What's in your pipe today?

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Enjoying a bowl of "Hearth & Home" and a cup of Community coffee. Life is good...

TD Red Virginia Superb #3 in the Stanwell Danish Star.

Last bowl from batch of Escudo knock-off I blended that knocked my socks off!

3:1 - HOTW : McConnell Perique
Just finished starting the morning with a bowl of Dunhill Early Morning Pipe. My first time to try this tobacco. I am impressed with it, just wish I had more than two tins of it right now.
Just finished starting the morning with a bowl of Dunhill Early Morning Pipe. My first time to try this tobacco. I am impressed with it, just wish I had more than two tins of it right now.

According to what I've read, you should be able to get more in a couple of months. It seems the Dunhill distribution problem may have been cleared up.
I commend you lads for sticking with it through the dog days of summer. I don't enjoy my pipes when it's hot and muggy. I'm looking forward to the crisp days of Autumn. Meanwhile, the tobacco ages.

I commend you lads for sticking with it through the dog days of summer. I don't enjoy my pipes when it's hot and muggy. I'm looking forward to the crisp days of Autumn. Meanwhile, the tobacco ages.

Good point and one with which I heartily concur. Part of it for me is the fact that cigars are more enjoyable when it's comfortable to smoke outside. But I also like to smoke my pipe outside - it's just that now there's competition from cigars. And as you said, meanwhile, it's a agin'!

I cracked a tin of Escudo from '00 and man is it sweet. I've been trying to duplicate it and decided the aged VA is the secret. McConnell Perique is more than up to that end of the blend. I'm going to try pressing a few VAs with it and let it sit until ... winter! :D
Enjoyed some FVF in a Butz Choquin billiard on the drive home from work and then followed it with some Maltese Falcon in a Savinelli after dinner.
Today was warm, and sunny. I found a mason jar, starting to age, of Southern Bell from good old Mr. Peaty. Two bowlfuls on the ride home, and it was a delightful drive!
Just finished starting the morning with a bowl of Dunhill Early Morning Pipe. My first time to try this tobacco. I am impressed with it, just wish I had more than two tins of it right now.

According to what I've read, you should be able to get more in a couple of months. It seems the Dunhill distribution problem may have been cleared up.

I am glad to hear that. I have been scared to open my only tin of Nightcap that was graciously gifted to me. Maybe I should smoke some of it after all.

I commend you lads for sticking with it through the dog days of summer. I don't enjoy my pipes when it's hot and muggy. I'm looking forward to the crisp days of Autumn. Meanwhile, the tobacco ages.


I probably would not be smoking mine if it were not the fact that I smoke my pipes in my apartment. Smell does not stick around at all, so I don't mind doing that. I am not willing to sit outside in 103 degree temps with high humidity to smoke.
HOTW, FVF, and McConnell Perique in the Stanwell Danish Star. YumYum
'03 C&D Briar Fox - age has increased it's nutty quality. Too hot to go out for a cigar! ;)
Boswell's Sweet Tea. This is really a fine blend. Very subtle, but very satisfying.
Had a bowl of SL in my no-name churchwarden this morning with my coffee. Really liking this stuff now.
Just finished off a bowl of Peter Heinrich's Special Curly Cut in a BIG Mastro de Paja canadian. I've really been enjoying this blend lately. Been smoking it more than about anything else the last month or so.
Boswell Pennsylvania Dutch Treat in *GASP* my Boswell.

Pure manna with vodka and sprite...
Two recent Boswell recommendations and I've never tried any of them. Guess I'll have to change that. ;)

I smoked some Haunted Bookshop I've had forever in my Stanwell Danish Star. Yum!
I've been smoking a ton of Erinmore Flake lately and have a bowl full for today. Yesterday I bought a tin of Escudo, so I'll try to smoke some tonight. Happy Smoking All!
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