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XBOX 360 Owners, I am flustered...AGAIN

... I believe you can also hook up your 360 to work as a Tivo through AT&T's service.....

where can i get info on this? anyone know?

xbox live tag: Shvd2drcivic
How the heck am I supposed to play Live with Swissy now?!?
If there are Halo games going down, and I'm not invited... there's gunna be Hell to pay. :sign:

If you bought this 360 and did not get an additional warranty from the store, then you would have to contact Microsoft. They would then send you a box and some shipping supplies. You would send it to them and they would refurbish it or give you a new one at no charge. The process takes 4-8 weeks....ouch. I did this 2 times already. PM me for more info.
I played Xbox for 2 years before Xbox 360 came out. I picked up a "Premium Xbox 360" and never had a problem with it. I sold it and bought a Halo Edition 360 with Halo 3 came out (My first Xbox was Halo editio) and within a week, I had the fans go out. I called MS and they set up the exchange. Instead, I took it back to the store, got another one, and I've never had a problem. (I'm pounding on my deak, instead of knocking on wood). How are you guys going through 3-5 of them?

Gamertag: JGC843 :cool:
MS should replace it free of charge. If for some reason your red rings don't match the one under warranty, look up that overheating method you saw before. Basically it overheats it to cause you to get the red lights that MS will replace for free.
I've never heard anything of that, that's impossible to work anyways.

It's not impossible...

There are multiple articles out on the internet about Microsoft releasing a service known as IPTV. As of now its not available but AT&T the last I heard was thinking about picking it up. Your service provider will need to participate in the IPTV service, but again its not rolled out. They were planning to have it rolled out last year but have kept running into delays. Here is an article from Oct. 07, but there are more recent ones out there. From the latest I read a company in the UK has picked up the service but nothing confirmed for the U.S as of yet.
So far my 360 is flawless. But after the RRoD on our work 360, I looked into it and learned about the cooling issues. I found the info on the newer heat fans, smaller process CPU's, and what lot number had these and which did not. When I got my free 360 with the new HDTV (hahahaha) I dug thru the boxes until I found one above the lot number mentioned (I think it was 734?) Sure, M$ rushed it into production, but they have also stood by the service of them. Ours at work was over 2 years old, and it still was repaired (actually replaced I'm sure).

Besides getting it for free (hahahahaha) I would have gotten the 360 anyways... everyone I know has one, so gaming with friends is huge. And the titles for the 360 far outweight the PS3. Only thing going for the PS3 is a couple of games (SoCom for one) and the bluray drive. But I have a bluray drive in my HTPC so who cares. And I have a problem with Sony ever since the rootkit fiasco, so screw them.

So far, so good... and like Kayaker... I'm pounding on whatever wood is handy! :whistling:

(Live! = SwissyJim)
Jon I feel your pain.

Prayers will be sent and cigars to follow. I hope all is well with your XBOX.

I got another question for you. When it died, did you call 18004MYXBOX or did you file the report online? Because if you call em, you gotta provide your own box and protection for the Xbox and wait til they mail you the UPS stuff, instead of getting the box, protection, and UPS shipping info at the same time.

Also, mine's on it's way back finally. Just left Mesquite Texas this morning.
Make sure you don't open the unit before sending it in to Microsoft! This happened to my nephew a few months ago and they refused to fix it. Every time this happened to my son, I would hear the yelling all the way downstairs! He learned from gamers like all that have responded here...buy the extended warranty! When I heard he bought it I thought "what a waste of money"....man was I wrong! Before he left for college last year, his broke and Best Buys asked him if he wanted to re-up on his 3 year warranty for $30...and he did!...he already used it once more.

Good Luck....everyone here gave you all the right advice based on our experiences.
My oldest is currently working at GameStop and tells me M$ is extremely forgiving when it comes to RROD issues in the original consoles. Basically, you get an RMA on line and they ship out some packing materials (affectionately called the "coffin" as alluded to earlier) and you get a repaired / refurbed / new XBOX as the state of yours dictates.

Get it in the mail so you can give that guy in Alaska a bad time again..... :laugh:

Take care - B.B.S.
My oldest is currently working at GameStop and tells me M$ is extremely forgiving when it comes to RROD issues in the original consoles. Basically, you get an RMA on line and they ship out some packing materials (affectionately called the "coffin" as alluded to earlier) and you get a repaired / refurbed / new XBOX as the state of yours dictates.

Get it in the mail so you can give that guy in Alaska a bad time again..... :laugh:

Take care - B.B.S.


This info. was invaluable regarding this "crisis" I'm in. Frankly, I think Swiss Miss is going through catastrophic withdrawals while waiting for me. He's reduced himself to playing mindless games liek "Saint's Row!!" OMFG!!

But seriously, thank you for the info. from your son at Gamestop. That kind of helps ease my stress levels a bit because I've been meaning to go to Gamestop to ask them about it, but I've been so busy with work as of late, so you've saved me a trip! :thumbs:
Looks like you'd start here. From what "the kid" tells me, they are pretty cool about the whole thing.

Good luck - B.B.S.
What are you boys talking about and is this thing compatible with my Atari Pong console? :laugh:
Jon you still playing COD4 without me?? I havn't played since I did with you last like 5 months ago. I'm thinking when I get back from Florida next week i'll renew my live account.
Jon you still playing COD4 without me?? I havn't played since I did with you last like 5 months ago. I'm thinking when I get back from Florida next week i'll renew my live account.

Hmmm...I don't know Benji...see below:

My Xbox has the dreaded "red ring of death." Have any of you experienced the "red ring?" If so, any suggestions or ideas of how to fix this?? Do I take my console to a Game Tech and pay for repairs, or send it to Microsoft and pay what I assume will be a lot of cheddar?

The above post insinuates my Xbox is on the fritz, thus preventing me from playing COD4. The power of observation compels you!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

:sign: When I get it fixed, I'll come back on here and let you know so we can play dude. ;)