Had a "Just Outstanding IPA", this one is a sleeper folks ... very good for $4 for a 22oz, can't beat this one. Man was this a nice brew, it is so drinkable I didn't realize I finished the bottle in the first quarter of Monday Night Football. I was licking the bottle top to get some more. I have to say it may be better then Hop Stoopid.
Also had an Old Rasputin XII, not as complex as I was hoping but very good! It was just like the regular Old Rasputin with bourbon flavors. Pretty pricey for a 500ml if you ask me, this was not worth $22-25 a bottle more like $13-15.
Edit: I have one more so I may just hold on to for a while see if anything develops from aging it...highly doubt it! OR maybe I could blend it with a Flat Abbey's AS Brandy 2008...hmmm that could be interesting .....