What’s Your Latest Purchase - 2022

Well, speak of the devil, if you like those Corey, CP is having a sale on them right now.. Requiems and all:

And it's certainly a great price and a lot less than what I paid for my boxes. Only good this weekend though.
Sweet I’ll check them out now
And one last thread jack before I post goodies I got today. I didn't want @JoeGibs to think I forgot about him when posting sale prices:

dude sweet! I just went in on three fivers! thanks buddy!!!!!!!! Ha! CP is like my AA to get off the gurks.

The EPC dark rituals will be my first EPC, but I wont get to try it for a while. I'm giving them some time to rest before I light one up. I got that box of 10 for a steal at I think 34 bucks shipped. The undercrown maduros I got the box of 10 for I think 45 shipped. Hopefully I don't hate either of them, but can't be worse than my gurks.
Little bit of, uhhh... ploom, you got going on there. ;)

I debated saying something.. it's barely worth licking a finger to wipe it.. but yeah, probably should check out the ones underneath just to play it safe.
Little bit of, uhhh... ploom, you got going on there. ;)
Hadn’t noticed that. Can’t see it with the naked eye really. Went and checked them all and they seem ok. Here it is up close. Didn’t seem to wipe off either.
I’ll hit it with some distilled and nano silver tonight when I get home tonight, just in case.