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coventrycat86 said:
No moki, once again you are wrong. I expressed displeasure with your lack of support and you turned it into a flame war. That's as easy for even a six year old to see. And you continue with the flaming, the name calling, the "tough guy" talk and the insults in this thread which is very unfortunate.

Please calm down, you're making a spectacle of yourself ;)

Looks like moki is now taking a well deserved "time out"

I'm sorry I called you a "prick" I was wrong. ;)

Calling someone a "spineless, selfish faggot" and "arrogant little attention grabber" is "expressing your displeasure"? Maybe for for a 6 year old, or someone with a bad case of Tourrets Syndrome.

You sling those insults and flames around and expect me to sit back and take it? You call me a liar, and expect me to simply let that go? You call me selfish -- which I think is the most absurd thing possible, for anyone who knows me -- and you want me to just take it? I think not, CC.

I'm not angry; indeed, I thought quite a bit about my reply flaming you back in kind before I posted it. I was going to leave it at posting that picture of, file another "a-hole" mark next to your name in my mind, and leave it be, the way I normally would.

However, I thought about it, and I decided enough was enough. You're welcome to convince yourself that you're in the right, and that you can just trample over whomever you please, and insult people's integrity for no valid reason. However, I'm not going to take it -- not from the likes of you.

Once again, do everyone a favor and go plug both of your holes, CC.
I agree with SFG, let's not let the crap on the other forums carry on here.

If we really want to be the "elite" cigar community, then the slamming can't continue here. Please don't bate each other on.

How about we do this... If someone stiff's a member at CP again, we will post their "profile" on cigarthief.com (a site I'm working on), and it will be up to people to check with CT in the future for known scammers. No need to carry it all on to other forums, although I do understand that we want to protect each other. If the other group doesn't want to take our advice, that's their decission, at least you gave them fair warning (which is more than enough).

Don't think it's cool that some newbie can get between two respected BOTL's.

Have a good rest of the weekend...
moki said:
coventrycat86 said:
No moki, once again you are wrong. I expressed displeasure with your lack of support and you turned it into a flame war. That's as easy for even a six year old to see. And you continue with the flaming, the name calling, the "tough guy" talk and the insults in this thread which is very unfortunate.

Please calm down, you're making a spectacle of yourself ;)

Looks like moki is now taking a well deserved "time out"

I'm sorry I called you a "prick" I was wrong. ;)

Calling someone a "spineless, selfish faggot" and "arrogant little attention grabber" is "expressing your displeasure"? Maybe for for a 6 year old, or someone with a bad case of Tourrets Syndrome.

You sling those insults and flames around and expect me to sit back and take it? You call me a liar, and expect me to simply let that go? You call me selfish -- which I think is the most absurd thing possible, for anyone who knows me -- and you want me to just take it? I think not, CC.

I'm not angry; indeed, I thought quite a bit about my reply flaming you back in kind before I posted it. I was going to leave it at posting that picture of, file another "a-hole" mark next to your name in my mind, and leave it be, the way I normally would.

However, I thought about it, and I decided enough was enough. You're welcome to convince yourself that you're in the right, and that you can just trample over whomever you please, and insult people's integrity for no valid reason. However, I'm not going to take it -- not from the likes of you.

Once again, do everyone a favor and go plug both of your holes, CC.

Andrew, go back, read the thread and calm down, I did not call YOU a "spineless, selfish faggot" and you certainlly went off on me with the flaming and the insults to a much larger degree than I ever did to you. I expressed my displeasure, you started with a barrage of insults, tough talk and flaming and yep, I'll admit that I wasn't perfect either. If I offended you, I apologize.

And yes, I think you are selfish when many of us support you when Phil screwed you over yet you stick your hands in your pockets when slowhand makes his lame apology to me and the stogiechat people ban us for no good reason. Your generosity is very much appreciated here but good God man, don't fly off the handle spewing bile when someone points out that you're slightly less than perfect. I think most would agree your criticisms of me are way over the top and you were out of line.
Rod said:
Don't think it's cool that some newbie can get between two respected BOTL's.

word...swiss should stay swiss...and then there are terrorists :0
servebig said:
Rod said:
Don't think it's cool that some newbie can get between two respected BOTL's.

word...swiss should stay swiss...and then there are terrorists :0

Yeah, I have dibs on the IRA.


coventrycat86 said:
Andrew, go back, read the thread and calm down, I did not call YOU a "spineless, selfish faggot" and you certainlly went off on me with the flaming and the insults to a much larger degree than I ever did to you.  I expressed my displeasure, you started with a barrage of insults, tough talk and flaming and yep, I'll admit that I wasn't perfect either.  If I offended you, I apologize.

Dear Mrs. Crabtree, you harp on people's spelling here, it's time for me to harp on your reading comprehension. Please read this excerpt of what you wrote, and tell me how you were not directing those insults squarely at me?

coventrycat86 said:
How do you know if I care less about being banned for no good reason?  Did I tell you that via a PM or a phone call, did I post that or do you just plain know everything?

I do indeed care about being mistreated for no reason and would think that you would be kind and loyal enough to point that out to the stogiechat people.  The stogiechat tools mistreated just about everyone from here, you saw it yet said NOTHING.  I find this rather amazing especially since quite a few others here were sympathetic to your cause when you posted another one of your "LOOK AT ME" threads with all the bravado surrounding your lame "the phil certified letter poll"  many of us felt bad for you and supported you.  I now wished I had not, I mean after all I've got no beef with Phil, right?  This place is about all of us watching out for each other, not being spineless, selfish faggots who stick their hands in their pockets and say "Not my problem, doesn't concern me..........."

And what's with the "lay off the sauce CC" comment?  moki, you're an arrogant little attention grabber and you're well on your way to losing me as a friend if you keep up with your crap.

Please don't pull this DaveDWF-esque "well, I didn't really say that" nonsense on me; it's insulting, even more so than your original comments.

coventrycat86 said:
And yes, I think you are selfish when many of us support you when Phil screwed you over yet you stick your hands in your pockets when slowhand makes his lame apology to me and the stogiechat people ban us for no good reason.  Your generosity is very much appreciated here but good God man, don't fly off the handle spewing bile when someone points out that you're slightly less than perfect.  I think most would agree your criticisms of me are way over the top and you were out of line.

Well, that's fine -- if you want to interpret that as being selfish, I can see that. I prefer to stay out of flamewars (until someone has pushed me over the brink, as happened here). If someone truly needed my help, it would be forthcoming.

You're making a mistake in ascribing malicious or self-serving intentions onto someone simply because they don't operate or do exactly what you would do. Not everyone LIKES to be involved in flame wars, and not everyone thinks that perpetuating them for the sake of "defending a friend" is a good idea. (in this case, it wasn't even "defending a friend" -- none of you truly give a rat's ass if you stay on that forum or not -- so leave them alone, and let them deal with the problem themselves)

I find it offensive that you've even insinuate that I have lied, that I am selfish, and that I would not have people's back here if they needed me. I've proven to the contrary on many occasions, to many people here.
moki said:
coventrycat86 said:
Andrew, go back, read the thread and calm down, I did not call YOU a "spineless, selfish faggot" and you certainlly went off on me with the flaming and the insults to a much larger degree than I ever did to you. I expressed my displeasure, you started with a barrage of insults, tough talk and flaming and yep, I'll admit that I wasn't perfect either. If I offended you, I apologize.

Dear Mrs. Crabtree, you harp on people's spelling here, it's time for me to harp on your reading comprehension. Please read this excerpt of what you wrote, and tell me how you were not directing those insults squarely at me?

coventrycat86 said:
How do you know if I care less about being banned for no good reason? Did I tell you that via a PM or a phone call, did I post that or do you just plain know everything?

I do indeed care about being mistreated for no reason and would think that you would be kind and loyal enough to point that out to the stogiechat people. The stogiechat tools mistreated just about everyone from here, you saw it yet said NOTHING. I find this rather amazing especially since quite a few others here were sympathetic to your cause when you posted another one of your "LOOK AT ME" threads with all the bravado surrounding your lame "the phil certified letter poll" many of us felt bad for you and supported you. I now wished I had not, I mean after all I've got no beef with Phil, right? This place is about all of us watching out for each other, not being spineless, selfish faggots who stick their hands in their pockets and say "Not my problem, doesn't concern me..........."

And what's with the "lay off the sauce CC" comment? moki, you're an arrogant little attention grabber and you're well on your way to losing me as a friend if you keep up with your crap.

Please don't pull this DaveDWF-esque "well, I didn't really say that" nonsense on me; it's insulting, even more so than your original comments.

coventrycat86 said:
And yes, I think you are selfish when many of us support you when Phil screwed you over yet you stick your hands in your pockets when slowhand makes his lame apology to me and the stogiechat people ban us for no good reason. Your generosity is very much appreciated here but good God man, don't fly off the handle spewing bile when someone points out that you're slightly less than perfect. I think most would agree your criticisms of me are way over the top and you were out of line.

Well, that's fine -- if you want to interpret that as being selfish, I can see that. I prefer to stay out of flamewars (until someone has pushed me over the brink, as happened here). If someone truly needed my help, it would be forthcoming.

You're making a mistake in ascribing malicious or self-serving intentions onto someone simply because they don't operate or do exactly what you would do. Not everyone LIKES to be involved in flame wars, and not everyone thinks that perpetuating them for the sake of "defending a friend" is a good idea. (in this case, it wasn't even "defending a friend" -- none of you truly give a rat's ass if you stay on that forum or not -- so leave them alone, and let them deal with the problem themselves)

I find it offensive that you've even insinuate that I have lied, that I am selfish, and that I would not have people's back here if they needed me. I've proven to the contrary on many occasions, to many people here.

Well I too find it offensive that you make statements like the following:
What have you done, other than starting little pansy-ass bitch fights, and correcting people's grammar?
along with all your other flaming and insults in this thread.

You certainly did not have any CPer's backs at stogiechat nor mine when slowhand posted his lame apology thread. Again, I felt this was slightly "selfish" on your part as I was right out front raking Phil over the coals when he was screwing you over.

And when you say:
many people are silently applauding
"many" is not telling the truth. Sorry I used such a strong word as lying but you weren't being exactly truthful ;)
coventrycat86 said:
servebig said:
coventrycat86 said:
I prefer to stay out of flamewars 

oh pleeeeease....

Barney, cut the crap, I never said that, moki did.

bill...the point i'm trying to make is that you are in the middle of alot of flamewars...however it happens. do you deny this? this is the first time that i've ever seen andrew involved in one.
servebig said:
coventrycat86 said:
servebig said:
coventrycat86 said:
I prefer to stay out of flamewars

oh pleeeeease....

Barney, cut the crap, I never said that, moki did.

bill...the point i'm trying to make is that you are in the middle of alot of flamewars...however it happens. do you deny this? this is the first time thati've ever seen andrew involved in one.

You rearraged the quote to make it look like I made that post when moki did. I dunno, what would "alot" of "flamewars" be? I generally do not "flame" unlike you and how moki handled himself in this thread.

Barney you kinda do crack me up. :D It seems to me that you've developed quite the reputation for being in the middle of a lot of flamewars, many more than me, that's for sure ;)
coventrycat86 said:
You certainly did not have any CPer's backs at stogiechat nor mine when slowhand posted his lame apology thread.  Again, I felt this was slightly "selfish" on your part as I was right out front raking Phil over the coals when he was screwing you over.

Let's review history here, shall we? You started in with me (in a bit of an over the top way) here:


I replied, gave you my explanation as to why I did not post "defending" you. I said that you did not have a fight with me; but you picked one in a big way.

Instead of saying something like "Well, I wish you had said something" or "I see; I didn't interpret it as you wishing to stay out of the flamewar, or wanting to let things die down" you came back and SLAMMED me with personal insults and flames directed squarely at me. Do not even think about DWF'ing your way out of what you meant by that post:


It's all there for everyone to read; I'll let everyone make up their own minds regarding who started in, and who was in the wrong. I'm sure some people believe I was in the wrong for not defending you and others on SC; I highly doubt the same people believe that I am worthy of your slobbering, invective-ridden diatribe.

I prefer to stay out of flamewars, because I think for the most part, they are pointless. When you guys were roasting Barney, I said that he was a big boy, and could fight his own battles. That's my mentality; it doesn't mean I wouldn't go well out of my way to help him, it simply means that this schoolyard-mentality of picking sides and flinging feces is not my thing.

And when you say:
many people are silently applauding
"many" is not telling the truth. Sorry I used such a strong word as lying but you weren't being exactly truthful ;)

Whatever makes you feel better, CC. I do know many people who believe that you went from helpful, friendly, "I got your back" to a screaming drama queen. If you choose to believe I'm not being truthful, that's fine. I can fight my own battles, I don't need to drag anyone else into this.
I'm just a drag queen on Saturday nights... is that similar to being a drama queen? Can I be banned too?
16 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 3 Anonymous Users)

13 Members: BkCloud114, moki, bfreebern, gibu, coventrycat86, servebig, SFG75, puffnstuff, BrownDevil, morenoloco, fllbrent, mrjinglesusa, Wildcard

WOW..... alot of people watching this topic
coventrycat86 said:
It seems to me that you've developed quite the reputation for being in the middle of a lot of  flamewars, many more than me, that's for sure ;)

i'm in the minor league bro...you are in the hall of fame ;)
I replied, gave you my explanation as to why I did not post "defending" you. Instead of saying something like "Well, I wish you had said something" or "I see; I didn't interpret it as you wishing to stay out of the flamewar, or wanting to let things die down" you came back and SLAMMED me with personal insults and flames directed squarely at me.

Ah I see we have a difference of opinion here. Your "explanation" as you put it was a slam which included the smart-assed comment about "the sauce" Ya think that REALLY wasn't smug, blunt, flaming or insulting?

You still have an arrogant tone with your most recent post with the "DaveWF'sing" crap so until you drop the attitude, it's gonna be tough to resolve anything here.....
BkCloud114 said:
WOW..... alot of people watching this topic

Well, it's just sad that a POS like Eleuthardt can cause this much sh*t and come between two stand up guys.
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