The other day I had the great fortune of lighting up a "GENUINE PRE-EMBARGO C. C. EDICION LIMITADA" that was gifted to me from Cigar Penguin (thanks again man!!!). I gotta tell you. In my limited cigar smoking experience, this was one of the MOST enjoyable smokes I have ever had. As soon as I nubbed it, I headed right inside to look up where I could buy them. JR cigars had them!!!...then I saw the price....dammit... just over one hundred bones. Granted they come only in a 50 count box and it probably saves the consumer more cash than a 25 count, but there is no way that I could justify that purchase to the little woman right now with vacation looming ahead (besides, she flat out said no when I asked her about it

). I really REALLY wish that they sold these in the usual 25 count boxes (she sees $ signs as opposed to quantity LOL). I just haveta back off of Cbid for a few weeks I guess :whistling:
Thanks a LOT Cigar Penguin for turning me onto these gems.... :angry: Now I gotta get some more!!