Cigarpass Book Thread

The last week I have been reading
"Boeing 747 systems manual"

Author unknown

Great for sleep induction, similar to getting shot in the neck with a tranquilizer dart.

The last week I have been reading
"Boeing 747 systems manual"

Author unknown

Great for sleep induction, similar to getting shot in the neck with a tranquilizer dart.

You finally get that job flying AF1?
You finally get that job flying AF1?

No but our company does some of their training. When I did my tyoe ride my support pilot was a former AF1 Captain. What a pleasure to fly with...
I loved the Tom Clancy "John Clark story" _Without Remorse_.
Wish they would make a movie out of it. I really think Liev Schreiber could reprise his role as Clark and pull it off.

This is my favorite fiction novel of all time. I've read it probably four or five times. I always pictured a young Mel Gibson as younger Kelly/Clark, and Bruce Campbell as older JC.

As for me, I've been deeply entrenched in the Harry Bosch series by Connelly. I'm on "The Closers" right now. I've been reading them back to back to back, sometimes knocking one off in as little as two days whilst sitting outside with a drink and several cigars. It's gotten expensive both in deadwood and in tobacco...

*EDIT* Spelling
Dumbing us Down by John Taylor Gatto An amazing book by true educator. NY City teacher of the year 3 times and a new personal hero of mine.
Just got done reading "the secret history of the world" second time.....
Anyone read Dante's Inferno?

I've been tempted, but don't know if its written like a Tale of Two Cities. Even as an adult I can't understand that book.

I have. I've heard that there's a little bit of loss from the original Italian but I still liked it when I was in high school.
The Outsiders

Read it in 7th grade many moons ago, but it's such a great book & a quick read. I find myself reading it more than I thought I eve would.
Well I finished my book on stoicism after a brief foray into a book on personalites. I stumbled upon a personality test...

And after taking it and reading through the 6 or 7 pages of detailes on my personality I became enthralled with learning more.

So I picked up

"The INTP" by Dr. A.J Drenth.

What a mind blowing loom at yourself when you study your own personality. It's like looking into a mirror. I highly reccomend taking that test (they do shill you at the end to buy a further detailed description) but all that can be found on the net.

It was a gripping few days of reading and I will have to go back and read it again.

Anyway enjoy that link and be sure and read through the descriptions.

I have no idea what is on tap next.
Wow very interesting.... I would suggest reading the INTP book... 5 bucks on Amazon.

After reading the descriptions do you feel the INTP is accurate?
I'm also fascinated by personality profiles. Sound like you took the Myers-Briggs test, although I haven't seen results with the 5th letter. You can google "MBTI character types" and get all kinds of results from pop-culture that will equate your type with well know characters.

Another interesting side study is to read up on Birth Order characteristics...The book is called "The Birth Order Book," by Kevin Leman.
After reading the descriptions do you feel the INTP is accurate?

Pretty damn accurate. My wife and I took this same test a few months ago and I had her read through the description. She agreed, LOL.

Go figure, a bunch of introverts making friends with people they never have to be in the same room with.
Well I finished my book on stoicism after a brief foray into a book on personalites. I stumbled upon a personality test...

And after taking it and reading through the 6 or 7 pages of detailes on my personality I became enthralled with learning more.

So I picked up

"The INTP" by Dr. A.J Drenth.

What a mind blowing loom at yourself when you study your own personality. It's like looking into a mirror. I highly reccomend taking that test (they do shill you at the end to buy a further detailed description) but all that can be found on the net.

It was a gripping few days of reading and I will have to go back and read it again.

Anyway enjoy that link and be sure and read through the descriptions.

I have no idea what is on tap next.

So how many days did you go eating "rough bread and water"?
Moby Dick ( Herman Melville ). For reasons that escape me, I was quite taken with the original movie starring Gregory Peck. I felt compelled to read it thinking if I enjoyed the movie, the book must be really good since Hollywood takes so many liberties within the movie.

I was not prepared for the seafaring language of old, you might think uneducated folks in settings you really don't want to imagine, being old, cold, rain and dampness, poor etc.

I was not prepared for running sentences that were half page long, only surviving because of the use of plentiful comma's, nor the English of old sodden times, cemataries with sad inscriptions of the dear departed, wharfs teaming with multi masted ships.

To date, it has proven to be a task to read more than several pages at a time because of lack of appreciation of the time period and probably imagination on my part. That being said, I will slowly move forward. Ahab has yet to appear, the crew is an odd lot with stories to be told, and I shall move forward me hearties.