Fountain Pens 2023 - Anyone?

Screw you guys and especially you @PaulTra for giving me this bad idea. Got my first fountain pen. My handwriting is horrible and I need to learn to write with it but so far so good
HA! We got another one!

Great choice for your first!

Are you using cartridges to start?

If so, we'll talk to you about getting a converter shortly to get you into bottled ink... muahahahaha!

SPeaking of the sickness... I just ordered a custom pen - a youtube pen guy called Figboot on Pens is doing a special project pen release with Radius, and it is in a frosted blue - similar to your Lamy.

Ordered this morning so I have about 60 days to wait now...

Screw you guys and especially you @PaulTra for giving me this bad idea. Got my first fountain pen. My handwriting is horrible and I need to learn to write with it but so far so good
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When I was in college I took an architecture rendering class, and there was a certain style of lettering we had to reproduce. My girlfriend and I would spend hours practicing our handwriting on the bus when we traveled from home to work and back. We would write this sentence over and over: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy sleeping dog." It has every letter in the alphabet in it, so it's good practice to craft each letter. When I bought a new fountain pen recently I started writing this again. I have pages of my notebook filled with this sentence and I can see progress in my handwriting over the last 6 months. Just be slow and deliberate when you do this exercise. Try to draw a picture of each letter instead of just writing it. Over time, the improvements you make from the exercise will appear in your natural handwriting.
When I was in college I took an architecture rendering class, and there was a certain style of lettering we had to reproduce. My girlfriend and I would spend hours practicing our handwriting on the bus when we traveled from home to work and back. We would write this sentence over and over: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy sleeping dog." It has every letter in the alphabet in it, so it's good practice to craft each letter. When I bought a new fountain pen recently I started writing this again. I have pages of my notebook filled with this sentence and I can see progress in my handwriting over the last 6 months. Just be slow and deliberate when you do this exercise. Try to draw a picture of each letter instead of just writing it. Over time, the improvements you make from the exercise will appear in your natural handwriting.

This is excellent advice! I will try it.
Now I need to go dig through the boxes of things from when Mom passed . . . my older sister Dawn had bought her a really nice fountain pen one Yule that she never filled or used & it ended up with me. I don't remember what brand. Just that it's really heavy for its size and feels expensive. Dawn was married to a rich guy at one time so for all I know it's a Montblanc!

Used to do pen & ink with Rapidograph engineering pens, a carryover from my tattooing days. Be interesting to see what I could do with a nib.

@Nihon_Ni You mention the sentence that you used to write - the pen reviewer on youtube that I watch, Figboot on Pens, uses the same one, though his handwriting does cause me some trauma. He does some other standard things with each writing test, including reverse writing with the top of the nib down instead of up.

I have a TWSBI Eco that I had a custom grind on the nib done - turned from a standart broad nib into and Architect Nib. (Thin downstrokes and fat horizontals.) This really works well for me as most of my printing is in block caps so that it is legible. It really gives it a neat look with the line variation.

@Not A Nice Person Look forward to seeing what that pen turns out to be, and how your art turns out!
I know this is going to like the "What's a good cigar" question, but I'm going to ask anyways.

I would like to get into writing with a fountain pen again, I had one for a while but got frustrated because I couldn't figure out how to properly write with it. It's currently "aging" somewhere in my house, but not sure where...

I currently use a Sharpie S-Gel pen, and really like them. Is there an entry level fountain pen that would be similar?
I know this is going to like the "What's a good cigar" question, but I'm going to ask anyways.

I would like to get into writing with a fountain pen again, I had one for a while but got frustrated because I couldn't figure out how to properly write with it. It's currently "aging" somewhere in my house, but not sure where...

I currently use a Sharpie S-Gel pen, and really like them. Is there an entry level fountain pen that would be similar?

You could try something like a Lamy Safari to start and use Lamy ink cartridges. Later if you want to get into bottled ink you can get a converter for the Safari and and go with something like a TWSBI Eco. Those are both in the $30-ishrange so they won't break the bank either.

I've lost a pen or two as well... I do know they are around the house here somewhere, I just can't for the life of me find them...
You could try something like a Lamy Safari to start and use Lamy ink cartridges. Later if you want to get into bottled ink you can get a converter for the Safari and and go with something like a TWSBI Eco. Those are both in the $30-ishrange so they won't break the bank either.

I've lost a pen or two as well... I do know they are around the house here somewhere, I just can't for the life of me find them...

Thanks for the help. I will look into the Lamy.

ETA - Any advice on where to purchase?
We don't discuss sources on CP.


All I'm asking for is a legit place to buy stuff (at a discount). I want to get discounts that everyone has worked so hard for over the years, but I don't want to spend the time doing my own research or building the relationships. If I knew this was going to be the response from you assholes I would have never joined this place! I was warned by a very well liked BOTL (XYZ123) that you all were a bunch of assholes, and he was right!

I knew that one of the "Assholes" on here would jump in with that comment. 😂 :cool:
All I'm asking for is a legit place to buy stuff (at a discount). I want to get discounts that everyone has worked so hard for over the years, but I don't want to spend the time doing my own research or building the relationships. If I knew this was going to be the response from you assholes I would have never joined this place! I was warned by a very well liked BOTL (XYZ123) that you all were a bunch of assholes, and he was right!

I knew that one of the "Assholes" on here would jump in with that comment. 😂 :cool:

I've bought most of my Lamy Safaris through Amazon.
All I'm asking for is a legit place to buy stuff (at a discount). I want to get discounts that everyone has worked so hard for over the years, but I don't want to spend the time doing my own research or building the relationships. If I knew this was going to be the response from you assholes I would have never joined this place! I was warned by a very well liked BOTL (XYZ123) that you all were a bunch of assholes, and he was right!

I knew that one of the "Assholes" on here would jump in with that comment. 😂 :cool:
I've got some fountain pens I'm thinking of selling, but not sure if I want to yet. I keep them in my walk-in closet. If anyone is interested, I'll post some photos and then we can take it to PM for the best deals. I'm sure I'll sell them for way less than I bought them for.
I will shoot you a PM and we can talk about the interest in the possibility of the sales that you might be doing.
The GOULET Pen Company has a pretty cool site, and decent pricing(I think). Just an option to check out.

Floyd T
Goulet is great.
I've also bought from Goldspot and Atlas Stationers and been very happy.