You Learn Something About Pirates Every Year Pass

I don't know what you're playing at, Greg, turning this pass over so quickly. Didn't you understand the premise when you joined? The least you could do is wait until February, geeze.
John that is one of the most absurd things I have seen, I don't even know what to say man... will write more when back from casa
Ok...63 the Tat East...I think...looks SHOT!

It's really dry and the foot is toast. I may or may not have one home but I will send this out today.
Hey .. Send the pass back to me and I'll take care of replacing that! :D :D :whistling: :whistling: :cool:
Class act play goes to John Fields on that put pack! You know that is why I am so propud John has been one of the guys who has brought me up around here and has always been there for me. One hell of a guy.
Class act play goes to John Fields on that put pack! You know that is why I am so propud John has been one of the guys who has brought me up around here and has always been there for me. One hell of a guy.

Now run along and wash that shit off your nose :p
if we dont hear from chris tomorrow we should just move along
Ok back from LV and certainly more beat than when I left. Greg your p/t look all good, I will see if Tod is in or not as he and Chris were gonna do a handoff and if not it will go to Jim. If we end up hearing from Chris in the meantime we can just have him moved after Jim or E in the lineup.
Yes I suppose if I wasn't totally braindead from Vegas I could have, for example,. picked up the phone....
If Rod is still really real a handoff would probably be in order, although I can't confirm or deny whether he is some sort of fictional entity at this point. You may want to shoot Greg your addy, we don't want effraim getting the pass out of turn this year :D
I already called Efraim, and he said he's thinking up his takes right now.
I'll send Chris an email telling him to check in.

whoops... forgot there was a pass going on. :laugh:

send it along. do I have to hand it off to Rod ???

double-doubles or BBQ :whistling:

Aight Chris! This thing is shipping off to you tomorrow DC# 9405 5036 9930 0109 8743 58.

Many thanks for letting me play Phil!!
Rod has to bow out due to time constraints so when Chris is done this will go on up to Jim. Thanks for playing again Greg!
Good news!!!

The pass arrived and I just picked it up off my desk this morning (Saturday). I have to work today so I don't think I can open it until tomorrow. I'm excited to see what's living in that tattered box... argh.

Rod has to bow out due to time constraints so when Chris is done this will go on up to Jim. Thanks for playing again Greg!

I am ready when the time comes, though I am still not sure this pass even exists.
