I had a SCLH La Punta on the drive out to one of my cutomers. This was about the 5th one I have tried out of a box from 04. All burnt well except this one, I had to touch it up numerous times
This took away from the enjoyment of this cigar. It tasted fine, with the normal SC taste but that burn, damn, tons of smoke too, I bet some people thought I had a blunt 
Oh and score of the day comes to me
I got a 50 box of Tatuaje Petite Tatuaje for 20% off at the local (local for LA) B&M. This B&M has all shapes and sizes of Tatuaje's and also they had a bunch of Don Peppin and when I say a bunch I mean boxes upon boxes. It is going to be my favorite B&M for domestics as all boxes are 20% off. Any established member looking for boxes, PM me and I will get you the details on prices and ship it
keep in mind the CA taxes are pretty much shit, so the 20% off battles the taxes.

Oh and score of the day comes to me