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Viejo paso de los miembros

who can forget... Viva la Revolucion!
Different angle here... an artsy-fartsy shot I took in Mexico. No one woudl smoke a cigar with me, but my buddy 'fish'
and my most memorable cigar moment pre-cigarpass. In Spain with the in-laws, on a deck of the condo, next to the Mediterranean at sunset, a glass of Brandy and smoking what I thought was a Cuban. Thinking 'what's all the fuss about - this thing sucks!' Researching them a little more lead me to CigarPass...

Bargogirl called and said the package arrived; I’m stuck at the office so I get to be distracted for the next couple of hours (as if I wasn’t already).

Thank you Devin and Tone-ny!

Man what a hard task, so many of my personal favorites!

Devin posted some of the guys I really like but he wasn't part of it or was he????

Honorable Mention:

Grateful1: Summertime - Tumbaito: DC#01038555749947750119

Emodx: Mediterranean Sundance - Pacu de Lucia, John McGlaughlin, Al di Meola: DC#01038555749990443273

3rd Place:

MattR: Corporal - All we got: Sending to a special BOTL DC# 01038555749969210660

2nd Place:

Preembargo: Randy Rhoads - Crazy Train: DC#01038555749906173263

1st Place:

Allofus123: Paul Gilbert - Live Solo

Please PM me your addresses for the Honorable mentions and 2nd and 3rd prizes.

Devin thanks for letting me be the judge of your contest :thumbs:

Here are the DC#'s for the prizes, enjoy gentlemen