I read something, somewhere, that stated this is the last year of that extension. New arena on the horizon and the A.D. pretty much said that if he doesn't produce, they will be forced to make a move.
I hope you're right. They really rode that Frozen Four appearance and Lessard's Hobey Baker a few years back for all it was worth (more than it was worth, actually). They raised ticket prices, added a requirement to join the Bulldog Club (boosters) to buy season tickets or to add to/change your existing season tickets, and they stopped giving kids that belonged to the Bulldog Buddies a discount on tickets.
As a result, attendance has been down since that great season, season ticket sales have dropped significantly, and they've had to drop the Bulldog Buddies program due to lack of interest. They basically got greedy and shot themselves in the foot. I guess they didn't realize that one good year doesn't make a program.
This new AD seems to be a lot smarter, but his hands are somewhat tied by the chancellor. She only cares about what happens with women's sports. The audience for those games is more to her liking, if you know what I mean.

It sure as heck isn't about what helps the school the most. Even while sucking big time the men's hockey outdraws the women's by almost 3:1 and the women win championships!
I can't wait fot he new arena, but I really think their going to try to pull something with the season ticket holders again. If they add any other requirements, we won't be renewing.