oh my sad friend moki, first of all look at the studies, ever since piracy began prices have lowered historically simply showing how little u know. Not to mention it helps the creators since.
You, sir, are a moron. Either that or you'll ignore the facts to make yourself feel better. I'm in the industry, I think I know what's going on.
Secondly hacking software IS VERY difficult. If it were every one would do it, and simply copying a dvd is nothing to hacking the cd copy protection. Read more studies my friend, see ur thinking the way business has historically worked.
Nonsense. All hacking takes is some decent tools, and a knowledge of assembly language. Big deal. Any monkey can reverse engineer something that's already been created. Don't fool yourself, what may seem like rocket science to you is CompSci 101.
And to think that all companies handle there stuff over seas is good because they want to strengthen the economy is a joke. Simple point of truth the economy being lows is that American currency has been diminishing compared to the euro.
Your complete lack of knowledge is amusing. You do realize that the strength of a currency has nothing whatever to do with the job situation? Indeed, currently, what is wanted is a gradual decline of the US dollar, for two reasons: 1) it eases our debt burden and 2) it makes imports cost more, which results in more money spent on home-made products, reducing the current account balance deficit.
You are in the deep end of the pool without your water wings, you're going to drown in your own ignorance soon. Seriously man, you're utterly CLUELESS on every issue you've raised, and have demonstrated a profound lack of understanding on basic economics.
Economists are HOPING for a continued gradual decline in the dollar relative to the Euro. Indeed, if anything, the decline in the dollar is HURTING Europe, not the US. Because we buy fewer things from them, and are less likely to travel there. Have you taken a look at the GDP growth figures for the EU sector lately? Pretty anemic compared to the US, isn't it? Looked at the unemployment figures in, say, France and Germany? Both are over 10%... a far cry from the 5.6% in the US. Open your narrow-minded, selfish little brain and get a clue before you talk.
I'm SO glad for this thread, because it's outted you as a selfish ignorant moron, and probably saved many people the displeasure of dealing with you.