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Viejo paso de los miembros

Box is at my office. I scooted out yesterday before it got there. It wouldn't have fit in the Ferrari anyway. LOL! Stopped by and got my birthday cigar from cohibasurfer (Thanks Bro!!!) and my hat from Rob (Thanks Dude!!) on my way through today. Will do puts and takes Monday and get it back out soon as humanly posible.

Your welcome mi hermano!
Gentlemen, another contest. :)

This one is for the best cigar related photo/video/audio.
It will run from 6:00 AM EST 4/9/07 to 6:00 PM EST 4/12/07.

Kenny has most graciously accepted my invitation to judge this contest........

You bunch of slackers.... I expected bribes by now. :sign: :D

Devin - I was sent a PM asking if this contest was open to everyone or just the pass participants. I'm pretty sure I know the answer but if you wouldn't mind.

About the only other thing I'd like to add before we kick this show on the road is to please mark any photo/video/audio post with NSFW if appropriate. I don't want to be opening the big titty lady rolling a cigar in her breast video (figure someone will end up posting it :D ) with the grandkids running around.
Once upon a time I used to be an "eventer" which in the horse world is 1. Dressage 2. Cross-Country 3. Open Jumping. You compete in all 3. My forte' was open jumper. I detested the dressage part because both my horse and I thought it was boring. But this one isn't so boring:


Outstanding! :)

Kenny, all members are more than welcome. Best of luck to all!

Pete, something's up in Fenderville. ;)

Joe, would you please pick one number, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13.

Thank you

No picture?

Arguing against loosening sanctions against Cuba last year, DeLay warned that Fidel Castro "will take the money. Every dime that finds its way into Cuba first finds its way into Fidel Castro's blood-thirsty hands.... American consumers will get their fine cigars and their cheap sugar, but at the cost of our national honor." DeLay has long been one of Congress' most vocal critics of what he calls Castro's "thugocracy," which is why some sharp-eyed TIME readers were surprised last week to see a photo of the Majority Leader smoking one of Cuba's best—a Hoyo de Monterrey double corona, which generally costs about $25 when purchased overseas and is not available in this country. The cigar's label clearly states that it was made in "Habana."