What beer did you drink today?

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Went through a twelve pack of Shiner Bock and a twelve pack of Lone Star with the father-in-law.
Popped my legal purchasing of nice beer cherry early this morning. Enjoying a cold Warsteiner Premium Verum Pilsner :)
Went to Sheffields on Friday.
On Tap:
1.Surly- Mild
2.Bells - Hopslam
3.Surly - Furious
4.New Holland - Night Tripper

Went to Three Floyds on Sat and had on tap:
1.FFF Slave Princess

At Home
1.Stone: Old Gaurdian
2.Stone: Ruination
3.Founders: Rubaeous
Ballentine Ale, ya fuggin' snobs, :laugh: and had enough money left over to buy some Beer Nuts. :cool:

Ballentine Ale, ya fuggin' snobs, :laugh: and had enough money left over to buy some Beer Nuts. :cool:

Ah...Ballantine...as a Philadelphian, my only association with it was the former Yankees scoreboard that found it's way to Shibe Park/Connie Mack Stadium (always wondered why a NY beer was advertised in a Philly ballpark when we had plenty of breweries of our own):

Rye IPA my buddy made which was fantastic. Smelled like grapes and tasted like grapes. He also made a PTE clone that I had over the weekend, which was out of this world good. It tasted like a cross between PTE and troegs NN. Espresso oak aged yeti now which blew me away.
Rye IPA my buddy made which was fantastic. Smelled like grapes and tasted like grapes. He also made a PTE clone that I had over the weekend, which was out of this world good. It tasted like a cross between PTE and troegs NN. Espresso oak aged yeti now which blew me away.

That PTE clone sounds awesome!! And there is nothing wrong with ending the night with an Oak Aged Yeti. Always excellent.
Rye IPA my buddy made which was fantastic. Smelled like grapes and tasted like grapes. He also made a PTE clone that I had over the weekend, which was out of this world good. It tasted like a cross between PTE and troegs NN. Espresso oak aged yeti now which blew me away.

That PTE clone sounds awesome!! And there is nothing wrong with ending the night with an Oak Aged Yeti. Always excellent.

2oz warrior
2oz chinook
4oz simcoe
4oz Columbus
4oz centennial

7.4% abv

2oz warrior
2oz chinook
4oz simcoe
4oz Columbus
4oz centennial

7.4% abv


That's some serious hops.. Whats the rest of the recipe? This sounds interesting, I'm looking for the next batch.
Had a Alesmith IPA after I got home from class last night. Thanks, Cali Mike!
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