What beer did you drink today?

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WILD BLUE, Blue Dog Brewing (Baldwinsville, NY) A blueberry lager, and boy is this heavy on the blueberry!!

The beer is purple with a foamy purple head, and tastes like spiked blueberry soda.

"Violet, you're turning violet, Violet!!"

Edit to add: If you're thinking of trying this stuff, pass it up for ANYTHING else, just run to the closest other beer.
Tonight has been an Imperial IPA night:

Bell's Hopslam
Lagunitas Hop Stoopid

I may put down a few cans of Dale's Pale Ale to round off the night.
Started off early today...for lunch I had a Kalamazoo Stout, which was delicious. One of the creamiest, smoothest milk stouts I've ever had.

While cooking dinner I had a Manderin Nectar from Alpine. Really nice easy drinking brew. It was like a light pilsner but with manderin orange and honey flavors. Light in taste but not in ABV @ 6.5% the 22 socked me sideways. Nice crisp taste and a clear orange color. Drinkablity was very easy...I see this more of a summer beer then spring.

While having some mexican food for dinner, I popped open Ithica Brute ... mmm yummy! Nice and sour reminded me of a Consecration without the currents.

Edit: spelling
Wife brought home a huge tray of Sushi last night and had the following to go along with it....

Bomber of Nugget Nectar............ Smells and taste just like Grapefruit Juice. I think I like it better slightly warm.
A River Horse Oatmeal Milk Stout.........Wish I bought more when I had the chance.

A year ago I only liked the dark stuff, but I can see I'm developing a taste for the bitterness and aroma of Hops.
Name: Hercules Double IPA
Origin: Great Divide Brewing Co. Denver, Colorado
ABV: 10%



650 mL of this baby will leave you feeling pretty good for the rest of the night. Very hoppy and smooth. Great aftertaste and a great palate cleanser for a heavy meal like steak.

Ommegang and Arrogant Bastard tonight.

Dogfish Head 60 Minute yesterday.

The local Giant Eagle down the street just started carrying microbrews. This could be trouble. :rolleyes:
Had me some sweet sweet Nugget Nectar of the Gods. Oh. Ma. God.

Oh, and some Black Butte Special Edition stout. It was awesome.
Had a gig Saturday night and the bar had Surly Furious on tap. I must say it was much better than I remember it from the can.

I also tried a beer from Fulton. www.fultonbeer.com I didn't think to ask which brew it was but I believe it was a pale ale or equivilant. Really tasty! :love:

Anyone tried Fulton before? Their website is really slow to load but I'm certain it's a pretty limited distribution.

I'm on Nugget Nectar #3 for the evening. These 2 cases are going to go far too quickly.
Nothing fancy...Guinness Stout

I also had a Guinness Stout the other night. I had only ever tried the Guiness Draught bottles with the little widget in them before and never liked them. The Draught always tasted really water downed to me and didn't seem nearly full enough. The normal bottle on the other hand I thought was exactly what the Draught bottle should have been. The flavor was a ton better and I really enjoyed it. The head on the regular wasn't as impressive, but I didn't mind since I actually wanted to drink more than one sip.
River Horse Brewers Reserve Oatmeal Milk Stout Ale Redux

This was a surprisingly good beer! I have got to get some more before it disappears.
Had a Schafly Coffee Stout and working on a Three Floyd's Gumballhead... going down smooth after a tough week.
Saranac Pomegranate Wheat (better than it sounds, but not very pomegranate-y)
Sweetwater 420 ... I really enjoyed this. Followed by Terrapin Hopsicutioner...mmmm and next Sam Smith IPA.

Thanks Darin!
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