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Dropkick Murphys

Dropkick Murphy's ROCK. You should have a blast. Since I am at a University, they play them on the University radio station as well.

Yes Dropkick Murphys, does rock. We do play them on the station up ther alot because they are blowing up across the nation. If you like Dropkick try out Flogging Molly, they are just as good in my opinion.
Here's the set list from the Thursday show on March 16, 2006. The set list may be slightly out of order near the end:

Worker's Song
Boys on the Docks
Upstarts & Lonely Hearts
[Something I didn't know....sorry :blush: ]
Heroes of Our Past
Wild Rover
Bastards on Parade
Finnegan’s Wake
Sunshine Highway
Walking Dead
Citizen CIA
[Another one I didn't know]
The Gauntlet
If I Were a Carpenter (a Bobby Darin song)
Fields of Athenry
Warrior's Code
Gang’s All Here
Spicy McHaggis Jig
Kiss me I'm Shit Faced
Barroom Hero
Auld Triangle
Your Spirit's Alive
Captain Kelly's Kitchen
Shipping up to Boston
Skinhead on the MBTA
Instrumental (something they wove into "Skinhead" but since I was on the stage, I could not hear the vocals)

Now the set list for the Saturday show was VERY DIFFERENT!! This set list is in the EXACT order (I kept better records this time :laugh: ) Here it is:

Your Spirit's Alive
Boys on the Docks
The Walking Dead
Heroes of Our Past
Citizen C.I.A.
The Burden
Curse Of A Fallen Soul
[Ooooops, one I didn't know]
The Rocky Road To Dublin
Walk Away
Fields of Athenry
Pipebomb On Landsdowne
Finnegan's Wake
Good Rats
Wheel of Misfortune
Dirty Glass
Maggie May (Rod Stewart)
Buried Alive
Captain Kelly's Kitchen
Shipping Up To Boston
Spicy McHaggis Jig
Kiss Me I’m Shit Faced
Baba O'Reilly (The Who)
Worker's Song
Barroom Hero
Skinhead on the MBTA

They opened both shows with the Boston Police Gaelic bagpipe section!!

On Saturday, they actually did "Tessie" (the tribute to the Red Sox winning the World Series in 2004) which many hard core Murphy's fans don't really like. The highlight of this set was "Dirty Glass" with the female lead singer, the only way for the band to perform Dirty Glass properly is with a female lead singer. She took the stage on Thurday so the minute I saw her, I figured they'd do Dirty Glass but they did that lame Bobby Darin song..... :(

I was very pleased I went to both shows because they played songs that I REALLY like on Thursday and NOT Saturday and vice versa.

Thursday night, my friend Nelson and I went down in the crowd on the floor and got up on stage for the "Skinhead on the MBTA" Saturday night, we took it easier and just watched from the side. :p

As I posted earlier, nothing like seeing the Dropkick Murphy's in their home town on St. Patrick's Day weekend! :thumbs:
I am greenwith envy! I would love to see these guys play Dirty Glass.
I wish I could see them live. Ya lucky bastage. Sounds like you have a blast. :D We had a bartender here that would play all their songs on the Jutbox(sp?).
I am greenwith envy! I would love to see these guys play Dirty Glass.
Yeah, I had to see THREE shows first before I saw them do that song!! Even worse was when they tantalized me on Thursday (she came out to do a song but it was NOT "Dirty Glass" :( ) BUT good things come to those who wait!

It is one of my favorites along with "Heroes of Our Past" & "Barroom Hero" :thumbs:

Murphy, Murphy, darling dear I long for you now night and day...... :D

I envy you very much. Seeing DKM on St. Patties Day in Boston has been something I have wanted to do since I first started listening to them a couple years ago. Man, I cant imagine the energy that must be in that building and people at the show.
Bill, sounds like a grade "A" riot! So jealous. Next year, I'm there...hell, next year, I'll drive!
Did you do me that favor I asked when they played BRHero?
I am greenwith envy! I would love to see these guys play Dirty Glass.
Even worse was when they tantalized me on Thursday (she came out to do a song but it was NOT "Dirty Glass" :( )

Same here. When I saw them they had a girl who played in another band before them. When I saw her get on stage with Murphys I was so psyched. As you said she didn't do "Dirty Glass". Maybe I have to see them 2 more times for that to happen. :p
coventrycat86 said:
I'd go with their CD "Blackout" first. This one is my favorite. My second favorite is the new one "Warrior's Code"

Have you listened to the albums I listed?

Just wondering, because I really didn't think that the two newest albums (blackout & warrior's code) were that good, comparitively.

But, as with cigars, everything is subjective.

I know you are going to have a great time at the show....

They put on one hell of a show, and the crowd usually gets into it...

Cheers! :thumbs:

Now that I have listened to all five of their main studio albums extensively, "Sing Loud, Sing Proud" is by far my favorite.

For the new DKM fan, I'd still recommend the "Live on St. Patrick's Day 2002" since it's mostly stuff from "Sing Loud, Sing Proud" album which they were sort of touring at the time.

My second favorite is now Blackout, followed by Warrior's Code, Gang's All Here then Do or Die.

I'm going to see these guys Wednesday, July 12th at Toad's Place in New Haven, CT. smokelaw1 and his wife are going too!! I'm also heading up to Hampton Beach, New Hampshire to see the show on Friday, July 14th. That show is sold out and I have extra tickets in case any of you yahoos wanna go! :laugh:
I’ve been listening to these guys for years, they are great. Good drinking music. :thumbs:
Sing Loud Sing Proud is also my favorite, Do or Die is another good one…hell they’re all good.
That’s outstanding that you got to go see them, that must have been a blast.

...I can look past the fact that they are Sawks fans :p
It's going to be a grand time to see them tonight. I haven't been to one of their shows since 04, when I saw them in Boston...man, they are great on their home turf.
Laurie (my wife) is more of a pop music fan, and we both are Dead fans, so this will be her first concert of "my" music...I wonder how long she'll last? I'm betting an hour. We'll see.
Bill, are you going to fight up to the stage at this show? I think with laurie there, I will hang back by the bars by the doors, and just enjoy the music. No need to throw her right to the wolves.
It's going to be a grand time to see them tonight. I haven't been to one of their shows since 04, when I saw them in Boston...man, they are great on their home turf.
Laurie (my wife) is more of a pop music fan, and we both are Dead fans, so this will be her first concert of "my" music...I wonder how long she'll last? I'm betting an hour. We'll see.
Bill, are you going to fight up to the stage at this show? I think with laurie there, I will hang back by the bars by the doors, and just enjoy the music. No need to throw her right to the wolves.

Sounds like a contest could be brewing!!! :whistling:

OK - since I suggested it.....I'll start it IF Josh remembers to keep track of the time!!!
It's going to be a grand time to see them tonight. I haven't been to one of their shows since 04, when I saw them in Boston...man, they are great on their home turf.
Laurie (my wife) is more of a pop music fan, and we both are Dead fans, so this will be her first concert of "my" music...I wonder how long she'll last? I'm betting an hour. We'll see.
Bill, are you going to fight up to the stage at this show? I think with laurie there, I will hang back by the bars by the doors, and just enjoy the music. No need to throw her right to the wolves.

You lucky SoB's. :thumbs: My first thought after reading this thread was if they're in New Haven Wednesday and Hampton Beach Friday, they must be coming through Northampton, MA on Thursday. Is it possible I hadn't heard? ??? Damn it, their web-site says Providence Thursday. :angry:

Any interest on the Hampton Beach tix CC? This yahoo is interested. :cool:
No mosh pit, crowd surfing or stage diving for me tonight Josh. :D My friend Nelson is bringing his wife and my ex-wife is coming along with me so we'll be in the back over on the right side (close to the bar :laugh: ).

CasaSoho, I still have three extra tickets so hopefully, you'll be upt for the trip to Hampton Beach. Last I knew, they were NOT planning on a stop in Northampton at Pearl Street like they did last year.

One of their New York shows was cancelled due to the flooding there. :0

...I can look past the fact that they are Sawks fans
LMAO! :laugh: You'd love the "Tessie" video then! :laugh:
CC, The wife has already agreed, just need to line up a hotel room and someone to watch our dachshund. I'll let you know once rest of the stars have aligned. The end of the work day at the latest.
CC, The wife has already agreed, just need to line up a hotel room and someone to watch our dachshund. I'll let you know once rest of the stars have aligned. The end of the work day at the latest.
Excellent!! I PM'd you my cell phone number but you can either PM, email me or post here since I'll be chekcing back on the boards later today before we head out to the show in New Haven tonight! :thumbs:
CC, The wife has already agreed, just need to line up a hotel room and someone to watch our dachshund. I'll let you know once rest of the stars have aligned. The end of the work day at the latest.
Excellent!! I PM'd you my cell phone number but you can either PM, email me or post here since I'll be chekcing back on the boards later today before we head out to the show in New Haven tonight! :thumbs:

PM isn't working, you full? Everything has been taken care of, you can count me in for 2 tickets. We can work out the details Thu or Fri. Enjoy the show tonight.

You should check out the Street Dogs if you have not already. They were formed by the Murphy's founding vocalist- Mike McColgan. I have had the pleasure of seeing these guys live twice. They put on a great Celtic Punk show.
Bill, I'll keep an eye out for you by the back bar. I'll be the too old, too slow, too soft guy bleeding after learing that he is no longer 23 in the pit.