What beer did you drink today?

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Trying my first "milk stout," a Sam Adams Cream Stout with a Paddy 1926 robusto. Meh so far, the beer that is...
Drinking a Boulevard Unfiltered Wheat. Not a bad beer to go with the fish I had for supper.
Furthermore Knot Stock, the ale brewed with black pepper. I love this beer, but still long for a brewery to hit the shelves with a good peppercorn ale. Must... start... brewing... my own beer.
Furthermore Knot Stock, the ale brewed with black pepper. I love this beer, but still long for a brewery to hit the shelves with a good peppercorn ale. Must... start... brewing... my own beer.

The BrewErie has permanently removed Rocket Red from the recipe list. It was a disappointing brew. It was good fresh off the tap, but didn't age (or travel) well, as you're aware.
Nothing yet today, but last night I enjoyed a bottle of Chimay Grande Reserve....Sadly no cigar to go with it...
Tonight at the Flying Saucer:

Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout on draft - wow much creamier than out of the bottle
Saint Arnold Winter Stout
Oskar Blues Dale's Pale Ale

Good stuff.
Tonight at the Flying Saucer:

Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout on draft - wow much creamier than out of the bottle
Saint Arnold Winter Stout
Oskar Blues Dale's Pale Ale

Good stuff.

See I would gladly trade you places .. I wish we had BCS on tap here!
Just bought some Hobgoblin Dark English Ale...then I'm going to try some Coney Island Lager.
Had my first pint of Moose Drool last night before the Kings game. Very nice. Dark and malty without being overbearing. Had a little lightness about it. Reminded me of a mild Black Butte. Speaking of which, I think I might crack open a bottle of BB tonight.
Shiner Smokehouse mesquite smoked beer. Wow. I think I need to give this its own special post!
- Red Tail Amber Ale, Mendocino Brewing Company (Saratoga, NY) -- Very good!

- Warm Welcome Nut Browned Ale, Ridgeway Brewing (Oxford, UK) -- meh, not bad.
Had a couple of Edmund Fitzgeral porters while brewing up my first batch of ale.
Been drinking the shit out of my homebrewed Kolsch. It's way in the back of the kegerator so I haven't tried checking, but it has to be getting low.
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