pittesq said:
This is all kinda funny to me. Tampasweetehearts isn't as big a secret as some folks think. If you do a search on the various boards, hits come up. For example, as a newbie jumping jor joy at those prices, I knew of them, and that you could get anejo's if you purchased their stuff, I just didn't know this time around that a lot of the other seasonal things were on the list. In either case, the greed of some folks completely cracks me up. The fact that people were actually pissed off by the post is funny to me. Alot of you that ere pissed off are probably sitting on mounds of anejo's and other sought after sticks, and at this point, are just stockpiling sticks in case of famine. I mean have you read some of the posts on this and other boards from members who got shut out this season? Not shut out from their favorite B&M, but shut out comepltely. Why would fellow BOTLs prefer for them to be shut out than share some info with them? And if the problem you guys have is that it was put in a public post, how many of you actually PMd the guys (strangers) who posted messages that they didn't get any, or would like to try one for the first time and not pay 30 bucks for a stick? If you didn't do it under those circumstances it's not the pulblic post your mad about. It's just about greed.
Relax guys. It's Christmas. You've got the whole year to find other ways to keep your brothers in the dark.
Happy Festivus!
Excuse me? Don't even come out of the wood work and try to throw me and my good name under the bus.
I been
MORE than generous with cigars, sources, gifts ect. than you will ever know.
I have sold Anejo's for MSRP, a little over MSRP, hell I have even given them away to brothers I care for.
I can't even remember how many bombs I have sent out to un expecting members who have shown an interest in the game.
As far as people getting shut out .... WTF does that mean? couldn't buy cigars?
I want any member of THIS board to step forward if you have been shut out from buying cigars this Christmas year for any reason to please post it here.
If you exist I will be MORE than happy to send you a box of cigars for Christmas.
Let me give you a little advice pittesq. before you go pointing fingers and making allegations of folks hording cigars (stashing loads of Anejos) and not being stand up brothers of the leaf you need to do a little more research on that member and find out what they have contributed to the board before you spill your swill in a thread.
Unless you can point me to a specific thread I have yet to find you ever doing anything for a fellow brother in this forum.....??
Nuff Said.