Barrier Brewing SaazSquash. Their description:
SaazSquash!: Butternut squash ale brewed with ginger, honey, and Sichuan peppercorns - 7.7% abv
This beer is amazing...
Red Brick Vanilla Gorilla. A porter aged in whiskey barrels with vanilla beans. I went to the brewery a little while ago when I was in Atlanta and heard about this beer when it was aging, and I had been wanting to try it ever since. Came out pretty darn good.
This weekend had a Lagunitas DoppelWeizen, a Rochefort 10(damned good!), a (512) Three, and a Brooklyn Brewery Sorachi Ace.
I had carlsburg with my friends at my place only yesterday.It was just a normal get to gather.
Buy cigars
Nice! I told ya!
Should've went hunting for a Rochefort, but tried a Ranger Creek Mesquite Smoked Porter I had in the fridge instead. Can't seem to get into wood smoked beers.
Holy shit, you're alive!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!