The Rules: (my apologies to all the other passes I stole these from… esp Swissy :whistling: )
1. When you receive the pass, please do an inventory and make sure everything is there and numbered correctly!
2. Please inspect the box and packaging materials for proper cigar packing and RH%. Either post your concern or contact me directly via PM.
3. Do not remove the cigars from their baggies unless they are part of your approved P/T's. Why Not? I may want to look at them up close to see if there is any damage and smell them to make sure they don't smell like piss since most of your Havanas are "green."
4. Please post your proposed P&T's in the forum prior to the pass arriving to you. You gotta be kidding me! How on earth can you expect someone to figure out which exact cigars they are going to "take" if they haven't even seen them yet? ??? This is absolutely ridiculous and I've been involved in more passes than 99.5% of the members here and I've never seen this rule.
If anyone has an issue with someone else's plays, please be polite about it and post your concerns in the forum.
5. Put & Takes's (P/T's) should be: A) value for value, B) ISOM for ISOM, C) NC for NC. "Should" be is the key word here. There's NOTHING wrong with putting an Opus X and taking one of your green Havanas. You also have conflicting rules here and should probably think this through better and revise these.
6. Please notify next person in line via a post in this thread prior to shipping to confirm they are ready to recieve the pass. LMFAO! :laugh: How on earth does the sender notifying the person receiving it confirm the receiver is ready to receive the pass? This doesn't make any sense at all.
7. Ship the package via USPS PRIORITY and post the Delivery Confirmation Number (DC#) in the forum. For you newer CP members, use online shipping from USPS.Com - you get free DC#'s! Of course, faster shipping is allowed but not required. What about UPS Ground? If someone is relatively close to you, UPS Ground, FedEx, DLH, etc. may be less expensive AND you get "TRACKING" as opposed to USPS which is DELIVERY CONFIRMATION ONLY. Full blown tracking is far superior to the USPS Delivery Confirmation.
I'm not sure you've REALLY thought out these "rules" very well at all. On the contrary, it looks to me like you just lifted them without fully understanding what you're demanding here and you certainly don't instill a whole lot of confidence in the audience here that this pass will run very smoothly.
BTW, how's that Russian Roulette pass going over on Cigar Live? You know, the one that got lost. :laugh: I did notice that the asshats over there seldom if ever post exactly what cigars they "put."

They'll just post that they put a "Carlos Torano" which doesn't tell anyone much at all.
Wow! I did not see the rules posted as such when I signed up. Actually I didn't look that closely. I foolishly assumed that since Dan posted that he had borrowed rules from past passes that they were pretty standard. Is this the way they were initially stated? Dan, did you edit them later. I really hope this is some kind of joke and not truly your attitude about some pretty standard pass rules. If it is, IMHO, you sir are a complete asshat and I would like to retract my request to be in this pass. I don't know about anyone else, but I would certainly like to see an explanation.
BTW, WTF is with the comparison to Jim's rules? Are you kidding?
Khris, these are the same rules he posted at the beginning of his pass. The comparison is because they are the rules that Swissy used in his Puppy Pass III. CC apparently has a hairball stuck ... CC,
if you don't like the rules, don't join the pass. Pretty simple. And your comments do not seem to be constructive criticism, but rather inflammatory drivel that really isn't necessary.
Rule #3 is pretty standard. It is put in a pass to help minimize damage to the cigars. The baggies are clear, so you can look through them and see the cigar. If you open up the top, you could still smell the cigars.
Rule #4 is intended to keep the pass running smoothly and expeditiously. There is a cigar list posted in this thread, that should be updated before the pass gets to you. You can then look at that list and determine which cigars you might be interested in. If you figure out what you might be interested in ahead of time, you can do research and make sure you have appropriate cigars to replace the ones you are interested in. I'm sure if a cigar caught your eye after the pass arrived, or you decided not to trade for a certain cigar, you could modify your P's and T's. Just make sure you discuss it with the pass host.
Rule #5 is standard, and there
IS something wrong with someone putting in an Opus for an ISOM. It directly breaks this rule.
Rule #6 is also meant to keep the pass running smoothly. The last thing anyone would want is to have the pass end up sitting on a doorstep for days if the recipient isn't home. If you post something in the thread like, "Hey Joe, you ready?", then everyone knows that you have made an attempt to let the next person in line know you are ready to send the pass. And if Joe says, "Yea, fire away", then you know he is ready to receive the pass and it won't end up sitting on his door step for days.
Rule #7 is intended to make sure there is some sort of tracking for the package.
IF you were in the pass and wanted to send it via some other delivery mechanism that had some sort of tracking, I'm sure you could work it out with the pass host.
These rules are not obscure, out of the ordinary, nor are they worded in a way that someone with a reasonable grasp of the English language would have difficulty figuring it out. Bill, quit being an ass. If you need clarification on a rule, I'm sure the host would be glad to help clarify.