to find Fuentes for awhile. I, along with others, decided NOT to post this openly - this was a personal decision. I did PM the info to several people earlier this month. When a certain vendor received and sold Anejos BY THE BOX a few months back a FOG was kind enough to let me know, even though it wasn't advertised. This was another instance where it didn't seem prudent to openly advertise the source.
Everyone is free to do as they please. I agreed with Rich that I wouldn't have posted this openly. PM to some friends? Sure. I have nothing against Tommy and PMd him and gave my opinion on the matter in private after I saw this thread.
Also, since Tampa do not advertise that they have these hard to find Fuentes in stock (it's not on their website) I doubt most people knew they had them unless they called to ask.
Where did I say I was "concerned that TampaSweethearts will run out of cigars..."? I don't see that in my post.
I suggest next time you decide to comment on one of my posts you have some idea what you are talking about instead of picking my post to comment on simply because you don't like me.
EDIT: pittesq, this isn't about greed and I am not "pissed" and I assume Rich isn't "pissed" either. Fact is, I PMd this info to several people I knew were looking for these back at the beginning of the month. If that's being "greedy" so be it. Personally, I (and many others) chose to keep this source a bit more "quiet" just as we do with valuable Cuban sources.
SamClemmons said:Cute. I get it. You don't want to wait. You want to be entitled without making any effort. Look genius "luck" is indicative of an arbitrary judgement not a decision based on performance. You can wait in the corner if you like but you won't be getting any bones. You don't get it.Gary-smoke said:SamClemmons said:Yeah you'd think that until you catch the scumbag who gets in on something like this and deals them off on yahoo. You're damn skippy this is elitest. When a guy puts in the time and is found trustworthy nobody has a problem dealing them in. The fuggin' newbs who come in here trying to change the way things are done GET NADDA. This is NOT an arbitrary reward system. Keep spoutin' off and you'll see how specific it is.Gary-smoke said:Maybe I'm speaking out of line but I'm a real newbie and reading this tread it looks elitist to me. The old "we are better then you so stay in your place" kind of thing.
So what you are saying is keep my mouth shut stand in the corner and if I'm very lucky you will kick me a bone?
Ah. Another towering intellect. Don't argue the points, just post stupid comments. Good plan jack***.jacknife said:Hey FOG' it ok if I buy some special smokes from TS? :sign: :sign: :sign:
Whatever. Now remove your avatar. No advertising. Wanna argue about that now?Gary-smoke said:SamClemmons said:Cute. I get it. You don't want to wait. You want to be entitled without making any effort. Look genius "luck" is indicative of an arbitrary judgement not a decision based on performance. You can wait in the corner if you like but you won't be getting any bones. You don't get it.Gary-smoke said:SamClemmons said:Yeah you'd think that until you catch the scumbag who gets in on something like this and deals them off on yahoo. You're damn skippy this is elitest. When a guy puts in the time and is found trustworthy nobody has a problem dealing them in. The fuggin' newbs who come in here trying to change the way things are done GET NADDA. This is NOT an arbitrary reward system. Keep spoutin' off and you'll see how specific it is.Gary-smoke said:Maybe I'm speaking out of line but I'm a real newbie and reading this tread it looks elitist to me. The old "we are better then you so stay in your place" kind of thing.
So what you are saying is keep my mouth shut stand in the corner and if I'm very lucky you will kick me a bone?
Your are right, I don't get it. So I guess we will leave it as we just disagree.
SamClemmons said:Ah. Another towering intellect. Don't argue the points, just post stupid comments. Good plan jack***.jacknife said:Hey FOG' it ok if I buy some special smokes from TS? :sign: :sign: :sign:
SamClemmons said:Whatever. Now remove your avatar. No advertising. Wanna argue about that now?Gary-smoke said:SamClemmons said:Cute. I get it. You don't want to wait. You want to be entitled without making any effort. Look genius "luck" is indicative of an arbitrary judgement not a decision based on performance. You can wait in the corner if you like but you won't be getting any bones. You don't get it.Gary-smoke said:SamClemmons said:Yeah you'd think that until you catch the scumbag who gets in on something like this and deals them off on yahoo. You're damn skippy this is elitest. When a guy puts in the time and is found trustworthy nobody has a problem dealing them in. The fuggin' newbs who come in here trying to change the way things are done GET NADDA. This is NOT an arbitrary reward system. Keep spoutin' off and you'll see how specific it is.Gary-smoke said:Maybe I'm speaking out of line but I'm a real newbie and reading this tread it looks elitist to me. The old "we are better then you so stay in your place" kind of thing.
So what you are saying is keep my mouth shut stand in the corner and if I'm very lucky you will kick me a bone?
Your are right, I don't get it. So I guess we will leave it as we just disagree.
SeanGAR said:On sale now at Walmart .... BELOW MSRiP .....
jacknife said:Hey FOG' it ok if I buy some special smokes from TS? :sign: :sign: :sign:
Anger? You think I'm angry? Never asked me for anything? You said you'd sit in the corner and would I kick you a bone. That's asking.Gary-smoke said:Your arrogant person, What makes you think I give a rats a** about what you think. Just who do you think you are GOD and can strike down anyone who disagrees with you. I have never asked for anyting from you and I never will. So get over yourself. You must have some real personal problems to vent all this anger over something a minor as this. I sincerely hope you get the help you need to control this anger problem of yours. Now go in peace