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Just fired up my second bowl of Pegasus.
Drinking a Negra Modelo.
Celebrating my getting the AC back up and running. Dual capacitor decided to take a shit this afternoon. Of course, it picks the hottest day of the year so far. Called a couple of my good customers and one had a capacitor that I traded for a fiver of CC.
House is back down to 73 and no worries about my humidor becoming a moldador.
The majority of pipe smokers are people with morals, dignity, honesty, integrity. On the contrary, the people on the Hygienist Anti-pipe smoking Committee are people without morals and honour, people who are insidious and evil who use dishonest means. The Cafes were to open last week, this was the agreement and we followed the rules as real Men but the committee's rats managed to convince politicians that "it is good for the public good" not to open for another 2 weeks. They were sentenced us still to smoke our pipe on the benches in parks and squares and we know they were laughing at us but i will remind to these wicked people two explicitly: "Whoever waits gets everything" and "Whoever laughs last laughs better".
I am smoking Planta No1 in a Brebbia, double espresso beside me trying to stay calm while looking what the Mother-Nature offer to us.
Gentlemen, no matter how hard the Enemy (the Hygienist Anti-Pipe Smoking Committee) tried to postpone the date, tomorrow, May 25, the cafes will open (outdoor space only). It won't be the same as before (fewer people-the tables at a greater distance, etc.) but it's a start. No matter what they do, they can't stop us, we will smoke our pipe in public with coffee and Kompoloi until the end, we will never give up the fight!