Anchor OSA 09 tastes like jasmine...very weird and I can't stomach it. I have around 3 left and can't bring myself to drink them. It has no roasty/porter flavors and tastes like flowers to me. Very weird...
OSA 09 is definitely different than OSA 08. Can't really decide which is better. Don't get jasmine but totally agree with you, the 2008 is much more porter/stout qualities.
Goose Island Bourbon County Stout! :love: Damn this beer was GOOD! I think it's my new second favorite behind Westy 12 and Founder's KBS. I have got to get some more before it disappears. I was attempting to get a growler of it and missed it by a few days!

Maybe next time.
The GI BCS you had, is this the new 2009 version that comes in a bomber?