Ok, its about a Jedi mind trick. I guess if I have to explain the punch line, it isn't worth it.
I'd be willing to bet I'm not the only one here who has no idea what you're talking about including the fact that you were talking about "Star Wars" reference in the first place. Now I know it may seem impossible to you but there ARE indeed people out there in the world who have never seen that movie. I've seen Star Wars twice the last time being a long time ago and I didn't really like the movie so it's plot, story and fantasy lines didn't exactly stick in my long term memory.
Once again, if you want to say something, how about resisting the urge of trying to be too clever for your own good because this is a pattern with you around here.
It is entirely probable that others aren't getting my humor, but you're the only one so far care enough to bring it to light. The only pattern seems to be between you and me. Are you taking this personally, or are you perhaps concerned for my reputation?
I'm not "taking anything personally" smurf.

There are lots of people who have no idea what you're talking about many times either but they just ignore you. I actually do indeed care what you're trying to say which is why I ask you to please explain it and all you ever seem to want to do is continue to talk in circles and avoid answering simple questions.
For at least the third time, can you please explain what you meant with your original post which was:
These are not the droids you're looking for....move along....move along.
because honestly, I cannot make any sense out of it.
Not the case Mr. Clemons, I just can't be bantered into an argument that I don't need/want to be in. CC can jab at me all he wants while quoting me in other posts....it still ain't gonna happen.
Hmmmm, that would be the first time in the last 24 hours that you haven't had some mindless banter to add to a discussion. :laugh:
Hmmm...sorry MMM, I haven't seen you on line since I've been here the last three months...that is till CC needed help fighting his useless battle. You were saying?
Damn, you're an arrogant, insufferable little prick, aren't you? Just man up and admit your mistake and stop taking your immature shots at people.