OK, I got my package in the mail from Matt last week, and immediately put the mystery stick in my 65% humi to rest for a few days before I smoked it. Normally I let new purchases and trades/gifts rest in the "ready-to-smoke" humidor at least 6 weeks to let any unevenness settle, but since the premise of this pass was to review quickly to keep the ball rolling, I figured that I would make time this past Saturday to unravel the mystery.
Originally I had planned on going to the [topic="30531"]Harrisburg Herf[/topic] this past weekend, but since that didn't pan out, I took a break from day of chores and MBA studying to head out to the backyard and enjoy Matt's offering. My first impressions were twofold: one, this stick was a very well made torpedo, approximately 6" x 50, with nary a soft spot, and two, having never had an
858 with a red band on the foot (hint, hint

), the only other place I had seen a Rosado wrapper like this before was on an Opus X. Hmmm...a Perfecxion #2, perhaps? No, the size was wrong, and while the wrapper color was similar, it didn't have the characteristic dark veins of the Opus wrapper.
I took a look at the foot and noticed it to be a little packed towards one side and looser on the other, but I didn't think it would be a deal-breaker, so Auggie the Doggie and I went out back to play some fetch and enjoy the 40-degree weather that has felt downright balmy compared to what we've been experiencing. Besides, snow was coming again Sunday, so this might be the last time I saw my grass for a few more days. Something in the back of my mind told me I was taking a bit of a risk smoking outside in this weather, for if this was a Cameroon-wrapped cigar or another such fragile wrapper...SNAP! CRACKLE! POP!...my review could be very short-lived. Oh well..."taste death, live life," right?
The aroma of this cigar was enjoyable, but something I couldn't quite place. I'll describe it as "herbal." I snipped the tip at an angle with my Palio (can't remember where I picked that up, but I heard it helps concentrate the flavors of a torpedo/belicoso/figurado on the tongue), torched the foot, and I was off!
My first impressions were that despite it's appearance it was a very mild cigar. After about the first 1/2", the flavor picked up to a mild-medium bodied smoke, with no real standout flavors, but a slight creaminess on the palate. The draw was perfect for the entire smoke, and while the burn wasn't razor-sharp the entire way, it never needed touching-up and any runners corrected themselves quickly. The ash was light gray in color and held on until I tapped it off. By the time there was an inch and a half remaining, the taste was starting to get a little on the sour side, so I called it a day. I think I smoked for about 75 to 90 minutes total.
Auggie and I had decided to go for a walk after about a half hour of fetch (the smoke came along, of course), so when we came back I pulled out the envelope:
La Libertad. Never had one before, enjoyed it, and would have one again if I come across any next time I'm in the old country! Thanks for the smokes, Matt, and thanks to the big Blue Dragon for setting this all up!