StonyVision said:
MonkeyK said:
StonyVision, your posts indicate my earlier post is correct. You are just trying to justify what you already know to be wrong.
Is it really the indignation that they can charge "so much"? Or is it simple convenience? Most software is not outrageously expensive, $20 for a DVD (most are available for less than this) doesn't seem like that much to me.
Are you equally outraged that a good auto mechanic can charge over $100/hour?
yes i am outraged thats why i work on my own stuff, and i never said the dvd at hand. he asked for a good discussion regarding all piricy, i thought id provide, and the thing is we dont dabble with dumb crap like a dvd, or takeing some ones pics or art, we go after stuff like adobe photo shop that they charge over $500 for because they know its mostly for commercial use. So simply piss on the individual who wants to get a start in graphics, i garuntee u with my life that they could simply cut the price of that by 1/3 and still make massive profit. As for movies we go for ones still in theaters, and i own about 100 dvd's of em that i liked.
I'm having a hard time getting what your point is now.
You did say you mostly copied movies, but you compare the price of a DVD to the price of going out to the movies and buying concesion stand snacks. Then you perform a quick market analysis of the price of photshop and conclude that it should cost about 1/3 of its current price.
Finally you make my point for me. You are outraged that a mechanic can cost a lot, so
you don't use his service
The rest of your points are equally ellusive. I think you are saying that:
-the people that produce movies, music, software are greedy
-piracy doesn't cost them all that much money
-piracy forces them to make their prices more realistic
-piracy helps them
If I missed a main point, please let me know.
If you applied your same logic to the mechanic, you would go, come by later with a second set of keys and take your car. Why don't you do that?
Here's another question. How do you decide what you will try to crack? How do you decide what to take from what others have cracked? How do you decide which music or movies to take copies of?