What beer did you drink today?

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Truly does sound like an awesome lineup Hurricane Ditka!

Had the large corked and caged version of a bottle of Westmalle Dubbel that had been sitting for a couple of years in my fridge. Drank it beside my wife while sitting by the fire pit in my back yard. The fall weather and good company made it perfect! :love:

The night before I had a DFH Punkin Ale, followed by a bottle of RR Supplication which was a really awesome Sour.
Drank Saint Arnolds new beer "Santo" last night. It was great. Exactly what I would want a "south of the border" dark beer to taste like....today I am going with a combo of 1554 and boston ale....finishing up with a CAO Gold......should be a good night.
Just finishing a Yeti imperial stout...heaven in a bottle. Yesterday I had a couple of Oskar Blues' Dales Pale Ale, the first craft beer I ever tried in a can. It was actually really good. It tasted like a toned-down version of Flying Dog's Raging Bitch...
I've got a bottle of Deschutes Stoic in the fridge thats going to get opened tonight.

What did you think of it? I had it a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it!

I'm currently drinking Lagunitas DoppelWeizen. Haven't had a dud from lagunitas yet :love:
I've got a bottle of Deschutes Stoic in the fridge thats going to get opened tonight.

What did you think of it? I had it a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it!

I'm currently drinking Lagunitas DoppelWeizen. Haven't had a dud from lagunitas yet :love:

The Stoic was great! I'm still learning Belgian style beers but I liked Stoic alot. I think I bought the last few in Austin.

Tried a Nommo from Boulevard 7 this weekend that was very good.
The Stoic was great! I'm still learning Belgian style beers but I liked Stoic alot. I think I bought the last few in Austin.

If you haven't already, go get yourself a bottle of Trappiste Rochefort 10...If you enjoyed the Stoic, you will LOVE this...One of my fav's!!!
Sixpoint Autumnation. This stuff is incredible, and I need to find more, since they've already run out.
Enjoying a Clown Shoes Hoppy Feet that I picked up in Vegas last month, wow this is an awesome brew. If you have the chance get this one. I can't wait to open Hoppy Feet 1.5 and Brown Angel from them.
If you haven't already, go get yourself a bottle of Trappiste Rochefort 10...If you enjoyed the Stoic, you will LOVE this...One of my fav's!!!

I'll have to give it a shot!

x2 on Rochefort. It's amazing.

Last night I had an Orkney Skullsplitter with my Padron 2k. I've really been digging how Scotch Ales (Orkney, Belhaven Wee Heavy and Oskar Blues Old Chubb) pair with cigars. I've got a few bottles of Cigar City Big Sound I'm looking forward to opening soon.
If you haven't already, go get yourself a bottle of Trappiste Rochefort 10...If you enjoyed the Stoic, you will LOVE this...One of my fav's!!!

I'll have to give it a shot!

x2 on Rochefort. It's amazing.

Last night I had an Orkney Skullsplitter with my Padron 2k. I've really been digging how Scotch Ales (Orkney, Belhaven Wee Heavy and Oskar Blues Old Chubb) pair with cigars. I've got a few bottles of Cigar City Big Sound I'm looking forward to opening soon.

I had one a couple of weeks ago but had it had a slight funk to it, my guess was it was bad bottle or infected. But was still enjoyable!
Should've went hunting for a Rochefort, but tried a Ranger Creek Mesquite Smoked Porter I had in the fridge instead. Can't seem to get into wood smoked beers.
If you haven't already, go get yourself a bottle of Trappiste Rochefort 10...If you enjoyed the Stoic, you will LOVE this...One of my fav's!!!

I'll have to give it a shot!

x2 on Rochefort. It's amazing.

Last night I had an Orkney Skullsplitter with my Padron 2k. I've really been digging how Scotch Ales (Orkney, Belhaven Wee Heavy and Oskar Blues Old Chubb) pair with cigars. I've got a few bottles of Cigar City Big Sound I'm looking forward to opening soon.

Not sure if they are distributed in your area but check for Moylan's Kilt Lifter, Grand Teton Sheep Eater, Great Divide Claymore, and Ommegang Cup O Kyndnes. All very good!
Not sure if they are distributed in your area but check for Moylan's Kilt Lifter, Grand Teton Sheep Eater, Great Divide Claymore, and Ommegang Cup O Kyndnes. All very good!

Yes on Ommegang (had my eye on Cup O Kyndnes for awhile too), and I can get Yeti, so Claymore should be doable. I'll need to look into Kilt Lifter and Sheep Eater. Thanks for the suggestions!
Should've went hunting for a Rochefort, but tried a Ranger Creek Mesquite Smoked Porter I had in the fridge instead. Can't seem to get into wood smoked beers.

You can get them everywhere...thats the great thing about them. If you cant find one, Ill gladly send you a couple.

Last night opened up a Russian River Temptation with some charcuterie for dinner. Great pairing.
Should've went hunting for a Rochefort, but tried a Ranger Creek Mesquite Smoked Porter I had in the fridge instead. Can't seem to get into wood smoked beers.

You can get them everywhere...thats the great thing about them. If you cant find one, Ill gladly send you a couple.

Last night opened up a Russian River Temptation with some charcuterie for dinner. Great pairing.

I had high hopes for that porter so I hadn't gone any looking for anything else, but I'm going to hit a couple of places tonight looking for the rapidly disappearing Real Ale 15th Anni and I'll bet I find some along the way. Thanks though!
Widmer KGB '11 RIS with a few months on it. Much better when aged a little, as I was not feelin it fresh.
Yesterday had a couple pints of Ladyface Weizenbock that they brewed with pumpkin pie spices. Seriously good stuff! Also had a pint of GF Double Stout. FInished last night off with a February bottle of Older Viscosity. A most excellent beer day.

Tonight, going out for a friend's birthday party. Good chances I'll have one of everything.
Already had a New Belgium Hoptober. Wasn't too bad, but could taste a bit of diacetyl. Could be just me.

Tonight will be either Kern River Class V or the recent 2011 Double Bastard release. I am curious to see how this years batch came out. Last years was a bit too boozy for my tastes, although I have another one in the cellar to see if it mellows..
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