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Today's Smoke 2024

A guy I work with said he loves these. He watched the first one, the next thing he knew it was 3am and he was done with the series.

It's pretty outrageous. A "best of the best of the BEST" special ops team gets utterly wasted at their post-op bash in Vegas .... and then the mission turns out to STILL BE ON. So drunk off their asses, loaded with party drugs & tripping balls, they do what they do. Because 'Murica! 🤣

Every content warning in the book on every episode. TONS of action. Lots of naked. And they bicker like it's junior high. 😏

First Mi Querida, with some WR Double Oaked. Y'all weren't wrong. Tasty smoke! The Casa Fuente, of course, was spectacular as always.

Watched Bionic, a French cyberpunk movie. Interesting, not great, but I'm a huge cyberpunk fan so if they make one, I'm going to watch. Like when all of us SF peeps would watch movies with rubber suit Godzillas and claymation monsters because if you were a fan, that is just What. You. Did. 🤣

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