Anybody have anything else to say? I am not going anywhere, so don't be afraid to say what is on your mind.
AND, for the record, this is exactly why I haven't gotten involved here except to do some purchases. Everytime someone on this site does something even remotely close to abnormal, the entire board jumps to the offensive and slaughters them. I am on this site every single day since November of last year, (have Rob the cigar god check) but I am ashamed to post anything other than my credit card information because of the banter coming out of most of your mouths. I only got started here because a particular individual I know used to sell some very high end-collectible sticks here (Ashton estate Reserves, etc.)and I was a buyer. But, what do you know, he doesn't even post here anymore.
Yeah, I have something to say. First off, fellow Noob (yes- you are here, REGARDLESS of any other board action)... chill. There's a saying- Read more, Post less. However, since you're only here to buy, I wouldn't expect you to observe that great little tidbit of info. The main purpose of this site is to foster trades, passes and camaraderie between cigar lovers and BOTL. To join just to buy, and not get involved int he true BOTL activities, is a real shame and waste of joining. Being ashamed to post is more than enough reason to stop visiting.
Ok... you say when someone does something remotely abnormal, the ENTIRE board slaughters them? Bit of an exaggeration, is it not? two things-
one: what is the board supposed to do, let the remotely abnormal thing become a somewhat abnormal thing, then a really abnormal thing, and finally a totally abnormal thing? it's called looking out for your fellow BOTL.
two: Most of the 'board' that 'slaughters' the offender are in fact the FOG's, the trusted members that watch out for us nooblers and make sure we don't get screwed as we learn our way thru the maze of cigars, vendors and traders. Personally, thank God for them. I have been screwed, and since joining here that has dropped off to NIL. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Why? the 'remotely abnormal' were brought to the light and slaughtered.
And the banter from most of our mouths? Again, something you may want to restate. Not a nice thing to say about a group of board members that you may want to buy from, trade with or get in a pass with.
"Rob the cigar god"? As you have found out, it's Rod. And call me crazy, but that sure sounded like a snide comment. Rod runs a great board here, which I call home, and snide comments like that won't win any friends. Tip: add a smiley to show a jesting comment, just don't go overboard with them or you'll be limited in their use like George is! :laugh: <-
note the smiley
And if it is NOT a jesting comment, again, more than enough reason to leave.
And your friend doesn't sell here anymore? gee, wonder why... maybe it was remotely abnormal in some way?
Sorry- I normally don't get too riled up, as I let the FOG's handle that and I in
no way consider myself one. But I just had a grueling day at work watching some of the worst movies ever produced, so I'm a little cranky.
Hope this gets settled, and if you sincerely want to hang around and join some trades, passes and buys, then by all means do. Just "Read More, Post Less" for awhile, get known in a GOOD way, and enjoy your stay.
If not, there's the door.
Edited for bolds