What's in your pipe today?

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Working through my first tin of Pease Jacknife Plug. It's not hitting me just right yet. It's not awful, but it's not nearly as good as I expected and was led to believe from some earlier reviews. It's pretty potent stuff, a little stronger in the Vitamin N department than I usually like.

I've got two more pipes to try it in before I put it away for awhile as a "come back to it later" blend. I hope it gets better, I bought more than I need if it doesn't.
Alan, if you don't mind, I'm going to borrow your vitamin N and keep it handy. Like that phrase very much.
Working through my first tin of Pease Jacknife Plug. It's not hitting me just right yet. It's not awful, but it's not nearly as good as I expected and was led to believe from some earlier reviews. It's pretty potent stuff, a little stronger in the Vitamin N department than I usually like.

I've got two more pipes to try it in before I put it away for awhile as a "come back to it later" blend. I hope it gets better, I bought more than I need if it doesn't.
Thanks for the "review". I've been curious about the new Pease blend.

I just cracked my last 4oz tin of aged Orlik Golden Sliced. Perfect moisture for smoking. First pack was in the GBD Brunette. Just stuffed it in by finger and got a tasty, even smoke.
An update on the Jacknife Plug after finishing the first tin...

It's better than my initial impressions. It's got a very nice sweet dirt flavor that if you've ever been in a freshly plowed field in farm country you'll recognize instantly. I don't get the slight spiciness that some people seem to, but "spicy" is different to different people.

It's still a little stronger than I prefer, but if I take it slow it's not too bad. I imagine a crustier individual would find it to be just fine.

I find it has been best to cube cut it and smoke it in a bit of a wider bowl than I usually use for flakes. It burns FOREVER. I found rubbing it into ribbons brought out a sort of sourness that I didn't enjoy.

I like it. It's not a favorite or anything, but it's pretty good. I prefer the house blend VA Cake I got from Al when I was in Atlanta, but it's a different smoke.
I tried some called vanguard i never heard of it does anyone know of it. i looked all over for info. its pretty good though
I tried some called vanguard i never heard of it does anyone know of it. i looked all over for info. its pretty good though

Is that a house blend or something? I've never heard of it. What did it taste like? "Good", as nice as that is, doesn't help nail it down very well. ;)
Just rubbed out some SG 1792 Flake. I am air drying it now for an after-lunch smoke in an Eriksen straight rusticated Billiard.
Puffed on some GLP Meridian today for International Pipe Smoking Day. This blend is growing on me. I may need to start buying a few 8 ouncers of this one.
Just rubbed out some SG 1792 Flake.
Kinky! :)

C&D Exhausted Rooster in the Hardcastle. This tin had a few years on it and was better than the other two tins I've had. More aromatic - but in a good way. ;)
I tried some called vanguard i never heard of it does anyone know of it. i looked all over for info. its pretty good though

Is that a house blend or something? I've never heard of it. What did it taste like? "Good", as nice as that is, doesn't help nail it down very well. ;)
Sorry that was my fault on the name. Its Vinyard, its got a bit of a almond taste. Dont know if its a house blend or not as it was givin to me for my birthday.
Puffed on some GLP Meridian today for International Pipe Smoking Day. This blend is growing on me. I may need to start buying a few 8 ouncers of this one.

If you can find it in 8 ounce cans let me know. I can't seem to find them. This and the Dunhill 965 seem to be all I smoke these days.
Puffed on some GLP Meridian today for International Pipe Smoking Day. This blend is growing on me. I may need to start buying a few 8 ouncers of this one.

If you can find it in 8 ounce cans let me know. I can't seem to find them. This and the Dunhill 965 seem to be all I smoke these days.

According to Greg Pease, they're available, but like you I can't find them. I sent a couple of e-mails, but I've gotten no response as of yet.

I've been puffing a lot of Squadron Leader this week. Good stuff.
Perfect weather for a wet stroll with the dog and some FM On the Town. Had to walk away from the river though, not even the Frog Morton could cut through the musty spring flood smell.
'99 McClelland #24 in the GBD Brunette. Some smooth flake! :thumbs:
Got some London Burly smoldering in a pre-1938 Yello-Bole billiard. Got myself a nice cup of black coffee and the Sunday paper. It doesn't get much better than this.
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