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MilesMingusMonk said:

Looks like it couldn't get any uglier on a Saturday night. :(

CP_asholes would hit it. ;) ;) :D Just playin CP. :D
SFG75 said:
CP_asholes would hit it. ;) ;) :D Just playin CP. :D

Why would you just be playin?

Any idiot who signs up as CPashole deserves to get ripped on unmercilessly.
Ha Ha! I think I need a couple more beers first.... maybe a couple more kegs...
sh*t, I can't get drunk enough to tap that.
CPasholes said:
Ha Ha! I think I need a couple more beers first.... maybe a couple more kegs...
sh*t, I can't get drunk enough to tap that.

Heck, if you took that bag off of your head, we would all be able to realize that SHE'S your MOMMA :0 :love:

I thought the picture looked a little more like your moms a$$, but then I saw the eyes and realized that you just were not done yet.

Now give it a rest...there was no need to bring my mom into this, but if you want to keep up the BS, I'll dish it right back. There is no reason for this crap, so lay off.
Just curious CP, and I'm not trying to be sacrcastic or anything, so please don't take it that way. But I would like to know how you like being able to post your thoughts at this board while you can't at that other one. Rod could've banned you and cited your baiting name, but he has yet to do so. I assume you disagree with Stoggie's "peace now" philosophy by continuing to post here?
CPasholes said:

I thought the picture looked a little more like your moms a$$, but then I saw the eyes and realized that you just were not done yet.

Now give it a rest...there was no need to bring my mom into this, but if you want to keep up the BS, I'll dish it right back. There is no reason for this crap, so lay off.

Hey there slick, don't think you can come into someone elses forum with a screen name meant to cause flames, and then feel bad when you get what's coming to you.
I only said what I did because you are posting anonymously without letting in on who you are. If you are so proud of your posts here so far, why don't you let us know who you are and then we can talk. ;)

No real offense meant to your mother :D
Hey, thats cool. I'm just stating that I'm not going to take the BS when its dished out my direction. I had a polite comeback for the
"CP_asholes would hit it. Just playin CP. "

which I'm sure you would agree....I took it as a joke. There was no need to say it was my mom in the next post. My mother died of cancer just a while back, so that does not amuse me in any way.

We are even up in my book, so lets talk cigars and get off this crap.

And by the way,
CP = Cigar Pass
ASH = ash (of course)
OLES = Office of Law Enforcement Standards
(computer forensic science, security and application here...)

Peace now? Sure thats fine. I only bite when I'm bitten first. We didn't discuss anything about not posting. I think you guys have a great forum here and I didn't even know about it until all this sh*t broke out the other day. But hey, if you want me to pack up and leave.... whatever. The internet is a big place, no big deal.
ricmac25 said:
Geesh. No internet at home for a couple of days and I come back to this $hit. Like Lee I just wasted 15 mminutes of my life on this crap. Bill, Moki, WTF? I expect more from each of you. The first one to say "he started it" gets bitch slapped.

It pains me to read what the two of you have said to each other. You guys are two of the people I have interacted with the most.

I hear ya Ric, and I'm not surprised that some people would be disappointed with how I handled the situation here. I've turned a blind eye to an awful lot of things; I do not feel in the wrong for not turning a blind eye in this case. No one, and I mean no one should be allowed to get away with the level of $hit-stirring, bullying, and disrespecting that Bill pulled on me here.

...but I do understand why you'd disagree. I do not get involved in these things lightly; as anyone who has been here for the last year knows, I am rarely in the middle of a fight. But everyone has their limit of crap they'll take.

I also think CC needs to take a step back, and have a look at how he's been treating people here on CP. Perhaps something is bothering him in his life; but that is no excuse for turning CP into his whipping boy.
Cpasholes - In the interest of full disclosure who are you on sc?

Moki, Bill, and the rest of you guys, let it go. Nobody is gonna "win" on this one and everybody loses. Just cut it out.

For a second there I thought you were going to say he started it, LOL.

For the record:

ricmac25 said:
Moki, maybe a public word in defense was necessary. Yes I understand your reasons. "I" disagree, but that is your right.

Bill, "I" think you escalated this unnecessarily.

Do I think you should have stood up for your CP BOTL? Yes.
Are you entitled to your reasons for not "stirring" up more trouble? Yes.
Do I fully agree with you? No. But I respectfully disagree with your opinion.
Do I think CC went overboard? I love you both dearly...but Yes. I think it was an unnecessary escalation.
Do I think any less of either of you? No.

You both have been, and I assume will continue to be, outstanding BOTL to me and many others on this board. I don't know wtf happened, but whatever it was, it was sad.
Let it go guys, this is obviously getting nowhere and I'm getting sick of reading this crap. I didn't go to SC and "defend" CP, nor will I ever go to another site and defend CP. This is our community, we run it how we want. If another community wants to bash us, good for them, they pay the bills for their server and they can say whatever they want about us. As far as trying to make it known all over the internet that this "elh..whatever" is a scammer, there's no reason to associate him with CP. It's fine to make a statement on another board as a friendly warning, however if they don't want to accept it that's their loss. We're not the internet police here to watch out for every cigar board. Let's be more concerned about ourselves rather than the other boards.

Let's let all the crap drop, be more relaxed and try and have a good time. Taking advantage of our "self moderation" rule will only hender its future existence.

I hope you guys can let this drop and move on.

Thank you,
Moki is the biggest ****-stirring, pompous, internet bully that's every existed on any website.. Don't let his last apologetic sounding post allow you to think otherwise!! Let the truth be known!!
So I guess we can take it that your job as a she-male prostitute isn't going well and you have to vent here. ;)

morenoloco said:
Moki is the biggest ****-stirring, pompous, internet bully that's every existed on any website.. Don't let his last apologetic sounding post allow you to think otherwise!! Let the truth be known!!
morenoloco said:
Moki is the biggest ****-stirring, pompous, internet bully that's every existed on any website.. Don't let his last apologetic sounding post allow you to think otherwise!! Let the truth be known!!

After 18 pages this is finally starting to die down and you have to go and post garbage like that. Not cool man, not cool at all...

AVB said:
So I guess we can take it that your job as a she-male prostitute isn't going well and you have to vent here. ;)

Yes, the she-male prostitution market has been rather slow as of late. Just ask Moki, she/he can tell you all about it.

Mrs. Jingles.... you can actually count to 18? Mighty impressive!!
morenoloco said:
AVB said:
So I guess we can take it that your job as a she-male prostitute isn't going well and you have to vent here. ;)

Yes, the she-male prostitution market has been rather slow as of late. Just ask Moki, she/he can tell you all about it.

Mrs. Jingles.... you can actually count to 18? Mighty impressive!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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