looks like i'm going to be able to pick up a brand new in box m&p 15 flat top for 1000 flat shipped to me. This is a good price correct?
looks like i'm going to be able to pick up a brand new in box m&p 15 flat top for 1000 flat shipped to me. This is a good price correct?
Due to the election these have skyrocketed currently. I saw this same gun in our local gun store last week for $1900, so I would definately get it for $1000 while you can.
whats the caliber?
That price seems kinda high for a used rifle IMO.
Depending on what you want to do with the rifle, you could buy a heavy barrel savage with an 'accutrigger' for much much less then that asking price that will shoot just as well or better!
I have a heavy barrel Tikka T3 varmint that will outshoot many of the high $$ target rifles for half the $$.
I don't know the MSRP of the Davidoff so I can't say anything there, but the Cabaiguan for Liga Privada looks a little short according to Cigarcyclopedia. The other two look fine though.
I am sorry this did not go out yesterday guys. I was sick as a dog with food poisoning. I heads out today at lunch.
The Tatuaje Cabaiguan Guapos Rx had a small tear at the foot so I am subbing a Tatuaje Cabaiguan Belicosos Finos.
For my tardyness I am adding a Put of an Anejo 46.
Get some Military surplus Hardball. It's relatively cheap and it's what the gun was designed for. Eventually you'll get an action job and all the polishing that goes with it and it'll feed everything from wad cutters to whatever.Went shooting today! Put about 150 rounds through the rifle and 50 through the 1911. The girl even learned how to shoot them!
Sadly, my 1911 doesn't really like feeding hollowpoints...I'll have to try some others.