Today's Smoke 2023

These Partagas SD 2 EL’s from 2003 are the most aromatic Cubans I’ve ever come across. When you open the box lid the rich dark tobacco smell and cedar just permeate the air. Now that I have removed my head from inside the box it’s time to smoke one of these bad boys and unwind.

I didn't have time to take pics of my smokes today.. BUT, I did take a pic of my contribution to Cigars for Warriors that I dropped off today. A big thanks to today's organizer, my buddy David.. call sign, Merlin. Happy 4th all!! 🥳🎆🇺🇲

Alec Bradley Magic Toast is my night cap with a glass of Blanton’s. Happy Independence Day!

Also Steve, I frequently share this screenshot with new members to help with posting pics, it makes it so they're not thumbnails:


The actual forum software itself has a lot of functionality to it, but you'll get that down soon enough and just ask if you need to. 👍
Also Steve, I frequently share this screenshot with new members to help with posting pics, it makes it so they're not thumbnails:

View attachment 70037

The actual forum software itself has a lot of functionality to it, but you'll get that down soon enough and just ask if you need to. 👍
Got it sir. Thank u for the details.
Smoking encore majestic e.p. carrillo in the pouring rain. Because I earned it today after walking 20km due to a code red heavy storm.


His box set looks amazing but the quality control is all over the place. Wrappers have seen better times in the previous singles I've been buying.


🎵 CODE GEASS Akito the Exiled Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 1- Ichiko Hashimoto🎵
*love everything this woman has produces especially 1984's Beauty