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XBOX 360 Owners, I am flustered...AGAIN

The main issue with the console has always been the red ring, and they did extend the warranty which imo deserves a tip of the hat to them, hell if I'm not mistaken they still aren't generating much if any revenue from console sales at this point.

They NEVER EVER get profits from the consoles. Don't quote me on this, but the Lauch Day tier 2 consoles cost something like $900 to make, and current are around $800. MS makes their money on licensing fees for the games. Even the original xbox cost about $550 to make and sold at like $300 right?

My oldest is currently working at GameStop

And we aren't getting employee discounts?!?! :sign:

:rolleyes: Have you seen the wholesale prices? GS' profit margin is, like, five bucks per new game. The used game industry is very profitable for the retailers, but screws the developers quite a bit. GTA4 new=59.99($55 wholesale) GTA4 used=49.99(bought from a kid who finished it in 2 days for $15 in store credit)
UPDATE: After my move, I plugged in The Box to play Fallout 3, and I got the Rings of Death...AGAIN.

I am this close to buying a PS3 because I'm sick a freakin' tired of this. Plus, Killzone 2 is AMAZING!!
If you have no warrinte with your 360, take it to a place that can fix it, Mine did the same thing, it cost me $100 cnd, mind you I have mine modded to play backups.
I just had my 2nd Ring O' Death. They took it & repaired it at no cost...again. It only took a total of 2 weeks.
I've had mine for about 2 years and and played for 8 hrs a day straight sometimes (damn Fallout and Gears 2) and I've never had a problem with mine. I did buy one of those aftermarket fans for the back of it. Thing works like a charm.
I am on Xbox number 7, and bought my first one in February of 2007. These things are the biggest piece of shit. Wrap your Xbox in a towel , and leave it running for 20 minutes. But eventually it will crap out again
see, now if you had called me and set up a game of Mercs 2, karma would have prevented this from happening...
I have one from when they came out and have no problems with it. But I haven't used it that much since I got my PS3.
I've had to replace mine once. I just called Microsoft and they sent me a nice white box with everything I needed to ship it to them. About two weeks later I had myself another one and have had it since then.

I have had a couple overheats since then from leaving my entertainment center closed but it hasn't affected it's gameplay. I just let it cool down for a couple hours and got back to gaming.
First off Fallout 3 great game. I am playing it a second time around now. Second have had the ring of death 2 time sent it back to MS even after the 3 years and they had no problem fixing it. The second time i got a brand new console or at least thats what the letter said. In my opinion stuff happens and sometimes it's just bad luck but if they are willing to fix it and make it right then ok. PS the second time around i got mine back in a week.
Q does your fan use an external power source or is it the one that plugs into the back of the xbox and uses the xbox to power it? I ask because my friend's xbox died and they told him the extrenal fan was the culprit due to it being powered by the xbox making the xbox do twice the work to keep itself cool.

don't know but he finally got his money back from Circuit City's warrenty company since he got the ring twice and when he got back the xbox the second time something else went wrong. The kept the system for 3months and finally asked him if he wanted his money they could facilitate that.

he loves his ps3 convinced me to get the ps3 and im enjoying Killzone2 even though i play the xbox every so often and use it for netflix
Totally understandable, really. With you gimping along, I can't imagine you trying to juggle the box and crutches all at once while still being gentle when you set it down. I think this is to be expected when you handle your possessions like your lower extremities.

:laugh: :sign: :laugh: