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Dropkick Murphys

WOW, what a show! :0

The set list was VERY different from the three other shows I've seen over the last year, they played lots of older stuff from the first three albums. I didn't even recognize a couple of the songs and I probably have the title of the last one wrong. Where's celt? He'd know the names of the songs better than I do. :laugh: Here's the set list:

1. Cadence to Arms
2. Do Or Die
3. Fightstarter Karoke
4. Boys on the Docks
5. Never Alone
6. Rocky Road to Dublin
7. Your Spirit's Alive
8. Caught in a Jar
9. Pipebomb on Landsdowne
10. Barroom Hero
11. Walking Dead
12. Fallen Soul
13. Bastards on Parade
14. (???)
15. Devil’s Brigade
16. Fields of Athenry
17. Citizen CIA
18. Forever
19. Captain Kelly’s Kitchen
20. Shipping Up to Boston
21. Spicy McHaggis Jig
22. Kiss Me I’m Shitfaced

23. Baba O’Reilly
24. Worker’s Song
25. Finnegan’s Wake
26. Skinhead on the MBTA
27. (Time and Time Again)

I was very happy to hear them play "Rocky Road to Dublin" a traditional Irish Song arranged a la DKM. The only one I really missed them doing was "Heroes of Our Past" but hey, I can't have everything! :laugh: I would have loved to hear them do "The Legend of Finn MacCumhail" and "Caps and Bottles" who knows, maybe they'll do one or both of those on Friday!

It was a wild crowd, complete with crowd surfing (Josh, did you make it to the mosh pit? :laugh: ). My ex-wife, my friends and I stood by the fire door because it was so freakin' hot in there. :0 Toad's Place is a very small club, the view was great but it was a hot, humid and nasty night.

CasaSoho, please try and give me a call on my cell phone. My PM box was full, I'll try and clear it out. If that doesn't work, shoot me an email.

See you Friday night!! :thumbs:

You should check out the Street Dogs if you have not already. They were formed by the Murphy's founding vocalist- Mike McColgan. I have had the pleasure of seeing these guys live twice. They put on a great Celtic Punk show.

Thanks SLC, I'll check the out! :thumbs:
WOW, what a show! :0

The set list was VERY different from the three other shows I've seen over the last year, they played lots of older stuff from the first three albums. I didn't even recognize a couple of the songs and I probably have the title of the last one wrong. Where's celt? He'd know the names of the songs better than I do. :laugh: Here's the set list:

1. Cadence to Arms
2. Do Or Die
3. Fightstarter Karoke
4. Boys on the Docks
5. Never Alone
6. Rocky Road to Dublin
7. Your Spirit's Alive
8. (???)
9. Pipebomb on Landsdowne
10. Barroom Hero
11. Walking Dead
12. Fallen Soul
13. Bastards on Parade
14. (???)
15. Devil’s Brigade
16. Fields of Athenry
17. Citizen CIA
18. Forever
19. Captain Kelly’s Kitchen
20. Shipping Up to Boston
21. Spicy McHaggis Jig
22. Kiss Me I’m Shitfaced

23. Baba O’Reilly
24. Worker’s Song
25. Finnegan’s Wake
26. Skinhead on the MBTA
27. (Time and Time Again)

I was very happy to hear them play "Rocky Road to Dublin" a traditional Irish Song arranged a la DKM. The only one I really missed them doing was "Heroes of Our Past" but hey, I can't have everything! :laugh: I would have loved to hear them do "The Legend of Finn MacCumhail" and "Caps and Bottles" who knows, maybe they'll do one or both of those on Friday!

It was a wild crowd, complete with crowd surfing (Josh, did you make it to the mosh pit? :laugh: ). My ex-wife, my friends and I stood by the fire door because it was so freakin' hot in there. :0 Toad's Place is a very small club, the view was great but it was a hot, humid and nasty night.

CasaSoho, please try and give me a call on my cell phone. My PM box was full, I'll try and clear it out. If that doesn't work, shoot me an email.

See you Friday night!! :thumbs:

I can't wait to see what happens when the cut up socks on arms, pierced, green haired DKM crowd mixes with the overly tanned, methed up, fanny pack wearing, fake Tommy shirt Hampton beach souvenier crowd. It's going to be one wild mix. Baba O'Reilly better be on tonights set.
I didn't make it into the pit. Laurie and I were up against the bench by the stage (off to the right by about 12 feet). I pretty much stood there and sweated. Man! It was at least 100 degrees in there!
It was a great show. I was thrilled how much of the old DKM that I miss so much they played. I was hoping for a "gangs all here" but what can you do?
I can't wait to see what happens when the cut up socks on arms, pierced, green haired DKM crowd mixes with the overly tanned, methed up, fanny pack wearing, fake Tommy shirt Hampton beach souvenier crowd. It's going to be one wild mix. Baba O'Reilly better be on tonights set.

:laugh: :laugh:

It'll probably mostly be the tatooed DKM crowd. I think the regular Hampton Beach crowd will be to skeered to even walk near the place tonight. :0
I can't wait to see what happens when the cut up socks on arms, pierced, green haired DKM crowd mixes with the overly tanned, methed up, fanny pack wearing, fake Tommy shirt Hampton beach souvenier crowd. It's going to be one wild mix. Baba O'Reilly better be on tonights set.

:laugh: :laugh:

It'll probably mostly be the tatooed DKM crowd. I think the regular Hampton Beach crowd will be to skeered to even walk near the place tonight. :0

Good, so it's not the Warped Tour crowd. :thumbs: Not that I fit in with the tatted crowd any better. I'm guessing I'll be the 1 person in there wearing Tommy Bahama sandals. :laugh:

Well, I'm a little late with the DKM update but here's the set list from July 14, 2006 at the Hampton Beach Casino:

1. Cadence to Arms
2. Do Or Die
3. Fightstarter Karoke
4. Boys on the Docks
5. Never Alone
6. Rocky Road to Dublin
7. Fallen Soul
8. Bastards on Parade
9. Heroes of Our Past
10. Devil’s Brigade
11. Fields of Athenry
12. Citizen CIA
13. Your Spirit's Alive
14. Caught in a Jar
15. Pipebomb on Landsdowne
16. Barroom Hero
17. Walking Dead
18. Sunshine Highway
19. Tessie
20. Finnegan’s Wake
21. Shipping Up to Boston
22. Spicy McHaggis Jig
23. Kiss Me I’m Shitfaced

24. Baba O’Reilly
25. Worker’s Song
26. Captain Kelly’s Kitchen
27. Skinhead on the MBTA
28. ( ??? )

The set list was pretty much the same as the Toad's Place show but they mixed it up a little, dropping "Forever" and another song I didn't know in favor of "Sunshine Highway," "Heroes of Our Past" and "Tessie" making this set list better than the New Haven show. Right before they played "Tessie," lead singer and bass player Ken Casey mentioned that the Red Sox had lost three in a row and that needed to change. Sure enough, they beat Oakland the next day! :thumbs:

I met up with CasaSoho and his wife at the show, we had a fantastic time!! While they were playing "Walking Dead", CasaSoho told me he'd like to hear "Sunshine Highway" and "Tessie" and I told him that I doubt they'd play either one of those songs since they didn't do them at Toad's Place. Well sure enough, they played BOTH of them, about a minute after we had the conversation! :D

It was great to meet Matt and his wife. :thumbs:

I'm going to see these guys again on August 18th in New York City so I'll have another update sometime after that show.
Good times, too bad the wife was sick, but it was still fun. Thanks for taking me through all the songs CC. It came in handy having a guide to the show.

FYI - There is no truth to the rumor that when talking to CC, he will assume what words you would have misspelled and then correct you. :laugh: He is a stand up BOTL! :thumbs:
I've been lacking in my updates here.

On September 12th, my friend Nelson and I went to a charity event the Dropkick Murphy's held at the Hard Rock Cafe in Boston. We got to meet most of the band members and they did a short concert and played nine songs. :thumbs:

Here's a photo of Nelson and me with DKM guitarist James Lynch:


Which can also be found on the DKM website
I think the Spicy McHaggis Jig has to be my favorite Dropkick song. Mostly because it perfectly describes a friend of mine from back home. :laugh:

I haven't heard a song of thiers that I didn't like though. They're an awesome band.

You should check out the Street Dogs if you have not already. They were formed by the Murphy's founding vocalist- Mike McColgan. I have had the pleasure of seeing these guys live twice. They put on a great Celtic Punk show.

Thanks SLC, I'll check them out! :thumbs:

I just ordered the new Street Dogs CD :thumbs: Thanks again for the tip SLC. :)

You should check out the Street Dogs if you have not already. They were formed by the Murphy's founding vocalist- Mike McColgan. I have had the pleasure of seeing these guys live twice. They put on a great Celtic Punk show.

Thanks SLC, I'll check them out! :thumbs:

I just ordered the new Street Dogs CD :thumbs: Thanks again for the tip SLC. :)

Each Street Dogs cd is excellent, so make sure you get them all. Never was a finer song than "Savin Hill." I always did prefer Mike's singing over Al's. I mentioned them and a bunch of other bands ages ago in this thread, so if you're still inclined, to revisit that post, you should also check out The Ducky Boys who are another great Boston band. Also, Al Barr's former stomping ground, The Bruisers are excellent. To go to the opposite coast, and back to SF, check out The Swingin' Utters and their alter ego, Filthy Theiving Bastards. To then go north to Canada, and get the Scottish version of this, check out The Real McKenzies.

And, as I stated long ago as well...all of these bands are great, but truly can't hold a candle to the original godfathers, Cock Sparrer. Get anything and everything you can by Cock Sparrer, and see them as often as possible when they come to the US.
Beleave it or not my kids(7 and 4) absolutely love the Dropkicks version of "the green fields of France)They know every word.They played on a float at this years St. Pattys Day Parade in South Boston.Awesome!!!They also like "sunshine highway"

I should add that I went to junior high and high school with Dicky Barrett from The Bosstones.One of the best live shows in the world.
Hey Miami Cubano, I now have all the Street Dogs CD and WOW I love these guys! :thumbs: On the ride home from the DKM show, I listened to "Savin Hill" at least three times since I was too lazy to change the CD in the CD player. :laugh:

Okay so as promised, I have a review from the Dropkick Murphys show at Crocodile Rock in Allentown, PA on Monday, March 12, 2007.

I missed the first warm up band which is too bad since it's Stephanie Dougherty's band "The Deadly Sins" :( I actually met her outside after the show since she was selling her band's CDs for $5.00 a pop so I bought one and went to my car and grabbed a magic marker I had in my briefcase and went back to her and made her sign it! :laugh:

I also missed most of the second band The Briggs. From what little I heard, they seemed okay. I started trying to watch The Agrolites but they're kind of a reggae band so I pretty much just walked around talking to people. I met up with these two Vietnam veterans who were from northeastern Pennsylvania. Real nice guys so I thanked them for their service to our country and bought them Jameson's and ginger ales (Hey, that's what they wanted! :D )

I've always enjoyed hanging around with and partying with people from Pennsylvania. When I was in college at UCONN, I used to make quite a few road trips to Penn State and Lehigh since my fraternity had chapters there and I always found people from PA to be a whole lot more fun to party with than the average uptight Connecticut slob. :laugh:

Anyway, it was pretty cool to see lots of kids walking around with "Penn State" sportswear since I'm a huge Nittany Lions football fan! :D

The venue pretty much sucked, the sound was pretty bad and they had way too many people packed into this tiny club which made for a pretty unmemorable time unlike the Flogging Molly show in Sayreville, NJ that I went to last Friday at the Starland Ballroom.

Here's the set list:

1. For Boston
2. Legend of Finn MacCumhail
3. Boys on the Docks
4. Rocky Road to Dublin
5. Heroes of our Past
6. Black Velvet Band
7. Walk Away
8. Bastards on Parade
9. Finnegan’s Wake
10. Forever
11. ???
12. Your Spirit's Alive
13. ???
14. Road of the Righteous
15. Caught in a Jar
16. Boston Asphalt
17. Dirty Glass
18. Ten Years of Service
19. ???
20. Citizen CIA
21. The Auld Triangle
22. Barroom Hero
23. Sunshine Highway
24. Captain Kelly’s Kitchen
25. Shipping up to Boston
26. Kiss Me, I’m Shitfaced

27. Baba O’Reilly
28. Worker’s Song
29. Skinhead on the MBTA
30. Alcohol

They did a couple of songs I didn't know BUT what was really cool about this show was they did "Ten Years of Service" and "Boston Asphalt" which I have never seen them do before. :thumbs: :0 Stephanie Dougherty came out to sing "Dirty Glass" and she told me she'll be with the DKMs this upcoming weekend in Boston for all of the shows. :thumbs: I'm seeing them again on St' Patrick's Day for a late show at Harper's Ferry in Allston and Sunday night at the Avalon which is in Lansdowne Street bordering Fenway Park.

I ran into DKM bagpipe player Scruffy Wallace in the men's room while the Agrolites were playing. The funny thing was I was the only one in the bathroom who even knew who we was :laugh: so I had a short talk with him and the rest of the dopes still had no clue....
I bought their Live on St. Patty's Day cd on your recomendation Bill, and I love it. I think blackout is next.
Hey Miami Cubano, I now have all the Street Dogs CD and WOW I love these guys! :thumbs: On the ride home from the DKM show, I listened to "Savin Hill" at least three times since I was too lazy to change the CD in the CD player. :laugh:

Glad to hear it Bill. Street Dogs are awesome and indeed Mike is one hell of a guy.

You should definitely check out the Ducky Boys, and Mark Lind's solo stuff and side-project stuff, Dirty Water. I think you will really love them.

Also...for those "Fields of Athenry" fans out there, you are doing yourselves a huge disservice if you never track down and listen to the version done by Paddy Reilly. His version....words can't really capture it...but it gives me chills everytime I hear it.
I'm surpirsed to see you haven't commented on "The Meanest of Times' Bill. Sorry if I missed it in another thread. (F)Lannigan's Ball has instantly become one of my favorite songs. They came through St. Pete last week on the one night I couldn't go. What's your thoughts on the new album?
I'm surprised to see you haven't commented on "The Meanest of Times' Bill. Sorry if I missed it in another thread. (F)Lannigan's Ball has instantly become one of my favorite songs. They came through St. Pete last week on the one night I couldn't go. What's your thoughts on the new album?

I saw DKM in August at the ICONS Irishfest in Canton, MA, on Sept. 14th at Lupos in Providence and last night at the Avalon in Boston. This was the last show at the Avalon before they tear it and The Axis down to make way for a new club. :rolleyes:

They played four songs off the new album in Canton, five in Providence and seven last night:

They opened last night's show with "Famous for Nothing" and did:

God Willing
State of Massachusetts
(F)lannigan's Ball
Johnny I Hardly Knew Ya
Vices and Virtues

I really like the new album. My favorites are Famous for Nothing, (F)Lannigan's Ball and Vices and Virtues.

The closed with a regular encore last night (Shipping Up To Boston, Dirty Water, MBTA, gee all "Boston" songs :D ) and ended it with "Pipebomb on Lansdowne Street" :laugh: How fitting since The Axis and The Avalon are on Lansdowne Street and are both going to be destroyed within the coming weeks. :D

They played 28 songs last night which was a nice long set, about an hour and 40 minutes. This show at The Avalon was a very special one! :thumbs:

Here's the set list (not in the correct order):

1. Famous for Nothing
2. Boys on the Docks
3. Heroes of our Past
4. Your Spirit's Alive
5. Warrior's Code
6. Johnny I Hardly Knew Ya
7. Bastards on Parade
8. Citizen CIA
9. State of Massachusetts
10. Auld Triangle
11. Vices and Virtues
12. Tessie
13. Fields of Athenry
14. Forever
15. (Some song I didn't know that they had to add in when James Lynch's amp blew, it was just Al Barr singing and Mark Orrell playing guitar)
16. Worker's Song
17. (F)lannigan's Ball
18. Captain Kelly's Kitchen
19. Vices and Virtues
20. God Willing
21. Wild Rover
22. Shattered
23. Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
24. Barroom Hero

25. Shipping Up To Boston
26. Dirty Water
27. Skinhead on the MBTA
28. Pipebomb on Lansdowne Street

Mark Orrell smashed his guitar after "Skinhead" in true Paul Stanley fashion, :laugh: I'd never seen him do that before.

After the music stopped, they played Frank Sinatra's "I Did It My Way" over the PA system and almost all of the crowd stayed to pay a final tribute to The Avalon.....

Oh and Red Sox reliever Jonathan Pappelbon was in attendance! :thumbs:

One of the best DKM shows I've ever seen. Seeing the DKMs is always great but to see them IN BOSTON especially at The Avalon is a real treat ;)

I'm going to really miss The Avalon.... :( and I'm glad I was there for the final show.
Sounds like it was an awesome show. Good to hear #58 was in attendence getting ready to take down the Angels.
I've been hearing a lot about them recently...I think I should go download some music....will report back afterwards. :cool: