CVM I was thinking the exact opposite. Although Stoney is not arguing his point the best in the world he is doing so without the personal attacks and name calling. Resorting to those IMO shows a lack of ability to debate a point and instead is akin to a grade school playground name calling contest. Or perhaps this "debate" is more like an advanced middle school "yo' momma" duel; since one resorted to critiquing the opposing sides' spelling. Being semantically correct proves your point of view is more valid after all.cvmfour said:Damn Moki! Tell it like it is. I'm really impressed with your rebutles. I've got a new respect for you my friend :thumbs:
The MPAA and RIAA are guilty of price fixing, got convicted, and had to send people that asked for it a check for $1.21 no matter how many CDs they bought at the $18 the RIAA conspired to raise the price to. The MPAA has at least wisened up and started selling good and old DVDs for $8. The RIAA still believes it should be able to sell a CD of 30 year old music to a person that already bought it on LP and Cassette tape for $15, and then give the artist who made the music a dime out of that sale price. I haven't bought a new CD in several years with the exception of independant labels. I bought 20 CDs last month, all of them in the half priced books $1 clearance section. The RIAA doesn't get a cent out of that!

The RIAA is not allowed to pay radio stations to play their music; so instead they now sloppily launder the funds so that an "independant promoter" pays clearchannel millions of dollars a year to force you to listed to the same 12 crappy songs over and over again OR have to pay for satellite radio to get variety. One of the LAST good radio stations in the nation got bought out by clearchannel recently. When 97X (even Rainman knew their catch phrase) went down it made me realize corporate radio and the RIAA are still "the man" and will only get harder for us to discover good music instead of what the RIAA has decided can be sold. I have no moral dilemna about sharing out music so those people that want it can have it for free. It is great to have 120 gigs on a public WAP let me tell you.
As great as all of the people here say ISOMs are, I still haven't convinced myself one way or another whether or not it is right or to smoke them. The reason for my hesitance is NOT because it is illegal nor because I am afraid of getting caught. Stupid laws get passed; look at the DCMA. Arguing that something is wrong simply because it is illegal while at the same time engaging in illegal activity yourself is sheer hypocracy which I have no respect for.
I work with a Cubam woman who still has a lot of family trapped there. She and every other Cuban person I have talked on the subject to support the embargo because the people don't see any of the revenue from it. If a person tries to start a non-government controlled cigar factory they get raided like our DEA would raid a meth lab. I really want to try ISOMs, but at the same time I am not sure I can do so without feeling guilty. I greaty appreciate the way many of my BOTLs here have shared information about them with me. Once I have formed an opinion of whether or not it is wrong - this will apply to ME. For those of you who smoke ISOMs it won't affect my opinion of you on way or another - my moral code applies to ME. If some of you do feel guilty about smoking ISOMs yet still do so; you don't need my help to work through your moral dilemna NOR will anything I say effect your actions.
Moki, I was willing to apologise to you after you took such huge offense to my simple Macintosh joke. Although it seemed tremendously immature, we all have our shortcomings and most people are worth working around them. Many of the other BOTLs here seem to hold you in high reguard, so I felt it even more so. These vengeful and hateful personal attacks on a relatively new member are not appropriate. You may have a tremendous knowledge and inventory of cigars you share with some of the members here. However the lack of character you have displayed in this matter makes those no longer seem worth dealing with your tyrades and holier than thou attitude to me.
Judge not lest ye be judged.