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Dropkick Murphys

junkman_56 said:
celt said:
Do or Die (with the original singer)              mp3s
The Gang's All Here          mp3s       
Sing Loud, Sing Proud          mp3s
Thanks, it sounds pretty good.
Any particular album you would recommend?
Now, I'm a new fan so I don't know if my recommendation means much but I'd go with their CD "Blackout" first. This one is my favorite. My second favorite is the new one "Warrior's Code" and if you want a good compilation of their older stuff with all the popular tunes all on one CD, go with "Live on St. Patrick's Day (2002)" This one has 26 tracks. :thumbs:
Matty_Vegas said:
if you like Big Black you should listen to Helmet...and Suicide...and Televsion

I like some Helmet stuff (first cd mostly) and Television...wow, now that goes back. Richard Hell and gang did some crazy sh*t then...
coventrycat86 said:
junkman_56 said:
celt said:
Do or Die (with the original singer)              mp3s
The Gang's All Here           mp3s       
Sing Loud, Sing Proud           mp3s
Thanks, it sounds pretty good.
Any particular album you would recommend?
Now, I'm a new fan so I don't know if my recommendation means much but I'd go with their CD "Blackout" first. This one is my favorite. My second favorite is the new one "Warrior's Code" and if you want a good compilation of their older stuff with all the popular tunes all on one CD, go with "Live on St. Patrick's Day (2002)" This one has 26 tracks. :thumbs:

Blackout is a great lp CC. Tremendous songs on there. Worker's Song...This is Your Life...The Outcast...World Full of Hate...As One....all outstanding....all outstanding messages. Can't go wrong with this lp.
All is Bill, Karl and Stephen with Chad Price singing.
The Descendents is Bill, Karl and Stephen with Milo singing.

They do each other's songs and both kick a irregular amount of ass....

Bill Stevenson is the best punk drummer ever!
coventrycat86 said:
I'd go with their CD "Blackout" first. This one is my favorite. My second favorite is the new one "Warrior's Code"

Have you listened to the albums I listed?

Just wondering, because I really didn't think that the two newest albums (blackout & warrior's code) were that good, comparitively.

But, as with cigars, everything is subjective.

I know you are going to have a great time at the show....

They put on one hell of a show, and the crowd usually gets into it...

Cheers! :thumbs:
Matt R said:
All is Bill, Karl and Stephen with Chad Price singing.
The Descendents is Bill, Karl and Stephen with Milo singing.

They do each other's songs and both kick a irregular amount of ass....

Bill Stevenson is the best punk drummer ever!

True indeed. And as for Chad Price...check out a group called Drag the River to see what he's also capable of.

Edited to add -

Really, before the anchor that is Chad Price, there were no shortage of singers for ALL, Dave Smalley included. They came and went like most people change socks. But Chad is definitely the mainstay.
celt said:
coventrycat86 said:
I'd go with their CD "Blackout" first.  This one is my favorite.  My second favorite is the new one "Warrior's Code"

Have you listened to the albums I listed?

Just wondering, because I really didn't think that the two newest albums (blackout & warrior's code) were that good, comparitively.

But, as with cigars, everything is subjective.

I know you are going to have a great time at the show....

They put on one hell of a show, and the crowd usually gets into it...

Cheers! :thumbs:

I have but not as much as the newer stuff. I would imagine that if I had been a long time fan, I'd feel the same way BUT I'm jumping on the bandwagon very late in the game :D

From those I really like:
Barroom Hero
Pipebomg on Lansdowne
Skinhead on the MBTA
Which Side Are You On

My reason for recommending the newer stuff is if someone has never heard DKM before, the older stuff just sounds like a lot of noise :laugh: The lyrics in the two newer albums are easier to understand so once you get to like those two CDs and become a fan, the older stuff is easier to appreciate. :thumbs:
OH MAN was this a great show! :thumbs: :thumbs:

I went with my friend Nelson, who I've know since we were six years old. We got there in time to see the third warm up band Bid D and the Kids Table who were pretty darn good!! I talked to their lead singer Sean and their guitar player after the show and bought one of their CDs. They have a guy who plays tenor sax and another guy who plays the trumpet. Not bad for a punk band! :laugh: :thumbs:

We had a good view from some risers at the back of the club. This was a small club that probably only holds 500 people so even though we were in the back we were only 30 feet from the stage. The crowd was ALL people in their 20s and college students from Smith, Amherst and UMASS, etc. The crowd was rowdy but not out of control and they were doing the mosh pit deal, crowd surfing, etc.

Dropkick Murphys came on and as I expected, opened with "Spirit's Alive" BUT the next tune was "Boys on the Dock", then four more in a row from the new CD. The crowd was going nuts and at this point my buddy Nelson says, "Let's go down front!" I'm like "What, are you friggin crazy?" so he takes off towards the front and gets two rows from the stage, front and center right in the middle of the craziness :0 I followed him out there and acutally, I'm glad I did. It was nutty BUT the crowd was really into the tunes but no one was gettin nasty or throwing fists or causing trouble. Even though is was a madhouse, I probably enjoyed the show more being down front since I knew most of the words to most of the songs. I get much more enjoyment out of seeing a show when I KNOW the music and know the words to the songs.

They mixed up the set from what I thought it might be but here's pretty much what they did:

Spirit's Alive
Boys on the Dock
Walking Dead
Sunshine Highway
Citizen CIA
Third Man In
(not sure because I don't know the song)
The Burden

From this point on, I don't have the order right because I was on the floor two feet from the stage :0 so the rest is from memory:

Barroom Hero
Finnegan's Wake
Captain Kelly's Kitchen
Buried Alive
As One
Fields of Athenry
Worker's Song
Last Letter Home
Auld Triangle
Amazing Grace
Heroes From Our Past
The Gauntlet

The second to the last song was:
Spicy McHaggis Jig
where all the women in the place get up on stage :0 :love:

The last song was:
Skinhead on the MBTA
and the whole crowd rushed the stage (including me :0 ) and the band kept playing like they weren't even surrounded by 100 people :laugh: The crowd leaves the musicians alone and the bouncers leave the crowd alone, everything works out fine :thumbs:

Then they actually did ANOTHER song (which was unexpected) and I have no idea what it was. I was part of the line of guys on stage trying to keep the crowd on stage away from the amps :laugh: It was cool because the lead singer, the bass player and the bagpipe player thanked us at the end of the show for keeping some sembelence of order on stage for the last two songs :p

So after surviving a night of being crunched in a crowd of people all night that are young enough to be my kids, Nelson and I are walking out and he tripped on some steps, bangs his head on the corner of the bar and cut himself so badly, we had to go to the emergency room on the way home so he could get stiches :0 Unreal....(they wound up literally using super glue rather than stitches but he was a mess). We went to the hospital in Stafford, CT where the ER Doc is a personal friend of mine AND a cigar smoker :thumbs: He told me I owe him some cigars for putting Nelson's forehead back together :laugh:

One small disappointment was that they did NOT do:
"Time to Go"
their Boston Bruins tribute (probably 'cause the Bruins are sucking arse right now :laugh: )
nor did they play "Which Side Are You On?" which they have been doing in previous shows on this tour. :(

I've seen hundreds of concerts and live shows in my day but this whole experience was probably the best one in my life. :thumbs:

What a night!!! :thumbs:
Matt R said:
All is Bill, Karl and Stephen with Chad Price singing.
The Descendents is Bill, Karl and Stephen with Milo singing.

They do each other's songs and both kick a irregular amount of ass....

Bill Stevenson is the best punk drummer ever!
Thanks Matt!! My friend Hugh had explained that all to me a couple of years ago but my memory ain't what it used to be. ???
Wow, sounds like a lot of fun CC. The only song I can remember by them is called "Good Rats"? Not a big dropkick murphy's fan, but I am a huge flogging molly fan.
coventrycat86 said:
I probably enjoyed the show more being down front

i was going to tell you that the crowd wouldn't be bad, and not to worry about violence and/or slamming but if somebody's never been to a punk show before, i'm not going to recommend that they stand up front the first time just in case it's the exception and the crowd is a bunch of assholes for some unknown reason...

coventrycat86 said:
The crowd leaves the musicians alone and the bouncers leave the crowd alone, everything works out fine :thumbs:

again, most people that don't go to punk shows don't realize what they really are. this happens with a LOT of bands, and if the security and venue aren't dicks about it, it's the best time you could ever have at a show.

coventrycat86 said:
I've seen hundreds of concerts and live shows in my day but this whole experience was probably the best one in my life. :thumbs:

What a night!!! :thumbs:

told you you'd have a great time!

i've seen them a bunch of times, and when they are ON, and the crowd is into it, it's really something to behold.

i've never been to shows where the crowd is more 'loving'. it's hard to explain, but it seems with DKM fans, they go to a show not just for the music, but also for the comraderie of the other fans...it's kind of like a booster club from a football or hockey team or something...everybody's there for each other and for the team....and to have a great time.

glad you got the chance to be there. :thumbs:
My son was extremely envious you went to the DKM show. Floggin Molly's and DKM are his two favorite bands... And he likes Ozzie (that's my boy... :D )

I went to see them AGAIN last night and will be going tomorrow night as well. They've got five shows scheduled for St. Patrick's Day weekend, 3/16. 3/17. two on 3/18 and 3/19 in Boston on Landsdown Street (which runs along side Fenway Park) at a place called the Avalon.

The set list was slightly different than in November. I'll post it later....

Nothing beats seeing the Dropkick Murphys IN BOSTON on ST. PATRICK'S DAY WEEKEND!!
Seeing how this thread was revived, I might add that I like the Dropkick Murphys. I especially like the bagpipe :D
heard of them yes...and avalon is a great club to see them...been there many times.