What have you been reading lately?

Steven King - Insomnia. Good read. Starts very slow but gets better. Recently finished Stephen King- Cell. This one starts off exciting and stay good but has a lousy ending.
I've just finished up Clive Cussler's Polar Shift and Trojan Odessey. Nice reads.

After that I went old school and hit Charles Dicken's David Copperfield. What a long book. Very long. Did I mention long?

I'm half way through A Farewell to Arm by Hemingway. First time through it, and not a bad piece of literature so far!
I'm half way through A Farewell to Arm by Hemingway. First time through it, and not a bad piece of literature so far!

I love Hemingway's novels. Except for the endings, where either the hero dies. Or his girlfriend dies. Or they both die.


In the rain.



Hemingway is a go to again and again.

Right now reading:

The Twelve Caesars - Suetonius
The Assassination of Julius Caesar - Michael Parenti
I'm on the third book of "The Paratwa Saga" by Christopher Hinz
Book 1 - Liege-Killer
Book 2 - Ash Ock
Book 3 - The Paratwa

It is a REALLY good science fiction trilogy.
It's "hard science" fiction; killers of the future.
No elves or wizards here.

It's a nice break from the internet protocol certifications I have been doing lately.
Sniper One by SGT. Dan Mills

The Secret War with Iran by Ronen Bergman
I'm half way through A Farewell to Arm by Hemingway. First time through it, and not a bad piece of literature so far!

I love Hemingway's novels. Except for the endings, where either the hero dies. Or his girlfriend dies. Or they both die.


In the rain.




No shit. For Whom the Bell Tolls... To Have and Have Not (one of my favs)... I don't think the drunk in The Sun Also Rises dies though.

Hemingway is the goods. Steinbeck is God.
The Old Man of the Sea survives too imo (just fish free :( )
The Shack by WM. Paul Young.

Excellent read- best fiction I have read in over a decade and I am only half-way in.
Just finished: The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx, one year on drugs.

Currently reading: The Last Stand of Fox Company, story of a Marine company in Korea.
I'm half way through A Farewell to Arm by Hemingway. First time through it, and not a bad piece of literature so far!

I love Hemingway's novels. Except for the endings, where either the hero dies. Or his girlfriend dies. Or they both die.


In the rain.




No shit. For Whom the Bell Tolls... To Have and Have Not (one of my favs)... I don't think the drunk in The Sun Also Rises dies though.
Hemingway is the goods. Steinbeck is God.

Nope. Just reread it and nobody dies.

Currently reading Tales of the Alhambra by Washington Irving. Not my style normally but I will be visiting the Alhambra soon and wanted to learn a little about it.
I'm half way through A Farewell to Arm by Hemingway. First time through it, and not a bad piece of literature so far!

I love Hemingway's novels. Except for the endings, where either the hero dies. Or his girlfriend dies. Or they both die.


In the rain.




No shit. For Whom the Bell Tolls... To Have and Have Not (one of my favs)... I don't think the drunk in The Sun Also Rises dies though.

Hemingway is the goods. Steinbeck is God.

My sentiments exactly. I have everything Steinbeck ever committed to paper (that's available). Hemingway too. Though, with Hemingway, I have always loved his short stories. When they finally compiled all the "Nick Adams" stories into one tome, I was in heaven. Up In Michigan, Big Two-Hearted River, My Old Man...such damn great stuff.

Right now, I am re-reading "Still Life With Woodpecker" by Tom Robbins and "Twenty Thousand Roads" by David Meyer.
Re-Reading "No True Glory" by Bing West

It's about the major offensive operation and the events leading up to the invasion of Fallujiah in November of 2004. My unit was in charge of all the ordnance that was dropped and fired within the city limits. We spent a week preparing for it and shot our load within the first two days. The days were very long for those two weeks but it was well worth it. We had a grunt First Sergeant come and tell us how many lives our ordnance saved. That moment alone is one of the most rewarding experiences in my career and led to my decision to make this a career.
Giada De Laurentis' newest cookbook. I bought it for the pictures. I already know how to cook everything she does.


No shit. For Whom the Bell Tolls... To Have and Have Not (one of my favs)... I don't think the drunk in The Sun Also Rises dies though.

Hemingway is the goods. Steinbeck is God.

My sentiments exactly. I have everything Steinbeck ever committed to paper (that's available). Hemingway too. Though, with Hemingway, I have always loved his short stories. When they finally compiled all the "Nick Adams" stories into one tome, I was in heaven. Up In Michigan, Big Two-Hearted River, My Old Man...such damn great stuff.

Right now, I am re-reading "Still Life With Woodpecker" by Tom Robbins and "Twenty Thousand Roads" by David Meyer.

I think that's the only Tom Robbins book I cared for. I tried the cowgirl with the big thumbs, couldn't do it. I think once I finish the Tony Dungy book, and this other one I'm reading here and there (The Echomaker), I'll pull Winter of Discontent off the shelves and retreat myself to one of Steinbeck's many, many greats.